Zhu Xiaoqiang received Wen Jing's text message and went to pick up Zhu Xiaoyu near Wen Jing's home, but Xiao Yu didn't want to go home. Wen Jing told Zhu Xiaoyu some great truths, but Zhu Xiaoyu was still reluctant. Wen Yunxia saw that Zhu Xiaoyu was pitiful, so she stopped Wen J

2024/06/3017:50:33 entertainment 1247

Zhu Xiaoqiang received Wen Jing’s text message and went to pick up Zhu Xiaoyu near Wen Jing’s home, but Xiao Yu didn’t want to go home. Wen Jing told Zhu Xiaoyu some truth, but Zhu Xiaoyu was still reluctant. Wen Yunxia saw that Zhu Xiaoyu was pitiful, so she stopped Wen Jing With persuasion, Zhu Xiaoyu agreed to let Zhu Xiaoyu stay overnight. She also asked Wen Jing to go downstairs and tell Zhu Xiaoqiang that he didn't have to worry, that he could let his daughter stay at his home for one night and just pick her up on time the next morning.

In order to prevent Zhu Xiaoyu from being late for school the next day, Zhu Xiaoqiang did not leave. He parked the car near Wenjing's rental house and prepared to spend the night in the car. Chen Guo observed from a distance. In the dead of night, she walked into Zhu Xiaoqiang's taxi and knocked heavily on the car. Zhu Xiaoqiang opened the door and prepared to get out of the car. Chen Guo slammed the newly opened door and left quickly.

Zhu Xiaoqiang received Wen Jing's text message and went to pick up Zhu Xiaoyu near Wen Jing's home, but Xiao Yu didn't want to go home. Wen Jing told Zhu Xiaoyu some great truths, but Zhu Xiaoyu was still reluctant. Wen Yunxia saw that Zhu Xiaoyu was pitiful, so she stopped Wen J - DayDayNews

Zhu Xiaoqiang hurriedly chased after him. On a relatively wide road, Chen Guo was dressed in black and chose a safer distance to look at Zhu Xiaoqiang from a distance. Zhu Xiaoqiang asked Chen Guo to take off his mask and show his true face. Chen Guo She said that unless Zhu Xiaoqiang could recover his memory, it would be useless to look at it. Zhu Xiaoqiang further asked about the other party's intention to seduce him. Chen Guo asked Zhu Xiaoqiang not to look for Wen Jing again, because Wen Jing already knew that Zhu Xiaoqiang was her father-killing enemy, and she also He said that Zhu Xiaoqiang was injured again and again, and Zhu Xiaoyu was kidnapped. It was all intentional design by Wen Jing. After saying that, before Zhu Xiaoqiang could continue to ask questions, she climbed into a passing large truck and left in a hurry.

Zhu Xiaoqiang returned to the car and repeatedly thought about the advice of the man in black. Zhu Xiaoqiang was puzzled whether Wen Jing had any evidence of his own murder and why he had not reported it. Wen Jing couldn't sleep either, so she brought a blanket to Zhu Xiaoqiang. When she returned to the room, the door was locked. Wen Jing didn't bring the key, and she didn't want to disturb the old man and the children, so she went to Zhu Xiaoqiang's car to spend the night.

The two of them were sitting in the car, neither of them sleepy. Zhu Xiaoqiang told Wen Jing about his past as a soldier, and the explosions, blood, and kidnapping fragments that kept appearing in his mind. Wen Jing hurriedly asked, but Zhu Xiaoqiang couldn't find any more He only told Wen Jing that he might have actually killed someone before, but he must have been forced to do so. He also asked Wen Jing if he had anything to hide from her, and Wen Jing could only reply no.

After dawn, the two of them were still sleeping in the car. They were woken up by an old man doing morning exercises. The old man warned Zhu Xiaoqiang that in the future, he should not take up public transportation when he fell in love. He could go home or go to a hotel. Zhu Xiaoqiang wanted to explain, but Wen Jing took the first step. car. Zhu Xiaoqiang went home and brought Zhu Xiaoyu's schoolbag and clothes to pick him up again. Wen Jing sent Zhu Xiaoyu downstairs, but Xiao Yu asked Zhu Xiaoqiang in a low voice whether he spent the night with Wen Jing last night.

Zhu Xiaoqiang said he had a problem and asked Wen Jing for help, and sent Xiao Yu to school. Zhu Xiaoqiang took Wen Jing to the country park and mentioned the promise of the man in black. If Zhu Xiaoqiang defeated him, he would tell Zhu Xiaoqiang about his past, but Zhu Xiaoqiang could not beat the black man. The man in black, so I asked Wen Jing to help me analyze the fighting method of the man in black so that I could break through as soon as possible.

Liao Dongmei reported the information stolen by hackers to Shen Dongliang. Shen Dongliang believed that the minutes of the meeting did not mention the relevant cases at all, which was just suspicious, indicating that the Public Security Bureau had begun to carry out targeted work.

Chen Guo suspected that Liao Dongmei had been discovered by the police and asked Tang Dao to approach Xie Ruiyang to understand the situation. Tang Dao found Xie Ruiyang who was surfing the Internet. Xie Ruiyang was immersed in the game and ignored Tang Dao. Tang Dao was very angry and began to beat Xie Ruiyang in public and sat aside. Wei Xiao stepped forward and fought with Tang Dao. Tang Dao left in a hurry because he was afraid of leaving any flaws.

Xie Ruiyang was grateful to Wei Xiao and began to think about what forces he had provoked that would bring disaster to him. After taking stock, he targeted Liao Dongmei.

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