Insomnia, dreams, easy to wake up? Try these methods to help you improve your symptoms

Nowadays, many people suffer from insomnia. Taking melatonin and sleeping pills on a daily basis is also harmful to the body. Today, I recommend some ways to improve insomnia. There is a need for liver meridian collection!

Based on clinical practice and hypnotic effectiveness, Shanghai Shen's Women's Department summarizes insomnia into , yin deficiency, fire, and hyperactivity , and phlegm and blood stasis disturbance, and distinguishes deficiency and stasis as essential

Deficiency or blood deficiency, the fire is mainly heart fire and liver fire.

Comprehensive application of hypnotism

comprehensive treatment is a characteristic treatment of Chinese medicine, which has quite a curative advantage. The so-called "comprehensive" refers to diet therapy, physical therapy, phototherapy, hydrotherapy, psychotherapy, art therapy, and various other non-drug therapies in addition to medication.

1. Treatment

Diet has a great influence on sleep. This is the "stomach discord and restlessness" mentioned in " Huangdi Neijing". The reasons for "stomach discord" are summarized as follows: Two items: One is over-satisfaction with dinner, especially the bad habit of "supper", eating too much, congestion in the stomach, relatively ischemia of the brain, causing difficulty falling asleep or having more dreams while lying down. The second is excessive fat and sweetness, which is difficult to digest, which increases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and makes it difficult for people to sleep.

●Foods that affect falling asleep mainly include:

Tea, coffee, leeks, green onion, ginger, lamb, dog meat, shrimp, crabs, silkworm pupa, offal,


The main foods are:

Poria , Chinese yam, wild jujube kernels, Shouwu , lily, lotus meat, , Chinese cinnamon , _span_span2 , Chrysanthemum, hawthorn, orange peel, wheat germ, radish seeds, tomatoes, soy milk, peanuts, eggs.

●4 recipes for hypnosis:

Wuzi Dengke Soup:

wolfberry 10g, malt 20g, lotus 20g, barley 10g, washed and red jujube 10g, rinsed and used 10g raw shouwu powder is thickened and eaten into a soup, sweet eaters put appropriate amount of rock sugar, salty eaters put appropriate amount of salt and sesame oil. Don't put sugar and monosodium glutamate.

Chrysanthemum tranquil drink:

Chrysanthemum 10g, raw hawthorn 30g, orange peel 20g, washed and soaked in cold water for more than 1 hour, after boiling, remove the residue and store water, add appropriate amount of honey, drink it cold or hot.

Red Crown Snow Bud:

Cotoneaster 10g Wash and soak softly, pick the radish seeds, rinse the sprouts, rinse and add seasoning according to taste.

Immortal porridge:

30g wheat, 10 red dates, 20g Poria, 100g barley, clean and cook the porridge for consumption.

2. Physical therapy

Physical therapy hypnosis is best for indoor walks and Tai Chi. Relaxation, stability, and balance are the three essentials. Take a walk for 10 minutes before going to bed to help you fall asleep quietly. Before going to bed, Taijiquan adopts Chen's simple twenty-four styles, which should be "intentional" (mental concentration), "regulation of breath" (even breathing), and "movement" (balanced body).

3. Phototherapy

Light energy can adjust the function of various tissues and organs through the reflection of central nervous system . These are all conducive to hypnosis. The phototherapy time should be selected from 9 to 10 in the morning, and the time should not exceed 15 minutes.

4. Hydrotherapy

There are 3 types of hydrotherapy: cold bath, mineral bath and sea bath.

●Cold water bath helps to enhance cardiovascular function,Promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve digestion, and have a hypnotic effect. You can use cold water face bath and cold water foot bath.

Mineral bath is also called hot spring bath. Its warmness can promote the expansion of capillaries and speed up blood circulation. The mechanical buoyancy and static pressure in the hot spring can be used for massage. The chemical components in mineral springs also have medicinal effects on the human body. Such as sulfur can relieve fatigue, and magnesium has a calming effect.

●The temperature difference between seawater and the human body is like a cold bath. Various salts in the seawater adhere to the skin and stimulate nerve endings, which can improve immune function, improve blood circulation and metabolism of the skin, and have a calming and sleeping effect. .

5. Psychotherapy

Seven emotions are often the main cause of insomnia, and the implementation of psychiatric therapy is the main guarantee of hypnosis. You must maintain a comfortable and happy mood, calm and calm your mind, avoid panic, restrain anger, and balance your mind. Nothingness is inevitable.

6. Art Therapy

Entertainment is a noble literary activity, which can cultivate interest, relax nerves, and has a good hypnotic effect. Art therapy is to participate in various cultural activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health, to broaden your mind, to transfer depression, to calm anger, and to facilitate peaceful sleep.

There is another way to hypnotize:

Longpu drink: raw keel 30g, stone calamus 10g, decoct water to make juice, make white chrysanthemum.

Pointer: Shiatsu before going to bed Shenmen , Sanyinjiao, Zhongwan, Shenmai , Zhaohai .

Foot soak: Poria 15g, fried jujube seed 30g, night vine 30g,Decoction, soak your feet for 15 minutes before going to bed, and put it in a pedicure instrument at the same time the effect of pedicure is better.

Qigong: Lying gong, intending to guard the dantian, relax the body and mind, and fall asleep peacefully.

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