Ingredients: Spare ribs Ingredients: green pepper, onion, celery, potato, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, dried chili pepper, bay leaves, aniseed, Sichuan peppercorns, rock sugar, dark soy sauce, bean paste, white sugar, light soy sauce, cumin, white sesame. : Chop the ribs in

2024/05/2601:37:33 food 1043

Ingredients: Spare ribs Ingredients: green pepper, onion, celery, potato, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, dried chili pepper, bay leaves, aniseed, Sichuan peppercorns, rock sugar, dark soy sauce, bean paste, white sugar, light soy sauce, cumin, white sesame. : Chop the ribs in - DayDayNews


Spare ribs


Green pepper, onion, celery, potato, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, dried chili pepper, bay leaf, aniseed, pepper, rock sugar, dark soy sauce, bean paste, white sugar, light soy sauce, cumin , White sesame


  1. Chop the ribs into small pieces and wash them, blanch them in a pot under cold water, add onion and ginger cooking wine, skim off the foam after the water boils, add aniseed, dried chili peppers, bay leaves, rock sugar, and a little dark soy sauce Color, cover and simmer for 1 hour
  2. Slice the green pepper with a diagonal knife, cut the onion into cubes, cut the celery into sections, cut the potatoes into strips and soak in water for later use
  3. Remove the stewed ribs and control the water, heat the oil in the pot, the oil temperature is 80% When hot, fry the spareribs, turn to medium-low heat, and fry until the surface is browned. Take them out. Put the potatoes in the pot and fry them. When they are ripe, take them out.
  4. Add a little oil to the pot, add ginger and garlic and sauté until fragrant. 1 spoon of bean paste, stir-fry. Remove the red oil, add Sichuan peppercorns, dried chili peppers, and fried ribs into the pot, stir-fry slightly, add fried potato strips, add salt, chicken essence, white sugar, light soy sauce
  5. Add celery, chili pepper, and sprinkle with garlic Of course, white sesame seeds can be cooked after stir-frying for a few times.

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