I sent a WeChat message to my dad, saying that I was heartbroken. The next day, he called me and asked me to have a meal. I asked him: "Who is there?" Dad hesitated for a while and said: "Just the two of us. I won't take your mother. You just Lovelorn, it’s not okay for me to sho

2024/05/2711:18:33 funny 1185

I sent a WeChat message to my dad, saying that I was heartbroken. The next day, he called me and asked me to have a meal. I asked him:

I sent a WeChat message to my dad, saying that I was lovelorn.
The next day, he called me and asked me to have a meal. I asked him: "Who is there?"
Dad hesitated for a while and said: "Just the two of us, I won't take your mother, you I just fell out of love, so I brought my wife to show off my affection in front of you. It’s not okay!”


I have a classmate who is in a classmate WeChat group and has not spoken since the group was established. A classmate of
made statistics and found that a total of 585 red envelopes were distributed in the group three months after the group was established. This guy did not miss any red envelopes and received all the red envelopes.
So everyone denounced them in the group, and he spoke weakly: "My wife is very strict. I basically rely on grabbing red envelopes to make my cigarette money and pocket money. Thank you classmates for your sponsorship... Haha!"

heard on the bus A conversation between two schoolchildren. One said: "The mid-term exam is coming soon."
Another said: "Yeah, if I didn't show my skills to the teacher during the mid-term exam, he would think he was a good teacher..."

The teacher said: "Everyone knows that garbage classification There are two types: recyclable and non-recyclable. Do you know which ones are recyclable and which ones are non-recyclable?"
Xiao Ming replied quietly: "It's very simple, just sit next to the trash can and see which garbage is taken out. It’s recyclable if you leave.”

My girlfriend proposed breaking up with me, and at my request, she agreed to watch the last movie with me.
I have been preparing for this for a long time, and I even watched the movie by myself first. The purpose of
is to spoil the story while watching it with her!

Two boys were discussing Hua Mulan about her father joining the army.
A said disapprovingly: "Since Hua Mulan is a woman, she lived with a group of men day and night in the army, dressing, eating, bathing, and sleeping together. In fact, the truth will be revealed soon."
B said with disdain. Said: "Idiot! Who do you think would be willing to report her!"

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