Joke 1: The newlywed Xiaoqiao's wife complained to her husband, "Why did you never fight back in the last two quarrels and just let me do it? You will quarrel with me so fiercely this time." The husband was full of grievances. He said, "Because it's only three things." Joke 2: He

Joke 1: Things can only be done in three ways

The newly married Xiaoqiao’s wife complained to her husband, “Why didn’t you fight back the last two times we quarreled, and you just let me, and you will quarrel with me so fiercely this time?”

The husband said with full of grievance, "Because there are only three things to do."

Joke 2: Little appetite, big stomach

There was a couple who didn't look very coordinated. The husband was thin and tall, 1.8 meters tall, while the wife was short and tall. Fat, one meter six, one hundred and sixty.

On this day, the husband saw his wife picking up a bowl of rice again.

 The wife defended herself and said, "Actually, I don't have a big appetite."

 "You don't have a big appetite, but you have a big stomach."

 Joke 3: The teacher said that lying is not a good boy.

On this day, a family of three was sitting on the coffee table.

The mother looked at her son with a serious face, "Honestly, what did you see?"

The child pointed to the clock on the wall, "I saw dad hiding the money behind the clock."

The father could only wish to scold him. His eyes fell on his son.

The next day, only the father and son were at home.

 The father asked his son, "Why did you tell your mother?"

 "Because the teacher said, children cannot lie."

 There is no need to act like a good student in this kind of thing, child, you can lie.