1. After I got my driver’s license, I took my best friend out for a walk. Suddenly, an old man in front of me fell to the ground. Just when I was at a loss, my best friend pulled me and cried and shouted: "Brake! Brake! How many people have you killed today?" It's over!" I saw th

2024/06/1915:49:36 funny 1818

1. After I got my driver’s license, I took my best friend out for a walk. Suddenly, an old man in front of me fell to the ground. Just when I was at a loss, my best friend pulled me and cried and shouted:

1. After getting my driver's license, I took my best friend out for a walk. Suddenly, an old man in front of me fell to the ground. Just when I was at a loss, my best friend pulled me and cried and shouted: "Brake! Brake! You will be killed today." How many!" I saw the uncle doing a backflip and disappearing.

2. Trypophobia

went to the hospital to get an injection, and it turned out that it was a trainee nurse. After a long time of injection, I fainted after taking one look at it.

After waking up, she asked me: "What, are you dizzy?" I said: "No, I have trypophobia."

3. Height difference

A girl in the dormitory was 158 centimeters tall, but she found a girl who was 192 centimeters tall. boyfriend. One day it rained and she felt depressed after returning from the library. We asked her what was wrong, and she said depressedly: "When we left the library, there was water outside. There was a couple in front of us. The man hugged the woman across the puddle, but he looked at me and even tickled me with .

1. After I got my driver’s license, I took my best friend out for a walk. Suddenly, an old man in front of me fell to the ground. Just when I was at a loss, my best friend pulled me and cried and shouted:

4.Who comes first?

The son asked: "Why can we only say that the son looks like the father, but not the father like the son?"

I said: "Let me ask you, the father comes first?" Or the son first? "

"Of course, the son comes first, then the father." The son said confidently, "After mom gave birth to me, you became the father."

. I feel like I didn't call

to go on a blind date. , chatted with the girl for two hours. Afterwards, the introducer asked him: "How do you feel?"

The young man said: "I feel pretty good. I guess the girl fell in love with me, and she even touched up her makeup twice during the process."

The introducer was very happy and asked again How did the girl feel? The girl replied: "Oh... it was so boring. I almost fell asleep, so I went to the bathroom and washed my face twice. After each wash, I had to put on makeup again."

6. Repot

The weekend department manager asked us a few A subordinate came to his home for dinner, and the leader personally cooked, washing, cutting, frying, and plating all at once, and then poured it into the pot again. I suddenly realized: "Oh, the leader is indeed a feast! Don't re-cook the twice-cooked pork once." The leader was silent for a while and replied: "I just forgot to sprinkle the salt."

1. After I got my driver’s license, I took my best friend out for a walk. Suddenly, an old man in front of me fell to the ground. Just when I was at a loss, my best friend pulled me and cried and shouted:

7. Is it worth the money?

My brother is 5 years old this year, especially Delicate and prone to crying.

One day he suddenly asked me: "If one day our family has no money, will your parents sell you or me?"

I said without hesitation: "I will definitely sell you."

本I thought he would cry after hearing this, but he grinned: "I knew you were worthless."

8. Hands-free

Agua broke up with his girlfriend.

Agua asked his girlfriend: "Do you think our relationship can be saved?"

his girlfriend replied: "It's just a phone call!"

Agua asked: "Is it a replay?"

his girlfriend replied: "No, it's free. Mention. "

9. Open book exam

I have a college classmate who said that you can bring any reference materials for their German open book exam, but there is no indication that you can only bring paper materials, so the senior brought a German over.

1. After I got my driver’s license, I took my best friend out for a walk. Suddenly, an old man in front of me fell to the ground. Just when I was at a loss, my best friend pulled me and cried and shouted:

10. Reasons for working the night shift

I have never worked the night shift, but today I was assigned to the night shift. I asked the leader: "Why have I been assigned to the night shift?" The leader said: "The senior leaders will come to inspect tomorrow, and the day shift must be retained. Several good-looking and ugly ones were assigned to the night shift. "

11. My considerate deskmate

I once had a crush on my deskmate and secretly tightened the lid of her water glass so that she would ask me to help him. Unscrewed.

When I graduated, she said to me: "Actually, I have always known that it was you, but I didn't tell you."

I was about to confess my feelings after hearing this, but she continued: "Because I think you are not good at studying and you are not good-looking." It’s also ugly. I need to strengthen my hand strength so that I won’t lose at the starting line when carrying bricks in the future.”

12. I don’t think about eating and drinking.

was chatting with a friend. The friend said: “I miss you so much. I have been busy these days when you are not here.” I have lost a lot of weight without thinking about food."

I said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

looked at me with doubtful eyes, and then my friend said frankly: "Okay, I don't have money to eat, so I'll help you. ."

1. After I got my driver’s license, I took my best friend out for a walk. Suddenly, an old man in front of me fell to the ground. Just when I was at a loss, my best friend pulled me and cried and shouted:

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