When we eat early in the morning, we are already sweating, let alone going to the kitchen to cook. The hot weather makes many people lose their appetite for anything, and they are too lazy to move their chopsticks when looking at the steaming food. Ingredients: 1 head of lettuce,

2024/06/2700:44:32 food 1016

When we eat early in the morning, we are already sweating, let alone going to the kitchen to cook. The hot weather makes many people lose their appetite for anything, and they are too lazy to move their chopsticks when looking at the steaming food. Ingredients: 1 head of lettuce, - DayDayNews

When we eat early in the morning, we are already sweating, let alone going to the kitchen to cook. The hot weather makes many people lose their appetite for anything, and they are too lazy to move their chopsticks when looking at the steaming food. Ingredients: 1 head of lettuce, - DayDayNews

When we eat early in the morning, we are already sweating, let alone going to the kitchen to cook. The hot weather makes many people lose their appetite for anything, and they are too lazy to move their chopsticks when looking at the steaming food. Ingredients: 1 head of lettuce, - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, "It's cold in March and hot in Dog Days." We are about to enter the hottest dog days of the year. This year's dog days will be 40 days in total. It's particularly difficult to think about it. When we eat early in the morning, we are already sweating, let alone going to the kitchen to cook. The hot weather makes many people lose their appetite for anything, and they are too lazy to move their chopsticks when looking at the steaming food. Fortunately, there are also those light and refreshing home-cooked vegetarian dishes to clear away heat and appetizer, which not only bring us nutrition and delicious food, but also bring a little bit of coolness.

Compared with those hot soups, hot dishes and greasy food, various light and refreshing cold dishes are more popular among people in summer. Today I will share with you a nutritious and delicious cold dish - lettuce mixed with yuba, how to make it It’s also very simple and hassle-free. As we all know, beans are an indispensable food type in the daily diet. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, beans are a more suitable source of protein than many meats. Yuba is a type of soybean product. Its shape is similar to a bamboo branch, with a strong bean flavor. It is extremely nutritious and is also the "calcium supplement champion" among soybean products.

Summer is hot and humid, and people may suffer from loss of appetite, physical decline, fatigue, irritability, etc. Therefore, it is particularly suitable to eat "bitter" food. Although bitter melon is a good food for clearing away heat in summer, most people still think it is It is too bitter, so you can choose lettuce that is not too bitter. The taste of lettuce is fresh and slightly bitter. Regular consumption of lettuce can clear away heat, reduce internal heat, remove dryness and help sleep. They are a perfect match. Mix them together. It is simple and refreshing. It is appetizing and relieves greasiness. It only costs three yuan. It is low in fat and filling, calcium supplement and nutritious. I would rather not eat meat than eat it. It is better than , cucumber and . There is so much, the whole family loves to eat it. Let’s take a look at how to make this dish.

【Lettuce mixed with yuba】

Ingredients: 1 root of lettuce, 1 plate of yuba, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 red peppers, 2 white vinegar, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of Homemade chili oil, appropriate amount of green onion salt

Preparation: 1. Prepare the raw materials; 2. Lettuce slices Add an appropriate amount of salt, mix well and marinate; 3. Heat the pot and add a little salt; 4. Add the yuba into the pot and blanch until cooked; 5. Put the cooked yuba and lettuce slices into a bowl, add minced garlic and red pepper rings Go in; 6. Add a little white vinegar; 7. Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce; 8. Add a little homemade chili oil; 9. Add chopped green onion and mix well;

When we eat early in the morning, we are already sweating, let alone going to the kitchen to cook. The hot weather makes many people lose their appetite for anything, and they are too lazy to move their chopsticks when looking at the steaming food. Ingredients: 1 head of lettuce, - DayDayNews

10. Transfer to a plate.

When we eat early in the morning, we are already sweating, let alone going to the kitchen to cook. The hot weather makes many people lose their appetite for anything, and they are too lazy to move their chopsticks when looking at the steaming food. Ingredients: 1 head of lettuce, - DayDayNews

Tips: 1. Prepare the ingredients in advance: blanch the yuba in salt water; add a little salt to the lettuce slices; 2. Put the prepared ingredients into a large bowl, add light soy sauce and other seasonings and mix well That’s it.

When we eat early in the morning, we are already sweating, let alone going to the kitchen to cook. The hot weather makes many people lose their appetite for anything, and they are too lazy to move their chopsticks when looking at the steaming food. Ingredients: 1 head of lettuce, - DayDayNews

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