As the saying goes: "It's cold in the 39 days and hot in the dog days." These 40 days are the hottest in the year. We should also pay more attention to our diet, eat less greasy food and eat more vegetables.

2024/06/2222:55:33 food 1162

will enter the Dog Days on July 16th. This yearā€™s Dog Days and will last for 40 days and will not come out until August 25th.

As the saying goes: "It's cold in the 39 days and hot in the dog days." These 40 days are the hottest in the year. We should also pay more attention to our diet, eat less greasy food and eat more vegetables.

As the saying goes:

The older generation often say, "A bowl of soup is better than noon." A bowl of soup is made with a variety of ingredients. It is not only rich in nutrients but also relieves heat. Even if you have no appetite, drinking a bowl of soup can last you a day. nutritional needs. Below, I will share with you how to make 5 soups. If you like it, please save it!

As the saying goes:

Spicy and Sour Shredded Tripe Soup

1. Prepare 300 grams of fresh tripe and cut into even thin strips. Cut one green pepper into thin strips, and cut the and fungus that have been soaked in advance into thin strips. Soak a small handful of daylily and cut it in the middle. Half a tomato, cut into even pieces. Take a small handful of enoki mushrooms, cut off the roots and break them into pieces. Then cut some millet pepper rings, garlic slices, chopped green onion, and shredded ginger, and add a few dried chili peppers for later use.

As the saying goes:

2. Boil water in a pot, add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, put the tripe into the pot and stir evenly. After the water boils, pour out the tripe and set aside. This step is mainly to remove the fishy smell of the tripe.

As the saying goes:

3. Boil water in the pot, pour a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell. After the water boils, pour all the side dishes into the pot, cook for 1 minute. After the side dishes are cooked, add the tripe and continue cooking for 10 seconds. Pour it out and quickly run it under cold water to prevent the side dishes from softening.

As the saying goes:

4. Heat the oil in the pot. After the oil is hot, pour the onion, ginger and other small ingredients into the pot. Turn on low heat to bring out the fragrance. Pour in the tomato juice and stir-fry the red juice. The soup will be more rosy and delicious. Stir-fry the tomatoes. After softly stir-fried and chopped, put the side dishes and tripe into the pot and stir-fry quickly evenly.

As the saying goes:

5. Pour an appropriate amount of water from the side of the pot. If you like soup, add more water. Add 4 grams of salt, 3 grams of chicken powder, 2 grams of pepper, 10 grams of mature vinegar, a little sugar, 3 grams of dark soy sauce, and adjust the color. Stir evenly and add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell. After the soup boils, add a little water starch to increase the concentration of the soup. Once the soup boils again, take it out of the pot and put it on a plate.

As the saying goes:

6.Okay, a refreshing and appetizing spicy and sour belly soup is ready.

As the saying goes:

Winter Melon Pork Ribs Soup

1. Prepare a piece of pork ribs, first cut it from the middle with a machete and then chop it into small pieces of about 3 cm. Peel off the skin of the winter melon and cut into small cubes. Cut a small piece of white scallion into green onions, cut a small piece of ginger into slices, put one piece into a basin, grab two large red dates and one star anise.

As the saying goes:

2. Boil water in the pot, pour a spoonful of cooking wine, put the ribs under cold water, blanch them for 2 minutes after the water boils, beat the foam along the edge of the pot, take the ribs out and rinse them quickly with clean water. Rinse with clean water can further Wash away the impurities on the ribs.

As the saying goes:

3. Heat oil in the pot. When the oil is hot, add green onions, ginger slices, etc., pour in the ribs and stir-fry quickly for a few times. Add an appropriate amount of water. Add enough water at one time. Remember not to add water in the middle. Cover the pot and stew. 20 minutes.

As the saying goes:

4. After 20 minutes, open the lid of the pot, pour the winter melon into the pot, and simmer over medium heat for another 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the ribs have been cooked. Before serving, add 4 grams of salt, 2 grams of pepper, 2 grams of chicken powder, pork rib soup salt. If the salt is put in too early, the nutrients will not leak out easily. Stir to dissolve the seasonings and then put it in the pot. If it's a pot, if it's a low fire at home, it usually takes 1 hour to simmer.

As the saying goes:

5. Alright, the milky white winter melon and pork ribs soup is ready.

As the saying goes:

Raw Boiled Meatball Soup

1. Prepare two chicken breasts, remove the chicken skin and fascia and cut them into small pieces . Cut them into small pieces and put them in a basin. Cut the ginger into slices and the green onions into sections. Put them together with the chicken and pour them over. Add some cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, mix well and marinate for 5 minutes.

As the saying goes:

2. After marinating, pick out the onion and ginger, pour some water, and rub it repeatedly to squeeze out the onion and ginger juice. Put the marinated chicken into the meat grinder, and add the onion and ginger water you just prepared. , stir thoroughly into minced meat.

