Hi guys! I am a kitten from "Kitten Loves the Kitchen", and I meet you again today to share life, food, and happiness! Today, Mao Mao brings you a dish that we Sichuan people often like to eat: the recipe of "Ginger Duck". This dish is simple to make, has a rich aroma, is spicy a

2024/07/0201:51:32 food 1394

Hi @everyone! I am a kitten from "Kitten Loves the Kitchen", and I meet you again today to share life, food, and happiness! Today, Mao Mao brings you a dish that we Sichuanese often like to eat: " Ginger Duck " recipe. This dish is simple to make, has a rich aroma, is spicy and refreshing, and is especially appetizing. It can be eaten with food or drinks. Today I share it with you. If you like it, you can give it a try.

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Duck has high nutritional value and is rich in vitamins, which can replenish qi, , nourish yin and nourish blood. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, duck meat is a good material for removing internal heat, so it is most suitable to eat duck meat in summer. Season, ginger is also on the market in large quantities during this season. Ginger is the best time to make and eat it on hot days, as it can remove moisture from the body. Therefore, duck meat and ginger are used together to make and eat it in summer. Very suitable and very delicious.

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Ginger duck is a traditional Sichuan dish, using duck as the main ingredient. The duck meat is tender and delicious, rich in nutritional value, can reduce fat and lose weight, and promote blood circulation. Many people think that Sichuan-flavored ginger duck made in restaurants is particularly delicious. In fact, if you master a few key details of the cooking method, you can make it taste better at home than those chefs. Do you believe it? If you don’t believe it, you can give it a try. Here’s how to make it.

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——[Duck with young ginger]——

【Ingredients for making】: half duck, half a catty of young ginger, 4-5 green and red peppers each, 2 cans of beer

【Seasoning for making】: 1 piece of old ginger , 2 green onions, half a head of garlic, 4-5 pickled peppers, 2 spoons of bean paste, 1 spoon of white wine, a dozen peppercorns, a few bay leaves, 1 piece of cinnamon, 1 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of chicken essence, and a frying spoon of light soy sauce Half a spoon, 1 small spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of sugar

- Production method and steps -

[Step 1]: Burn the duck skin with fire to remove the remaining fluff, then chop it into small pieces and put it in a basin. What you should pay attention to here is that Chop the duck meat into small pieces as much as possible to make it more flavorful.

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[Step 2]: Clean the young ginger, cut it into slices and then cut it into shreds, cut the green and red peppers into small sections, chop the pickled peppers, cut the garlic into granules, cut the green onions and old ginger into slices and put them on a plate. Add half a handful of peppercorns.

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[Step 3]: Add water to the pot, put the duck meat into the pot under cold water, add a spoonful of white wine, chopped old ginger slices, and green onions, bring to a boil over high heat and cook for two minutes to blanch the blood from the duck meat.

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[Step 4]: Take out the blanched duck meat, rinse it several times with hot water, rinse the foam and impurities from the duck meat, then take it out and drain the water.

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[Step 4]: Put a little less oil in the pot, pour the duck meat into the pot, stir-fry over high heat to release the water vapor and oil from the duck meat, stir-fry until the skin of the duck meat is brown, then pour in a spoonful of white wine, and continue to stir-fry. Remove the alcohol and set aside.

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[Step 5]: Heat up a spoonful of oil in the pot again, add pickled chili peppers, garlic granules, half of the ginger, and Sichuan peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant, then add a spoonful of bean paste and stir-fry over medium-low heat until fragrant.

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[Step 6]: After the aroma of the seasoning is stir-fried, pour the duck meat into the pot and stir-fry evenly over high heat. At the same time, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and 1 spoon of sugar, and continue to stir-fry to bring out the aroma of soy sauce.

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[Step 7]: After the seasonings are fragrant, pour in beer to cover the duck meat, cover and bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for about 30 minutes.

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[Step 8]: After stewing the duck meat for half an hour, add the remaining ginger, green and red pepper, chicken essence and a little salt.

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[Step 9]: Stir-fry evenly over high heat to thicken the soup. Stir-fry for about 1 minute. When the soup thickens slightly, it is ready to serve.

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- Cooking Tips -

Today I will share with you the family version of "Ginger Duck". This is a salty, spicy, rich and delicious duck meat recipe, used with rice. It goes well with wine, especially ginger, which can remove moisture, and duck meat is a cold meat, so eating more in summer will not cause internal heat, so this dish is especially suitable for hot seasons. If you like duck meat, give this recipe a try! Just pay attention to these points when making it.

(1) It is best to use local duck that is about six months old to make this dish. This kind of duck has the right taste and is moderately old and tender.

(2) The duck meat should be burned with the remaining fluff on the surface of the torch to remove the fishy smell and increase the aroma.

(3) When blanching duck meat, use cold water in the pot. The cold water can allow the blood of the duck meat to overflow well, so that the blanched duck meat will have less fishy smell.

(4) After blanching the duck meat, wash it with hot water to prevent the cold water from shrinking the duck meat. When the time comes, the stew will not be fragrant and taste bad.

(5) The water vapor and fat of the duck should be fried first, and then stewed with seasonings and beer. This will not only reduce the fishy smell, but also make the stewed duck meat easy to taste.

(6) Add half of the ginger first to increase the fragrance. Add the last half of the ginger when it is about to come out of the pot to increase the fragrant ginger flavor.

(7) Don’t make the soup too dry at the end. The duck meat will taste more fragrant with a little soup.

The above content is the "Ginger Duck" method that I shared with you. I hope it will be helpful to you. I will share it with you here today. Everyone is welcome to follow "Kitten Loves Kitchen" to reserve. I will update food recipes and techniques for you every day. If you have any comments or suggestions, you can interact with me in the comments below. Thank you for your support and company! See you tomorrow!

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