When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer.

2024/07/0216:51:33 entertainment 1299

When he was 119 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors.

The troupe held a special performance, Li Xiuming played the role of an announcer.

On the stage, Li Xiuming's free and easy demeanor and piercing eyes,

coupled with that full voice, left a deep impression on Chen Qiang in the audience.

In terms of appearance, Li Xiuming was not the most beautiful actress in the group at that time.

But in terms of temperament, she is pure, profound, and full of distant eyes,

completely "electric" Chen Qiang.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

In the final selection, Chen Qiang gave Li Xiuming full marks.

So, 19-year-old Li Xiuming walked from the stage of the drama to the big screen.

Li Xiuming was lucky. The next year, she was favored by the great director Xie Jin.

Xie Jin is preparing to film the movie "春明", and Li Xiuming has been selected as the heroine in the film.

chose Li Xiuming because her eyes fit the temperament of the heroine Tian Chunmiao.

Tian Chunmiao, played by Li Xiuming, is a rural women captain.

A sister-in-law’s daughter in the village fell ill, and Tian Chunmiao took the child to the commune hospital for treatment.

However, the hospital tried to shirk the situation in every possible way. In the end, the child died because it failed to treat him in time.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

The sad and angry Tian Chunmiao began to learn medical knowledge and became a barefoot doctor in the village.

The causes, consequences and background of the story are very consistent with the characteristics of the 1970s.

As Li Xiuming's screen debut, after the movie was released,

thousands of viewers remembered her big, watery eyes.

Li Xiuming became famous with "Spring Seedlings", and she officially became an actress at Beijing Film Studio.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

In 1976, Li Xiuming starred in the movie "The River Runs ".

Then, she played Tang Zhaodi in the movie " Sweet Career" directed by Xie Tian.

In the history of new Chinese films, this film has milestone significance.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

In the 30 years from 1949 to 1979,

Chinese movies had not yet dealt with family life themes.

Not to mention love-type works.

And this movie involves family life for the first time.

At that time, the country had just implemented family planning, and there was response and support in the movie.

Therefore, compared with other movies of the same era,

"Sweet Career" is undoubtedly forward-looking.

In the play, Li Xiuming plays the role of Tang Zhaodi, a rural girl.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

Together with her friends, she helped her mother change the concept of favoring boys over girls and accept new ideas.

The film is full of rich flavor of life.

In addition, the humorous dialogue style also won the audience's love.

In the play, the slow-motion scene of Tang Zhaodi, played by Li Xiuming, being chased by a running woman and a man, is very lyrical.

This was simply unimaginable in movies of the past.

However, the love involved in the play at this time is still hazy and obscure.

Of course, it was precisely because of the pioneering work that the scene of a man and a woman kissing boldly appeared in "Romance on Lushan Mountain".

At this time, Li Xiuming's simple image with two braids and a red top was engraved in the minds of hundreds of millions of viewers.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

Immediately afterwards, in the movie "Xu Mao and His Daughters",

Li Xiuming played the fourth girl Xu Xiuyun.

In the film industry at this time, Liu Xiaoqing had just won the Hundred Flowers Award .

However, in Liu Xiaoqing's opinion, Li Xiuming is very good at acting.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

In the movie "Xu Mao and His Daughters", Liu Xiaoqing was willing to play a supporting role, playing the seventh sister.

In 1979, Li Xiuming had already read the script.

The fourth girl, Xu Xiuyun, is kind, gentle and strong. Although

has experienced persecution, misunderstanding and suicide, he is still full of yearning for life.

After reading the script, Li Xiuming was moved to tears by this vivid character.

With a full understanding of the character, Xu Xiuyun's image gradually became three-dimensional in Li Xiuming's mind. After the filming of

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

officially started, she focused on exploring the inner beauty of the characters. As soon as

appeared, his slightly wry smile accurately expressed the character's personality and situation.

Therefore, this image captures the hearts of the audience from the very beginning.

Before Xu Xiuyun committed suicide, she slowly dressed up in the mirror, her eyes dull and desperate.

