In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog: "Ordinary people are not allowed to raise even large dogs in the city. Why can Sun Li raise wolves in Shanghai?"

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In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

"Ordinary people are not even allowed to raise large dogs in the city. Why Sun Li can raise wolves in Shanghai?"

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

At first glance, he thought George Han was questioning Sun Li.

But in fact, he was mocking Xiang Haiqing, a college student supported by Sun Li, as a "wolf".

After Han Han spoke out, more and more people began to denounce the "wolf", and some even claimed to establish the "White Eye Sect" to ridicule Xiang Haiqing.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Later, he himself said that these ridicules had brought a great blow to him. He wrote in a letter:

"This shame is enough for me to hold on to for the rest of my life. I also know that I have no dignity and no dignity." Personality, I don’t know why God tortures me like this.”

In addition, Xiang Haiqing’s letter also described the famous star Sun Li as a “small-bellied” and “extremely arrogant” person.

From beginning to end, Sun Li's response was only one sentence: "I have been unable to figure it out. I really can't figure it out. I am helpless. My mother has insomnia and I have insomnia."

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

In 2002, Sun Li decided to start funding Xiang Hai. Qing Qing, a child from the mountains, was bitten in the end.

He even threatened to "ruin" Sun Li.

What happened between them?

Why do benefactors and those in need turn against each other?

Now 20 years have passed, how is Xiang Haiqing doing, what kind of life is he living, and is he still in contact with Sun Li?

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Xiang Haiqing was born in a poor family in a mountainous area of ​​Chongqing. His parents were sick all year round.

In this world, there are always people working hard in invisible places.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

According to Xiang Haiqing himself, in his memory, from birth to junior high school, his mother only bought him one new piece of clothing.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of struggles a family like his went through before they could finish primary school and junior high school.

After that, his parents could no longer afford to continue his studies. His dream of taking the exam was just to get out of the mountains, so he stopped there.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

years later, he received funding from a person, this person was Sun Li. The reason why

reached out to help is probably related to Sun Li’s experience as a child.

Sun Li was born in an ordinary working-class family in Shanghai. Although it is not poor, it is not rich either.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

The so-called poor and humble couples are miserable. Compared with her peers, Sun Li's childhood was not happy.

The sound of her parents' quarrels was always in her ears. Faced with such a situation when she was young, she could only hide behind the door and cry secretly.

But every time she stood on the stage, a long-lost smile would appear on her parents' faces, and their family of three would have a brief moment of warmth.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

For this reason, Sun Li always worked very hard when dancing in the Children's Palace and was always among the top in the class.

Her parents were both ordinary workers. They put all their hopes on her and devoted themselves to her cultivation.

Because of her extremely high talent, Sun Li went to perform in the United States, Japan and other places at the age of eleven.

Although she was still young, it was really not easy for her to stand on the world stage with her excellent dancing skills at that time.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

But two years later, the parents still divorced. The father abandoned Sun Li and her mother, leaving only 2,000 yuan in alimony, leaving the mother and daughter to depend on each other.

You can imagine the difficulties that single mothers face. They have to make money to support their families while taking care of their children.

Because the house was awarded to the father, the mother and daughter had no fixed place to live for a long time.

However, in order to save money for Sun Li's tuition and dance lessons, Sun's mother persisted in working as a salesperson during the day and as a cleaner at night. She only earned 1,000 yuan a month and lived a tight life.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

That period was a difficult time that Sun Li will never forget.

This also paved the way for her future encounter with Xiang Haiqing, who had no education and no food to eat.

After graduating from junior high school, Sun Li came to the Shanghai Guard District to showcase an amateur theatrical performance team.

She was only 15 years old at that time, the youngest, but the hardest working one.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

However, suffering will not always follow a person who works hard.

Three years later, Sun Li signed up to participate in the Singapore "Talent Talents" talent show. She passed all the tests and won second place.

After that, she had many more opportunities.

Around 2000, Qiong Yao dramas became popular all over the country. In 2001, "Love in the Rain" became a hit TV series and made many stars famous.

Sun Li of course also participated, but at that time she was just a dancer next to "Yiping".

