[Smooth fried fish fillets] Ingredients: 400 grams of fish meat, 25 grams of carrot slices, and 2 egg whites. Seasoning: 1000 grams of edible oil (approximately 75 grams consumed), Shaoxing wine (a tablespoon), pepper, 1/3 teaspoon each of refined salt, MSG, a little each of onio

2024/05/2216:22:33 food 1302

[Smooth fried fish fillets] Ingredients: 400 grams of fish meat, 25 grams of carrot slices, and 2 egg whites. Seasoning: 1000 grams of edible oil (approximately 75 grams consumed), Shaoxing wine (a tablespoon), pepper, 1/3 teaspoon each of refined salt, MSG, a little each of onio - DayDayNews

【Smooth fried fish fillets】


400 grams of clean fish meat, 25 grams of carrot slices, and 2 egg whites. Seasonings: 1000 grams of cooking oil (approximately 75 grams consumed), Shaoxing wine (1/3 tablespoon each of pepper, refined salt, and MSG, a little each of onion, ginger, shredded garlic, and appropriate amount of starch.


1. Cut the fish into thin slices, put it in a bowl, add egg white, a little salt and pepper to marinate and season, add "egg white slurry", add 40% hot oil and smooth it out, pour it into a colander.

2. Add refined salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, fresh soup, and water starch into a bowl to make a "gravy".

3. Heat a wok, add a little base oil, simmer the pan with onions, ginger, and garlic, and stir-fry the carrot slices. , cook Shaoxing wine, add fish fillets, pour in the right "gray sauce", stir-fry evenly, drizzle with oil, and

Ingredients can be replaced with

fish fillets can be replaced with chicken fillets and tenderloin fillets, called fried chicken fillets. , Stir-fried tenderloin.

Flavor changes

Use fragrant rice noodles in the seasoning, which is called fried fish fillet.

Ingredients: 2 boneless chicken legs, 2 green onions, and 5 slices of ginger. Yanyou cooking oil, Shaoxing wine 1 tablespoons, 2 tsp salt, appropriate amount of white pepper, 2 cloves of garlic


1. Place green onion and ginger slices on the chicken legs, top with Shaoxing wine, salt and white pepper to taste, steam 25 minutes;

2. Take out the steamed chicken legs, let them cool and then slice them into slices. The steamed chicken legs will produce a lot of original chicken soup. Pour up the chicken stock and set aside;

3. When the oil is hot, add chopped green onion and minced garlic, stir-fry until fragrant;

4. Turn off the heat, add chicken stock, season with salt and pepper;

5. Finally, pour it on the chicken legs!

[Smooth fried fish fillets] Ingredients: 400 grams of fish meat, 25 grams of carrot slices, and 2 egg whites. Seasoning: 1000 grams of edible oil (approximately 75 grams consumed), Shaoxing wine (a tablespoon), pepper, 1/3 teaspoon each of refined salt, MSG, a little each of onio - DayDayNews

[Fried squid tentacles with black pepper]


Squid tentacles, chili, Black bean paste , Yanyou cooking oil, ginger Appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence


1. Cut the chili into pieces

2. Cut the squid into pieces and wash them.

3. Heat the oil in the pan, sauté the ginger and garlic, and add the squid. Stir-fry.

4. Add chili, tempeh and cooking wine and stir well.

5. When the chili is green, add salt, pepper and chicken essence.

[Smooth fried fish fillets] Ingredients: 400 grams of fish meat, 25 grams of carrot slices, and 2 egg whites. Seasoning: 1000 grams of edible oil (approximately 75 grams consumed), Shaoxing wine (a tablespoon), pepper, 1/3 teaspoon each of refined salt, MSG, a little each of onio - DayDayNews

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