"Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses" has won the popularity championship more than 7 times since it was broadcast, and has often occupied the title of prime-time satellite TV ratings champion. From these results, we can also see that this work has achieved its goals. Hot. A big

2024/07/0211:06:32 entertainment 1969

" Happy to Thousands of Homes " has won the popularity championship more than 7 times since it was broadcast, and it often dominates the title of prime time satellite TV ratings champion. From these results, it can be seen that this work is Popularity has been achieved. A big reason for this is because the plot is exciting and it shows real life situations, which makes many viewers want to watch it. The actors also did an excellent job in portraying the various rural scenes, so the audience also recognized them in terms of casting. It is also worth mentioning that these actors have very high academic qualifications.

The powerful actor in the play Liu Wei first studied folk art, and he was also Ma Jingbo's apprentice, so he also has excellent cross talk skills, and this is one of the main reasons why he was able to get into the theater. After becoming an actor, Liu Wei also embarked on a smooth career path, starring in several masterpieces one after another, which also gave him a certain degree of fame. In some subsequent works, he also interpreted various characters, but no matter what kind of character he was, he was able to portray the characters very realistically, as if they had come alive from the script. In this film "Happiness Comes to Thousands of Homes", he played the role of Wan Shan Tang.

The setting of this character also has a strong tension, because he cherishes old ideas and loves face, but at the same time wants to make the villagers rich, and Liu Wei also creates this somewhat contradictory character very well. character traits. It is also worth mentioning that Liu Wei is a student of the same school as Tang Zeng and Zhang Xiqian. Tang Zeng's appearance is also very suitable for major dramas, but since major dramas generally do not gain high popularity, even if he appears in some classic dramas, he still does not have a high reputation. However, with the appearance of "Uncle Mother", he has successfully come into front of the audience.

This also means that he has a high degree of compatibility with rural characters. The character who starred in "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses" is also a rural person, and he also has the characteristics of being timid and fearful of getting into trouble. He even stutters when he encounters some difficulties and chooses to hide behind the heroine. Therefore, This character has also been criticized by many netizens, but this also shows that Tang Zeng's control of the character's personality is very accurate and can make people fall into the play instantly. As for Zhang Xiqian, he has also collaborated with Noon Sunshine on several works, such as " Ode to Joy " and "The Beginning" and other popular dramas where he also appeared. Although

did not play many roles in the play, it left a deep impression on the audience. And he also perfectly demonstrated his timid and stingy character in "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses". Judging from these circumstances, he controlled the mood and personality of the little people very accurately. Both Luo Jin and Cao Zheng also completed their studies at Nortel . Compared with Cao Zheng, Luo Jin is more famous. After all, he starred in "Beauty's Scheming" which was also a popular masterpiece at the time. And the subsequent " Anjia " also received a good reputation. The most important thing is that his acting skills were recognized by the audience.

Of course, part of the reason for this is that his daughter-in-law Tang Yan is very famous. What surprised the audience the most were Chi Peng and Qian Jie . Among them, Chi Peng is an outstanding actor who came out of the Shandong Repertory Theater and has won many awards before. As for Qian Jie, who plays the heroine's mother, she completed her studies at Hebei University . This is also something that people didn't expect. After all, Qian Jie's performance in the play is really outstanding. After all, she should be from a major. actor. Of course, academic qualifications cannot represent the level of acting skills. After all, there are many actors with excellent acting skills who are not educated in majors. In general, this kind of cast configuration also shows the sincerity of the show.

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