Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family.

2024/06/3013:45:33 entertainment 1402

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness.

At least that is the case for He Jing.

In 2008, He Jing married businessman Zhu Xiaodong.

According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Just when everyone thought He Jing would live a happy life from now on.

Her real marriage life surprised us.

The husband rented the villa as a wedding residence, and paid for the decoration cost of one million yuan himself.

In 2008, He Jing couldn't bear it and chose to divorce and raise her daughter alone.

After 14 years of divorce, how big is the gap between the situations of He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong?

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

In 1973, He Jing was born in a scholarly family in Beijing.

Her father is an engineer and her mother is an intellectual.

In that era when the literacy rate was not high, He Jing's family background was considered remarkable.

Unfortunately, He Jing's father has a serious personality and is very strict with his daughter. This also makes He Jing develop an introverted personality and can only relieve her depression through singing.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

As time went by, He Jing gradually fell in love with singing.

It is precisely because of this that He Jing became an amateur singer while studying.

In June 1989, He Jing's parents divorced, which dealt a major blow to her life.

He Jing cried and begged her parents, hoping that they would not divorce, but it was of no use.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Just when He Jing felt that her life was falling into darkness due to her parents' divorce, composer Gao Dalin appeared in her life.

Gao Dalin was born in Harbin in 1962. He has excellent musical talent and is 11 years older than He Jing.

Although the age gap is a bit large, Gao Dalin is a real musical talent, which makes He Jing, who loves music, admire him very much.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Women’s admiration often turns into liking easily.

The same was true for He Jing, and Gao Dalin also had a good impression of the young and beautiful He Jing at that time.

As expected, the two soon fell in love.

In 1991, He Jing and Gao Dalin entered the marriage hall hand in hand, which made He Jing feel that her life was very happy.

But her mother was worried about this. After her marriage failed, she was worried that her daughter would follow in her footsteps.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

So He Jing's mother made a request to Gao Dalin, hoping that he could treat her daughter well.

Gao Dalin also promised that he would never let He Jing down in his life.

Unfortunately, Gao Dalin failed to fulfill his promise and let a Taiwanese female singer named Qian Baihui break into their lives.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Qian Baihui and Gao Dalin met because of work, and then they became deeply obsessed with each other.

However, Gao Dalin was already married at the time, so he refused Qian Baihui's request for a relationship on the grounds that he had a family.

However, Qian Baihui is a woman who is crazy about love. Gao Dalin's reasons did not make her retreat, but made her find it more challenging.

Under Qian Baihui's crazy pursuit, Gao Dalin chose to commit "the mistake that all men make"

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

When her husband filed for divorce from her, He Jing felt unbelievable.

Because the two had just been married for less than three months, and Gao Dalin had vowed before that he would take care of himself for the rest of his life. Why did things suddenly develop like this?

Looking at the confused expression on He Jing's face, Gao Dalin chose to tell the truth about himself and Qian Baihui to He Jing.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

He Jing is a self-reliant girl. Although she still loves Gao Dalin, his actions also made He Jing angry, so she agreed to the divorce without hesitation.

After the divorce, He Jing had no source of income. In order to support herself, He Jing could only put down her body and come to the karaoke hall to sing.

That period was the lowest period in He Jing's life.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

However, He Jing did not fall for this. In addition to working to support herself, He Jing also came to the Central Conservatory of Music to improve her musical literacy.

He Jing's musical talent is quite good. Under the guidance of famous teachers, she successively released well-known songs such as "To the North" and "Like You", which quickly became popular overnight.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Over the past few years, He Jing has become a well-known singer with some success, and her life seems to be getting better step by step.

In 1999, He Jing was 26 years old. She has been single since her divorce from Gao Dalin.

Just when she was worrying about her life-long events, Zhu Xiaodong appeared in her life.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Zhu Xiaodong was originally a singer, and later went into business.

The first pot of gold for his business came from the royalties from his creation "Tears Behind Bars".

Compared with Gao Dalin, Zhu Xiaodong is undoubtedly plain in appearance, and he is nine years older than He Jing. Therefore, when the other party pursued her, He Jing chose to refuse.

However, Zhu Xiaodong's love for He Jing was too persistent and he had to wait for her to get off work every day, even if it was windy or raining.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

This kind of persistent love moved He Jing. In addition, she was really longing for love at that time, so she reluctantly confirmed her relationship with Zhu Xiaodong.

When they first fell in love, the two spent a sweet time.

However, as time passed, He Jing found that Zhu Xiaodong's character was very paranoid and she could not bear it, so she broke up.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

After the two broke up, maybe because he wanted to relieve his depression, or simply wanted to have fun, Zhu Xiaodong went to Macau to gamble, and as a result, he owed a huge gambling debt.

Because of this gambling debt, the lives of both Zhu Xiaodong and He Jing have undergone tremendous changes.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

In 1998, He Jing was invited to a friend's house for dinner, and she saw Zhu Xiaodong was also there.

Zhu Xiaodong wanted to pursue He Jing again, so this dinner was arranged by him.

Faced with her ex-boyfriend's request to get back together, He Jing did not choose to agree. Not only did she leave quickly, but she also began to avoid this man.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

In 2001, He Jing was preparing to release her new album.

had a huge funding gap. At this time, Zhu Xiaodong suddenly appeared in front of her and handed her 50,000 yuan.

He Jing needed the money very much at the time, so she accepted it, but she told Zhu Xiaodong that it was a temporary loan from him and would be repaid later.