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

By chance, Sun Li met the famous screenwriter Haiyan.

Although they didn't talk much, Hai Yan felt that Sun Li was a good girl, so he gave her the role of the policewoman An Xin in " Jade Guanyin ".

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

This is Sun Li's first drama and first role. She is not very confident.

So in order to play the role of Anxin well, he often carefully studied the scripts and tried to improve his acting skills by watching a lot of documentaries.

It was at this time that she got to know Xiang Haiqing through a documentary about poverty-stricken areas in mountainous areas.

She looked at Xiang Haiqing on TV and remembered her childhood.

Sun Li looked at this poor child and discussed with her mother whether she could help him.

Although she has just started her career and has not made much money yet, she is still willing to spend some of her money to help Xiang Haiqing.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Her mother also agreed with her idea and contacted the relevant reporters through the TV station hotline.

What neither mother nor daughter expected was that their kind deeds would eventually lead to a real-life version of "The Farmer and the Snake"

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Because Sun Li had just made her debut at the time, her mother was solely responsible for all trivial matters. . Of course,

funding matters were all in the name of his mother, so for a long time, Xiang Haiqing didn't know that the person who had been helping him was a big star.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

In the second half of 2002, Xiang Haiqing received the first aid fund from Sun Li - 500 yuan. When

first received the money, Xiang Haiqing was grateful to this stranger whom he had never met before, and even wrote a special letter of thanks to Sun Li and her mother.

"The moment I took the 500 yuan donation sent to me by Aunt Deng (Sun Li's mother) from the teacher, my hands were shaking and hot tears came to my eyes... It was so touching! That moment will never be forgotten! Because that It’s not just a donation of 500 yuan, but a true expression of human kindness and great support for a poor child. To me, that is hope!”

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

From his words, we can feel the gratitude and excitement of a recipient. , of course the people around him are also sincerely happy for him.

Later, after "Jade Guanyin" was broadcast, Sun Li really became popular with her super high ratings and excellent acting skills.

Playing the heroine, she became famous immediately and became a household name. More and more scripts came to her.

Of course, when she was weak after winning the award, she did not forget to support Xiang Haiqing.

is still determined to send him 500 yuan every month.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Later, Sun Li had more and more contact with Xiang Haiqing. In addition to writing letters, they would also exchange greetings on the phone.

Aunt Deng also took very good care of him, sending him books and clothes.

heard that his mother suffered from asthma , so she looked for the best medicine to treat asthma in Shanghai, and then sent it to him regularly.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Sun Li encouraged him to study hard and get admitted to universities in Beijing and Shanghai in the future, and then go to big cities to make a difference.

Of course, she also repeatedly assured Xiang Haiqing that she would bear all tuition and miscellaneous fees and the 500 yuan monthly living expenses as usual, so that he would not have any psychological burden.

But all this time, Sun Li never told him her true identity. Xiang Haiqing only knew that the people who helped him were a mother and daughter.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

The kindness of mother and daughter gave Xiang Haiqing great encouragement, making him feel that his more than ten years of suffering had finally turned around.

But no one expected that when Xiang Haiqing became famous, he would look like someone he didn't even recognize.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

With the help of Sun Li, Xiang Haiqing lived up to expectations and was admitted to Shanghai Fisheries University.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

It is said that this school was recommended by Sun Li’s mother.

Probably because good deeds are rewarded. At this time, Sun Li had already become famous with TV series such as "Jade Guanyin", "Happiness is Like a Flower", " Aunt Duohe", and was a goddess in the hearts of the people.

On the day Xiang Haiqing arrived in Shanghai, Sun Li and his daughter went to the airport to pick him up.

At this time, he realized that the benefactor who had supported him for three years was actually the popular star Sun Li.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Later, they followed Xiang Haiqing to the school to register, helped him pay his tuition, and told counselor about his situation and asked the teacher to take more care of him.

Before leaving, Sun’s mother left 500 yuan for Xiang Haiqing’s living expenses and said that she would send it to Xiang Haiqing every month in the future.

