Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows. "Escape Room 4" had an accident and was a little late to be released to everyone, but the effect was unexpectedly good. As soon as the show was aired, there was a lot of popularity, especially with the new blood. of joining

2024/06/3013:55:33 entertainment 1766

Mango created a variety show that is indeed extraordinary. " Escape Room 4" had an accident and was a little late to meet everyone, but the effect was unexpectedly good. As soon as the show was broadcast, there was a lot of popularity, especially with The addition of new blood.

"Escape Room" can be said to be Mango's flagship program. Every year, many fans look forward to "Escape Room" being broadcast as soon as possible. This show is not only good in the celebrity version, but also in the master version. Watching the show, you really need to be mentally prepared, and you have to turn on the barrage to see if there are any high-energy reminders. After all, the horror index of this show is quite high. Those who are timid really need someone to accompany them before they dare to watch it. As for how terrifying

Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows.

is, you can refer to the performance of new members and Peng Yuchang . One thing to say, Peng Yuchang really has captured all the laughs this season. I just want to ask, before Peng Yuchang participated in the show, did he know what kind of show he was participating in? How could he be so courageous?

As we all know, in "Escape Room", there are some who are more timid and some who are more brave. The most cowardly duo disbanded. After three episodes, , Yang Mi, and have grown a lot and are no longer so scared. , Huang Minghao, and Zhang Guowei have always been bolder, while , Zhang Wei and are in a more balanced state.

Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows.

Peng Yuchang and William Chan joined as fresh blood. I really didn't expect that they could bring such a big effect. The difference between the two levels is too funny. In the first episode aired, they were the most "popular".

Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows.

Peng Yuchang must have never watched any previous programs before participating in the show. When other old members lied to him that it was safest to walk first while blindfolded, Peng Yuchang actually believed it. No matter how you look at it, the middle position is the safest. As a newbie, Peng Yuchang really didn't feel afraid for a moment after obeying the arrangement.

Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows.

I really suspect that the show crew has too much "malice" towards Peng Yuchang. Knowing that Peng Yuchang is the most timid one, when NPC Xiaowei appeared, he was actually beside Peng Yuchang. This is unavoidable terrible. Peng Yuchang was so frightened that he even kicked off his shoes. He kept crying and holding his head in his hands, not daring to look directly at her.

Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows.

Not only that, in the following programs, Peng Yuchang is simply a humanoid pendant, attached to others at any time, which is really sad and funny. Also, the way Peng Yuchang kneels down at any time is really funny. I don’t know if anyone has counted how many times Peng Yuchang knelt in this episode!

Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows.

William Chan is the boldest person on the show. When he was still wearing a blindfold, everyone was trembling with fear. Only William Chan was already hugging the dummy next to him. When Xiao Wei disappeared, everyone hugged each other. Only William Chan still remembered to do the interview. This was really funny.

Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows.

Also, when an NPC appeared, everyone was afraid and huddled together. Only William Chan was smiling. Not only that, he also went to catch the NPC. He really wanted to become a guest that would scare the NPC. Human joy is not the same. William Chan's operation is really suitable for this show.

Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows.

Mango is indeed extraordinary in creating variety shows.

After the show was broadcast, many netizens hoped that both Peng Yuchang and William Chan could be regular residents. The scene where they were together was really funny!

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