This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film "Life Events", followed by the top Hong Kong film, Liu Qingyun's "The Detectives", plus a new science fiction film "Mozart from Outer Space" by Chen Sicheng, one

2024/07/0216:52:33 entertainment 1162

This is how popular summer movies should be!

There are many blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong 's hit movie " Life Events ", and then there is the Hong Kong film ceiling, which is Liu Qingyun 's " Detective vs. ", plus one of China's most awesome commercial film directors Chen Sicheng's new science fiction work "Mozart in Outer Space".

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

It can be said that the summer movie schedule has indeed become a Spring Festival movie.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

Among these three movies, Qingqing personally feels that the one that is the most successful and most promising to become popular nationwide is Chen Sicheng's new film "Mozart in Outer Space". Why do I have such high hopes for this movie?

In fact, it is really because of this movie that the foundation is too strong. This movie has at least 4 "king bombs" and is worthy of the audience's attention!

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

First Deputy Wang Zha: Super cast!

Who are the actors in this movie?

Huang Bo , Fan Wei , everyone should be familiar with these two.

The two of them are definitely male stars who belong to the first echelon of Chinese movies.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

Especially teacher Fan Wei's acting skills can definitely be described as "reaching the pinnacle".

This time he and Huang Bo acted together, and they played a traditional Chinese father and son.

does not need the script content, just watching the performances of the two of them is actually enough.

In addition to these two movie kings, all the heroines in this drama are also powerful actresses.

has Yao Chen , and Mei Ting .

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

As for the supporting cast, it can even be called a luxurious team.

As a science fiction comedy, Chen Sicheng's comedy team for this film includes: Xu Juncong , Jia Bing , Yu Yang , Wang Ning and so on.

has the best actor and actress in the finale, as well as a comedy troupe joining in, and some surprise actors, including Huang Jue , Lang Lang and so on.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

It can be said that Chen Sicheng's movie has achieved a surprise every second and an accident every second only in terms of the cast.

Especially this time, the villainous deception team composed of Yao Chen, Xu Juncong, and Yu Yang is definitely the biggest laugh in this drama.

The teacher played by Jia Bing is also quite interesting.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

So with this cast alone, "Mozart from Outer Space" will be a hit, and a big hit at that.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

The second deputy Wang Zha: a combination of traditional themes and science fiction!

Although this movie is a science fiction film.

However, the entry point of this movie is quite traditional. The core of the story is still about something that traditional Chinese families will encounter, and that is: the problem of parent-child education!

The father's dream was not realized when he was young, so the father forced this dream on his children.

Once the child does not give in, the father will say "I am also doing it for your own good" and "Can I still hurt you?"

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

These words from the moral high ground will make the child surrender and obey.

The first half of this movie mainly revolves around the conflict between Huang Bo and his son Xiaotian. Huang Bo had a rock dream when he was young, but in the end he did not realize it.

So he placed his hope on his son Xiaotian, hoping that he could become a pianist in the future.

But what he doesn’t know is that his son Xiaotian likes astronomy and looks forward to heading towards the stars and the sea in the future.

This kind of conflict between costs, this kind of conflict between father and son, is actually the plot in traditional family dramas.

But the most ingenious thing about Chen Sicheng is that he puts this traditional family conflict and intergenerational communication issues into the shell of a science fiction film.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

Especially when the alien agent Mozart arrived on the earth, this traditional story became quite science fiction and quite interesting.

With the help of Mozart, Ren Xiaotian and his father not only battled wits and courage, but also gradually understood each other's position through repeated confrontations.

Especially when Ren Xiaotian and Mozart encountered a trio of deceivers, the father and son finally faced up to their own problems in repeated conflicts.

The father played by Huang Bo understands that he cannot put his life dreams on his son.

Xiaotian, the son, also understood that father's love is speechless.

Interesting, touching, and reconciling.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

It can be said that Chen Sicheng's "Mozart from Outer Space" should be regarded as a standard family movie.

Especially Huang Bo’s father’s classic lines in the movie can make people laugh like crazy.

What "I'm doing this all for you!"

"As a father, can I still hurt you?"

These lines are down-to-earth and close to life.

This is the basis of this movie!

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

The third deputy king bomb: special effects and imagination!

Many years ago, Chen Sicheng said that he wanted to make a Chinese version of the "Harry Potter" series.

Actually this is not a joke, but serious.

For example, this "Mozart from Outer Space" is a beginning.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

This time Chen Sicheng abandoned the "Tang Detective World" that he was good at, and started again to create a Mozart world, a science fiction, and a world full of imagination.

In this "Mozart from Outer Space", there are indeed too many, which are eye-opening to the imagination.

For example, what impressed me the most was: books turned into flying birds, and stones piled up can lead to the sky.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

It can be said that these wide-open imaginations and unique imaginations really allow the audience to see a different movie world.

Of course, the most amazing thing is Mozart's super power, which can actually change the world into another way through music.

If Chen Sicheng's "Tang Detective" series is an analysis of human nature, then his "Mozart in Outer Space" series this time is about healing human nature through science fiction and fairy tales.

Father-son relationship, parent-child relationship, dreams and reality.

It can be said that Chen Sicheng really mentioned too many things in this movie.

Of course, the most amazing thing about this movie is the special effects shots. Some viewers said with emotion after watching this movie: "The door of Chinese science fiction movies that was closed by " Shanghai Fortress " was reopened by this movie. ! "

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

It may sound a bit exaggerated, but to be honest, the imagination and special effects in this movie are indeed worthy of praise!

Fourth Deputy Wang Zha: The personal colors of Chen Sicheng and Huang Bo!

The main reason why Huang Bo and Chen Sicheng have become the ceiling of today's film industry is because their works have always had a strong personal touch.

For example, the role of the father that Huang Bo got this time in "Mozart from Outer Space" was indeed not difficult for him to interpret. After all,

is a traditional parent, a traditional parent who expects his children to succeed.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

But in order to show his personal color, Huang Bo really paid attention to the details when interpreting this role.

There is a scene narrated by Huang Bo himself.

In order to show his ex-wife that he was living a good life and that he was rich, he deliberately grabbed a handful of bills in front of his ex-wife and gave them to his son.

In order to make this shot different, Huang Bo deliberately asked a colleague for a tissue before the shooting started, rubbed it deliberately until it was crumpled, put it in the money and took it out. As soon as the

shot came out, the tension came out, and Huang Bo's personality came out.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

A father who is not doing well, a father who wants to save face.

This is Huang Bo, this is the strength of the actor.

As for Chen Sicheng’s personality, he is good at digging holes.

Everyone knows that Chen Sicheng plans to make "Mozart from Outer Space" into a series of blockbusters like "Tang Detective".

At the end of this movie, Chen Sicheng left a big hole, that is, whether Yao Chen turned evil.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

and Xiaotian’s hobby, which is to like astronomy, coupled with alien designs.

It can be said that the outline of the story of Chen Sicheng's "Outer Space Trilogy" has actually been basically formed.

So let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just focus on the movie’s four heroes. This movie is the most explosive movie this summer.

This is how popular summer movies should be! There are a lot of blockbusters, including Zhu Yilong’s blockbuster film

Especially this first one, it is a family-friendly movie, suitable for adults and children to watch together.

I don’t know if anyone is watching this movie. You are welcome to discuss it with me after watching the movie!

Text/Qingqing’s Entertainment Diary

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