Just call them when you have no money. Don't be too frugal, but ensure the most basic living standards.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

However, the moment Xiang Haiqing saw Sun Li, his heart began to change.

Around the National Day in 2006, reporter Qiu Chaoju, who had put Xiang Haiqing's story on the screen, was planning to shoot a documentary called "Ten Years of Change in Mountainous Areas."

He felt that the romantic relationship between celebrities and poor students, Sun Li and Xiang Haiqing, was a good subject, so he planned to include it in the shooting plan.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

He contacted Xiang Haiqing to prepare for collecting information, only to learn that starting in 2005, Sun Li and his daughter had stopped funding him.

Qiu Chaoju was very surprised and wanted to know what happened, so he asked Xiang Haiqing to write down the details of their feud and send it to him.

At this point, the 6,000-word article exposing Sun Li was created.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

In Xiang Haiqing’s letter, the words are extremely sarcastic. In addition to the misfortune, there is also resentment and sarcasm towards Sun Li and her daughter:

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

“I am a child of a poor family, and later came to Shanghai to study. I feel that my life It’s time to change. I am not destined to be poor. I want to live a good life. Why should others have money? Why should I, a simple country boy, not have money? It’s so unfair~”

“I am a college student. It's not like picking up rags, of course I want to save face, of course I want to wear branded ones..."

"You talk about shoes, of course shoes are AD and NIKE. I am a college student and a cadre. I can't even wear shoes well. Being laughed at;"

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

At the end of the letter, he even threatened to "ruin" Sun Li.

But in fact, it was Xiang Haiqing who began to be dissatisfied with the status quo not long after entering college.

began to spend money randomly and found various reasons to ask Sun Li for money.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

And because he is relatively famous, he is also a professional accountant for poor students in the school, and receives several thousand yuan in subsidies every year.

According to his classmates, Xiang Haiqing had a girlfriend in college, who spent a lot of money and wore brand-name clothes.

After spending all the money, he will ask Sun Li and his daughter for money.

Sun Li did not refuse at first, thinking that it was reasonable to spend a lot of money in a new environment.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

But after a while, they found that Xiang Haiqing's expenses were increasing.

Once he called to ask for money, and his mother-in-law asked him where he had spent his money recently.

Xiang Haiqing explained that he was a student cadre and had to make many calls every day, and the phone bill alone cost more than 100.

Sun Li's mother said after hearing this, if this will also delay a lot of your study time, then it is better to quit.

As a result, I didn't want to plant the seeds of hatred in the other party's heart just because of this sentence.

"That rich person is really rich. In their profession, I think the money comes very quickly. It is really unjustifiable not to give me some of it."

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

After that call, Sun's mother went to school and found I asked Haiqing’s counselor to learn about the situation. After

learned that he had a very happy life in school, he decided not to give him any more subsidies.

From Xiang Haiqing's point of view, this had greatly hurt his self-esteem. He had promised to support himself until he graduated from college, but now he suddenly lost contact.

In his opinion, it was a sign of stinginess, so he wrote 6,000 words, and the "Repaying Gratitude Gate" was exposed.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Xiang Haiqing placed himself on the weak side and detailed the "evil deeds" of Sun Li and her daughter.

But as the saying goes, Xiang Haiqing failed to achieve the results he wanted, and everyone pointed the finger at him.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Not long after, he chose to drop out of school because he could not bear the pressure from all walks of life.

However, the "white-eyed wolf" label engraved on him can never be taken off again.

I wonder how he is doing now that 20 years have passed?

After graduating that year, the first problem Xiang Haiqing faced was finding a job.

was originally an outstanding student in college, but because of that letter, he was rejected by large companies and civil servants.

In 2006, the well-known writer Han Han wrote on his blog:

Now, he can only choose to work in some unknown small places with a fairly good academic qualification. The money earned by

can barely sustain a living, and life is very difficult, but until today, who can be blamed?

If vanity had not beguiled his mind at the beginning, perhaps he would be in a different situation now.

I wonder if he ever regretted the dream at midnight?

But I believe that the people who feel more uncomfortable should be Sun Li and her daughter. The so-called love for rice and hatred for rice. What would you do if you were Sun Li?

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