The strong tragic beauty shocked the hearts of the audience.

It was precisely because of his outstanding interpretation and portrayal of Xu Xiuyun that

Later, Li Xiuming won the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award in 1981.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

From then on, Li Xiuming was known to everyone in the Chinese film industry.

She, Zhang Jinling and Liu Xiaoqing were later known as "Beiying Sanzhihua", and she was the younger sister.

Throughout the 1980s, Li Xiuming was active in the film industry.

However, as the filming of the movie "The First Woman in the Forest" was completed, Li Xiuming's mentality gradually changed.

At that time, it was already in the mid-to-late 1980s, and the development of domestic films had gradually shown a sluggish state.

Li Xiuming has a good voice and has also loved singing since she was a child.

Since 1986, Li Xiuming studied under Jin Tielin and studied vocal music for 8 hours a day.

In 1989, she visited the United States with a film delegation.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

At a party, Li Xiuming even sang an impromptu song.

Someone suggested that Li Xiuming could sing bel canto in the future and hold concerts.

So in 1991, Li Xiuming successfully held a solo concert.

The success of that concert gave Li Xiuming great confidence.

She suddenly felt that besides making movies, she could do something else.

Perhaps, this can be better than making a movie.

In addition to this reason, after later successfully doing business,

Li Xiuming also mentioned to a friend another reason why he chose to take a rest.

She felt that she had gained weight after getting married, especially after giving birth to a daughter.

"If I continue to act in movies, it will seem a bit inappropriate."

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

Li Xiuming's husband is called Cheng Jiushi, and their daughter was born in the late 1980s.

htmlThe year he was 138 years old was a turning point in Li Xiuming's life.

It was 1992, and there was a craze for overseas business across the country.

One day, she and her husband Cheng Jiushi went to attend a marketing and course.

completely different concepts and life, all of which deeply moved Li Xiuming.

She also wanted to do business, but she did not act immediately.

Li Xiuming first went to the College of Finance and Commerce to study marketing.

During his three years of study, Li Xiuming also interned at a ham sausage company in Luoyang.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

The interview she once wrote, "Chundu Flower Dream Record", was serialized in the "Economic Daily" for 14 issues.

With the experience of study and internship, in the summer and autumn of 1993, Li Xiuming decided to officially start his own company.

That year, Li Xiuming and her husband first found Hou Lin, director of the Enterprise Registration Department of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Under the introduction of Hou Lin, Li Xiuming and Cheng Jiushi later met He Yang, who was in charge of this matter in Beijing.

Soon, Li Xiuming and her husband found He Yang and talked face to face about registering a company.

At that time, many people who went into business were concentrated in the stock and real estate fields.

However, Li Xiuming and her husband wanted to sell potato chips.

Li Xiuming’s idea of ​​selling potato chips was still influenced by American potato chip brands.

She felt that at that time, there were basically no potato chip companies in the domestic market, and they would definitely make money if they succeeded.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

However, after an introduction from He Yang, the Municipal Restructuring Committee,

Li Xiuming discovered that the procedures for registering and establishing a company at that time were very cumbersome.

And joint-stock enterprises are in the pilot stage.

According to Beijing's regulations at the time, if an individual wants to establish a joint-stock company or a limited liability company,

needs to go through a joint review by a newly established joint-stock pilot office in Beijing.

This pilot leading group office had a total of seven units participating at the time.

The relevant materials for personal registration of a company need to be jointly reviewed by these seven units. Only after

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

has been reviewed and approved together can you go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register.

At that time, the Beijing Municipal Commission for Restructuring and Restructuring took the lead in taking charge of all these matters.

According to relevant procedures, it is necessary to prepare approval materials, initially review the approval materials, chair the joint review meeting, and review and issue approval replies.

None of these links can be missing.

After learning about these situations, Li Xiuming and her husband Cheng Jiushi began to make all preparations for registering the company.

From the total amount of share capital to equity setting, to the preparation of various approval materials.

