The TV series "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" starring Zhao Liying is currently on the air. The plot of Xiuyu's college entrance examination results being replaced has aroused heated discussions among the audience. Xiuyu has always had a college dream, but this dream was ta

2024/06/3013:54:32 entertainment 1531

The TV series "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" starring Zhao Liying is currently on the air. The plot of Xiuyu's college entrance examination results being replaced has aroused heated discussions among the audience. Xiuyu has always had a college dream, but this dream was taken away by the Wan family.

The TV series

When she learned the truth, she angrily took a kitchen knife and wanted to settle the score with the Wan family, but was stopped by her parents.

The TV series

However, the Wan brothers and sisters who were the instigators did not feel any guilt at all, especially Wan Chuanmei, who obviously did something wrong but still acted like a victim, crying and looking for life without any regrets!

The TV series

The development of the matter was equally infuriating, when the Wan family proposed to settle with money. Xiuyu's parents chose to compromise and even began to plan the use of the money.

As a vested interest, Wang Qingzhi also turned around to persuade his sister, without caring about Xiuyu's feelings. In their eyes, this is a rich deal. After all, it has been ten years and nothing can be changed now.

The TV series

Under the pressure of her parents, Xiuyu signed a compensation and settlement agreement. The Wang family still wanted to hide He Xingfu, but in the end, she found out about it and decided to seek justice for Xiuyu.

The TV series

The TV series

The ratings of "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses" also because of this plot, the ratings skyrocketed, once exceeding 1%. Why

The TV series

has such ratings is largely due to the college entrance examination replacement. CCTV celebrity Bai Yansong once said: "Without the college entrance examination, can you beat the rich second generation?" The college entrance examination has always been regarded by us as "the first turning point in life", and life may be very different.

The TV series

In the TV series, how happy is Xiuyu to seek justice for her, but in reality, Xiuyu is not so happy. Henan woman Wang Nana had her identity replaced for 13 years, which not only took away her university, but also took away her dream of becoming a teacher.

The TV series

After discovering the person to be replaced, Zhang Yingying, Wang Nana went to the other party to ask for an explanation. Unexpectedly, the other party had an arrogant attitude. He even mocked Wang Nana and said that it is not a matter of going to Peking University and Tsinghua University. Even if you go to this college, you will not be a teacher. Her father even expressed that his daughter could become a teacher after canceling her academic qualifications, saying that he could provide her with a compensation of 30,000 yuan.

The TV series

Such a result was unacceptable to Wang Nana, so she made the matter public. As a result, 13 relevant responsible persons were severely dealt with, and 3 persons suspected of violating the law have been handed over to judicial organs. The fake "Wang Nana" (original name: Zhang Yingying)'s academic status and academic information were canceled by the Henan Provincial Department of Education in accordance with regulations, and her graduation certificate was declared invalid. The fake "Wang Nana" was fired by the Education and Sports Bureau of Shangshui County, Henan Province.

The TV series

And Wang Nana was admitted to Luoyang Institute of Technology and fulfilled her university dream. In February 2018, she submitted a civil complaint to Zhoukou Court, suing Zhang Yingying and her daughter, demanding a public apology and compensation from the replacement. But so far, the replacement Zhang Yingying has not apologized to her, and the lawsuit has not been heard or handled.

The TV series

Wang Nana’s initial claim was 13 yuan. In her opinion, it was not a matter of money. Later, with the advice of lawyers and netizens, she revised the amount of compensation.

The TV series

It is worth mentioning that Wang Nana has successfully become a teacher, and she has slowly begun to accept this reality and learn to let go.

In fact, there are many people like Wang Nana. Even the well-known CCTV host Kang Hui almost became a "Xiuyu".

The TV series

Kang Hui has been called "other people's children" by parents since he was a child, and he is also a good student in the eyes of teachers. Kang Hui High School chose the art exam, and with excellent performance, he obtained the certificate in the broadcasting and hosting major from the Communication University of China.

At that time, Communication University of China was still called "Beijing Broadcasting Institute". There were very few admission places in each province and region. Students who passed the professional examination could get a cultural examination notice to take the college entrance examination and the cultural class results. Only those who pass the exam may be admitted.

The TV series

That year, three candidates in Hebei Province passed the professional examination and received the cultural examination notice. Among the three, his professional score was the best, and his college entrance examination score also passed the key score line. The family was full of confidence in being admitted to Guangyuan Full.

But what he received was the admission notice from Tianjin Business School's hotel management major. This result made Kang Hui's father feel very strange. His father immediately went to Beijing to find the admissions office of Guangyuan University. The other party said that they had not received Kang Hui’s results, but because Kang Hui’s professional scores were good, Guangyuan University was still considering it and was checking with the place where the students came from.

The TV series

While there was still hope, Kang's father found the telegram that sent out his results through a friend, but it did not contain Kang Hui's results. He immediately questioned the other party, and the other party also acted very unnaturally. At Kang's father's insistence, he watched with his own eyes as the staff sent the telegram that day. After

results were reported, Beijing Broadcasting Institute decided to admit Kang Hui after careful consideration. At that time, Kang Hui had received the admission notice from Tianjin Business School and the file had been withdrawn.

The TV series

Kang's father immediately ran to Tianjin, went to the school where Kang Hui was admitted, and transferred his academic status. He watched the file transfer process throughout. Only then did Kang Hui receive the admission notice from Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

Later I found out that the problem lay with the girl whose name was unknown among the three candidates. Her father worked in the department responsible for submitting scores at the time, so he staged such a farce for the sake of his daughter.

The TV series

If it weren’t for Kang Hui’s father’s persistence, perhaps we would have lost such an excellent host.

The college entrance examination is a turning point in life. This sentence is not an exaggeration.

Destroying a person's future is like killing his parents. What is stolen can never be replaced with money. #福到万家#

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