Zhu Xiaodong didn't say anything at that time, but simply left.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Two months later, a friend suddenly told He Jing:

"Zhu Xiaodong was robbed and stabbed more than a dozen times in the leg. The situation is very dangerous. He is now being rescued in the hospital."

Hearing the sad news, He Jing was first Time came to the hospital to visit Zhu Xiaodong.

After Zhu Xiaodong woke up, the first words he said to He Jing were: "I like you, can we continue to be together?"

He Jing cried looking at this man whose life was in danger but still did not forget him. He agreed to get back together.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

In 2002, the two registered their marriage in Beijing, and the following year they had the fruit of their love, their daughter He Yanlin.

Regarding this marriage, the media at that time reported this:

A popular female singer married into a wealthy family, lived in a mansion, drove famous cars,, sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows at home, enjoying the sunshine

But what did Zhu Xiaodong do? What is the name of the company


No one knows that everything about Zhu Xiaodong comes from the dictation of the couple.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

After getting married, He Jing gave up her career and chose to stay home with her husband and children. Everyone thought her life was very happy.

never thought that marrying Zhu Xiaodong would not be the beginning of He Jing's happy life, but the beginning of her nightmare. Although

is a businessman, Zhu Xiaodong does not have a physical company, and he is playing a white wolf strategy.

So why do others believe him? Here we have to talk about the reason why he married He Jing.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

He Jing is a well-known singer and has a relatively high reputation in front of the public.

In order to defraud money, Zhu Xiaodong always brings He Jing with him when discussing business with others.

pointed at her and said to others: "Look, my wife is a big singer, I will never lie to you, right?"

Because of He Jing, others were willing to believe Zhu Xiaodong's words and give him money.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Look! The benefits of marrying a big star as your wife are so great.

By relying on He Jing, Zhu Xiaodong did not know how much money he had defrauded others, and a lot of this money was unknown to He Jing himself.

What did Zhu Xiaodong do to defraud money? Used to pay off gambling debts he owed in Macau.

used her reputation to defraud money. He Jing was quite disappointed with Zhu Xiaodong's actions. What made her even more disappointed and horrified was that Zhu Xiaodong actually spied on her.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Once, when He Jing was cleaning at home, she found a monitor under the bed, which made her feel numb.

It was really terrible to live with such a person. He Jing had the idea of ​​​​divorcing Zhu Xiaodong for the first time.

Before she had time to act, He Jing was surprised to learn that the villa the two of them lived in was actually rented by Zhu Xiaodong, and the one million yuan spent on the decoration was paid for by himself.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Not only that, Zhu Xiaodong also mortgaged He Jing's sister's house on the pretext of insufficient capital turnover.

In the end, He Jing's sister's house was sold at a low price because she could not pay back the money. The family was homeless and had to live by renting houses everywhere.

Every time he thought of this, He Jing felt very sad and angry. She was sad that she had dragged her sister down, and angry because of what Zhu Xiaodong had done.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

Just when He Jing wanted to confront Zhu Xiaodong, the police suddenly came to the door and took Zhu Xiaodong away. It was exposed that he was cheating money everywhere.

What makes He Jing even more unbelievable is that in addition to cheating money, Zhu Xiaodong actually owed tens of millions of money outside, and has now been sued by the court.

This made He Jing feel numb. Without knowing it, how much money did this man cheat outside? How much money does

owe? Can such a man continue to live together?

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

After learning from the painful experience, He Jing filed for divorce from Zhu Xiaodong through legal channels in 2018 and asked for custody of her daughter.

At this time, Zhu Xiaodong had long been sentenced to life imprisonment by the court for fraud and was undergoing reform in prison.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

For He Jing, this was a failed marriage. Apart from a daughter to comfort her, all she gained was scars all over her body.

After the divorce, the rented villa has been taken away by the landlord. He Jing can only live in rented houses with her daughter like her sister.

Because He Jing gave up her career after getting married, He Jing had long lost her reputation, which made her comeback very difficult.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

There is no other way, He Jing can only return to the karaoke hall to sing, and the appearance fee is only 2,000 yuan at most.

Such a life makes He Jing feel uncomfortable, but she can only accept and endure it because she still has a daughter to raise.

What her husband did has caused great harm to her daughter. She will spend the rest of her life making up for her daughter.

In 2016, after years of hard work, He Jing finally bought a small house in Beijing. From then on, she no longer had to wander around and lived a dignified life.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

And under the careful care of He Jing, her daughter slowly got out of the psychological shadow of her father's imprisonment.

He Jing once posted a photo with her daughter. The two looked like sisters.

He Jing is now 49 years old, and it has been 14 years since her ex-husband was imprisoned.

In these 14 years, He Jing's love life is still blank. After two failed marriages, she no longer expects the existence of love.

Fortunately, her daughter is very sensible, and He Jing's life is quite enjoyable.

Everyone wants to marry a rich man, but the problem is that marrying a rich man does not necessarily lead to happiness. At least that's the case for He Jing. According to the media, He Jing married into a wealthy family. - DayDayNews

He Jing is living a peaceful life now, so how is Zhu Xiaodong doing?

Ever since he was imprisoned, Zhu Xiaodong has been regretting it to this day. However, it is all his own fault. It is useless no matter how much he regrets.

More than thirty years ago, Zhu Xiaodong made his fortune with the song "Tears Behind Bars", and now he is still singing his "Tears behind Bars" behind the high wall.

The only difference is that now he has lost his freedom.

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