@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852.

2024/05/3013:39:32 funny 1953

July 05, 2022

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

was actually ridiculed by an ice cream

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

#Even a fool's card)#

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@大头和his friends:

People have to face many detours in their lives, and you have to face them every time. Very accurate choice The most curved one.

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

The speed is 70mph~

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

Another fulfilling day

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

I accidentally sent the dog photo to the work group, and the group was...

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

feels like it will taste very good...

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@李三典: The reason why

is in When drinking outside, in addition to enjoying drinking, more importantly, I enjoy spending time relaxing with people I feel comfortable with.

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@鲁北 poet:

Several states of split personality in daily life:

Lively and cheerful in front of family members, well-behaved and dignified in front of relatives, carefree in front of friends, introverted and indifferent in front of outsiders, pretending to be passionate in front of work, and revealing one's true colors in front of delicious food.

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ Cold knowledge bot:

The abbreviation of the Harbin depot of China Railway Harbin Bureau Group Co., Ltd. is "Haha". Every railway freight train completed here must be painted with "Haha" at designated locations on both sides of the car body. Ha ha".

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews


Good morning, please read with me

"I am a good person, I am a bit pretty, I have a good personality, I have better friends, even if I don’t have friends around me, I I live a comfortable life alone, my life is peaceful, I am worth it, I feel happy because of myself!”

Me: When the weather gets better, I want to go out to play. I want to go to the beach, go to parties, and feel the hot energy.

now: forget it.

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

I just bought ice cream and when I asked about the fourth one, the boss finally told me that the one dollar you want is here.

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

How deeply do outsiders misunderstand erhuayin

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

See you tomorrow

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

Top Fanxue | Last year today852

July 05, 2021

I have no creative inspiration recently. . . .


To live is to be addicted to something, otherwise there will be no feeling of living

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

Top-level learning!

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

When I was a child, I saw my father working very hard, so I secretly made up my mind that I would definitely stop working when I grow up.

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

#It’s time to resign#

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

What’s up with the cold sweat in the summer

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@Have you bought salt today

Every Monday, I feel so sleepy that I haven’t slept for three days. How could this happen? Didn’t you just catch up on your sleep on the weekend!

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

How could there be such a novel? ?The male protagonist is 192, the female protagonist is 158. The breeze blows, and the tips of the female protagonist's hair sweep across the male protagonist's cheek. . .

#Maybe it’s a typhoon#

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

#Realistic version of Cyclone Charge Tornado#

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews


I am becoming more and more accepting of my mediocrity. I also figured out that how other people live has little to do with me, so I won’t No matter how much I try to follow anyone, I will still feel envious, but no matter how good the other person is, I don’t want to be her. There are too many excellent people in the world, and I don’t want to be excellent. I want to live comfortably every day. What I want in my life~

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@rosehip and almond

Surfing experience: When you meet a netizen you can chat with online, you must quickly add your personal contact information. Don't feel embarrassed, don't think that the time has not come, don't believe that the future is long. Communicate more, give each other gifts, and twist the affection floating in the cyberspace into a thread that allows you to intersect with reality to some extent. Because once an online friend disappears, it is really like a piece of ice melting into the sea.

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

#should be called cherry tomato cake milk tea#

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

In fact, the dating corner in the park is an entertainment activity for middle-aged and elderly people, similar to the pets elves played by young people? Each other will take out the elves that they have raised for many years and compete with each other. If they meet something interesting, they will agree to merge together.

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

See you tomorrow

@ LiuSanBian: The reason why I drink outside is not only because I like to drink, but more importantly, I like to relax for a while with people who are comfortable with me. Top common learning | Last year and today 852. - DayDayNews

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