It took nearly two months to complete the entire process.

Registering a company is just the beginning.

Next, the start-up and operation of the company are all complicated for Li Xiuming.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

From potatoes, the raw material of potato chips, to the machinery and equipment for making potato chips, as well as the barrel paper used to package potato chips, etc.

Not only were the initial capital investments huge, but many of the equipment were not available in China at the time, and they had to be purchased from Imported from abroad.

Li Xiuming and Cheng Jiushi were starting their own businesses under tremendous pressure from bankruptcy.

For Li Xiuming, entrepreneurship and being an actor are two completely different fields.

At the beginning, everyone in the company knew that Li Xiuming always claimed to be a hard worker.

No matter how small or small, everything is done personally. When

was building the factory, Li Xiuming personally went to the market to select and purchase everything from door locks to wallpaper and paint for decoration. The clothes worn by

employees were also designed by Li Xiuming himself.

As long as she is in the factory, everyone does not call her Mr. Li, but Sister Xiuming.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

This was specifically requested by Li Xiuming. She felt that asking employees to call her Mr. Li would be a bit confusing.

Just like that, after more than three years of busy work in the early stage, the potato chips produced by Li Xiuming Company,

, were finally officially put into the market at the end of 1997.

The name of their potato chips is "Jiabao".

Li Xiuming was very lucky. At that time, supermarkets, a retail model, were springing up in Beijing.

In order to open up the market, from Li Xiuming to the company's employees,

at that time they all went to various shopping malls and supermarkets to promote.

At the beginning, people did not know this brand, and it was normal for no one to care about it.

Sometimes, Li Xiuming gets so excited when he sees someone stopping to look at his products.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

Later, the company also carried out TV advertisements.

Although Li Xiuming is very popular, she does not use her fame for publicity.

At that time, her youngest son had been born.

later shot a promotional advertisement in which his son was the spokesperson.

By the end of 1998, Li Xiuming's potato chips had opened up the market.

That year, the company's marketing revenue reached 40 million.

At that time, Liu Xiaoqing, another popular star in Beijing Film Studio, also went into business.

Compared with Liu Xiaoqing’s flamboyant personality, Li Xiu is obviously too low-key.

Even the outside world doesn’t know that the boss of Jia Bao Potato Chips,

, is Li Xiuming, a well-known actor on the silver screen.

htmlAt the age of 148, which was the 10th year after Li Xiuming thought about going into business,

she and her husband sold the company to PepsiCo.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

After that, Li Xiuming’s family of four immigrated to Canada.

Since then, there has been less news about Li Xiuming. When

was first established in 1993, Li Xiuming invited several friends to his home to celebrate.

At that time, they lived near Beijing Exhibition Hall.

rented a two-story building with a dozen rooms in total.

This is where Li Xiuming’s family lives and where the company is located.

In order to entertain friends that day, Li Xiuming personally went to the Xidan Food Market and bought a lot of hairy crabs.

No one thought that 10 years later, Li Xiuming and her husband would change hands of the company again.

At the beginning, when he went into business from Xiying, Li Xiuming had both self-awareness and the ability to assess the situation.

He also had the determination and courage to retreat from the rapids.

Selling the company 10 years later should be regarded as another turning point and choice for Li Xiuming.

When the company was just getting on track, Li Xiuming's eldest daughter was already in high school.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

Therefore, selling his business to immigrate may be seen as

Li Xiuming, who is getting older, is thinking about the future of his two children.

In the blink of an eye, another 20 years have passed, and Li Xiuming is 68 years old.

In the first half of her life, she first became an actress and then went into business, and experienced two major life changes.

And every change has been very successful.

It must be said that no matter whether he is young or middle-aged,

Li Xiuming has always been very clear in his heart about what kind of life he wants.

When he was 19 years old, Chen Qiang, the director of Beijing Film Studio, came to Tianjin Repertory Theater specially to select actors. The troupe held a special performance, with Li Xiuming playing the role of an announcer. - DayDayNews

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