As the saying goes:

3. Pour the minced meat into a basin, add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken powder, and pepper to taste. Stir the minced meat vigorously in one direction. Add an appropriate amount of starch in batches to increase the cohesion. Continue to stir evenly. Here You donā€™t need too much starch, otherwise it will taste soft and chewy.

As the saying goes:

4. Prepare a few eggs, separate the egg whites and egg yolks, use only the egg whites, beat them quickly with a few chopsticks, and beat the egg whites. You can use a thin bamboo skewer to beat the egg whites faster. Beat the egg whites until a toothpick cannot be inserted. Just know how to pour it.

As the saying goes:

5. Add a spoonful of lard to the minced meat to add flavor, pour in the beaten egg white and mix thoroughly to allow the egg white and minced meat to blend evenly. The egg white absorbs a lot of air during the beating process and can increase buoyancy after mixing well with the minced meat. , so that the made meatballs can float immediately after entering the water.

As the saying goes:

6. Boil water in a pot. After the fire is boiling, grab a handful of meat filling and squeeze it into meatballs from the tiger's mouth. Use a small spoon to dig into the pot. After the meatballs are finished, turn to high heat and bring to a boil. Use a spoon to remove the foam and turn to low heat. Itā€™s fine if itā€™s cooked.

As the saying goes:

7. Put a handful of shrimp skin in the basin, cut some tomato slices and cucumber slices, then add a handful of coriander, add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken powder, pepper, sesame sesame oil to taste, and put the cooked meatballs in the basin medium, then add boiling water or stock, and it's delicious.

As the saying goes:

8.Okay, a chewy and smooth raw meatball soup is ready.

As the saying goes:

Luffa and egg soup

1. Prepare half a basin of water, pour in a little white vinegar, peel off the skin of the loofah, cut it into uniform hob pieces and put them in the basin to prevent oxidation and blackening.

As the saying goes:

2. Put a cross knife on the tomato, scald it with boiling water, peel off the skin and chop the tomato into pieces.

As the saying goes:

3. Heat oil in a pot, add chopped green onions and sautƩ until fragrant. Pour in chopped tomatoes and stir-fry until red juice is produced. The soup will be rosy in color and sweet and sour in taste. Add an appropriate amount of water and simmer over low heat for three seconds. For five minutes, simmer the tomato juice and pour it out for later use.

As the saying goes:

4. Heat oil in the pot, pour in half a bowl of egg liquid and fry it. After all the egg liquid has solidified, fry it with a spatula. Pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water. Be sure to use boiling water for this step. Fry the eggs in advance and then simmer in boiling water. , the soup cooked in this way will be thick, white and fragrant.

As the saying goes:

5. Pour in the tomato juice and stir evenly. Add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken powder, pepper, and light soy sauce to taste. Turn to high heat and simmer to allow the nutrients to be incorporated into the soup. Add the loofah and cook for about 1-2 minutes. When it is cooked until it is cooked, pour an appropriate amount of batter, stir evenly, thicken the soup, and finally drizzle with sesame sesame oil, and it is delicious.

As the saying goes:

6. Okay, a delicious and appetizing loofah and egg soup is ready, and it is very delicious when paired with Jingcai leaves.

As the saying goes:

Mushroom soup

1. Prepare a handful of crab-flavored mushrooms , cut off the roots and soak them in water for a while. Soak a piece of tofu in boiling water for 10 minutes to remove the beany smell. Take a few shiitake mushrooms, remove the stems, wash them and cut them with a cross cutter.

As the saying goes:

2. Prepare a white radish, break it in the middle and cut it into slices. Place it on the bottom of a casserole. Wash the crab mushrooms and place them on top of the radish slices. Place the shiitake mushrooms on top and cut the soaked tofu into slices. Place in a casserole.

As the saying goes:

3. Prepare a piece of pork belly, remove the skin and cut into thin slices. Cut the ginger into diamond-shaped slices, wash the green onions, cut the green onions into sections, and cut the green onion leaves into chopped green onions and set aside.

As the saying goes:

4. Heat the pan and add vegetable oil to the pan. This step is mainly to prevent the meat slices from sticking to the pan. After sliding the pan, pour out the hot oil and add cold oil. When the oil is 50% hot, add the meat slices and stir-fry to remove the water. Take it out, stir-fry the meat slices until fragrant, add the ginger slices, and stir-fry a few times.

As the saying goes:

5. Add a spoonful of bean paste and stir-fry until the red oil comes out. Pour in an appropriate amount of water. Add 10 grams of light soy sauce and 2 grams of salt. After the water boils, put the soup in a casserole and cook over high heat. Bring to a boil, reduce to low heat and simmer for 8 minutes to allow the fresh aroma of the ingredients to blend into the soup.

As the saying goes:

6.8 minutes later, add the green onions and blanch them for a while. When you smell the aroma of the green onions, pour in sesame oil and sprinkle with chopped green onions. It's delicious.

7.Okay, a delicious and nutritious mushroom soup is ready.

As the saying goes:

(First Food Editor: Summer)

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