A novel usually has only one protagonist, but there are exceptions. For example, "Border Town Prodigal" uses a two-protagonist model, another example is "Dragon Movie" which uses a three-protagonist model, and another example is "Happy Heroes" which has four protagonists. Althoug

2024/06/3002:45:33 entertainment 1688

A novel usually has only one protagonist, but there are exceptions. For example, "Border Town Prodigal Son" uses a two-protagonist model, another example is "Dragon Babu" which uses a three-protagonist model, and another example is " Happy Heroes " which has four protagonists.

Although the number of protagonists can be increased, the protagonists cannot have the same number of roles. Just like when you make a movie and hire a big star to star, it will involve the number of roles, which will cause dissatisfaction. When Donnie Yen and Zhao Wenzhuo collaborated on " Special Identity ", there were huge differences, which led to a breakup.

A novel usually has only one protagonist, but there are exceptions. For example,

This is true for movies and novels. Although they are both protagonists, the roles of the protagonists will be different due to the different preferences and focuses of the authors. For example, this is the story of "Peerless Two Prides" that this article will talk about. Although Gulong adopts the model of two male protagonists, Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque are both male protagonists, but it is obvious that Xiao Yuer There are many more scenes than Hua Wuque, and Hua Wuque's scenes are not even as many as Jiang Yulang .

To be honest, I used to watch "Peerless Two Prouds" and my favorite character was Xiao Yu'er. This guy is really smart and clever. He can play around with Li Dazui , Tu Jiaojiao, Du Sha and other villains, laughing. Gives someone a stomach ache. As Jiang Feng's son and Hua Wuque's brother, Xiao Yu'er was taken away by Yan Nantian and stayed in the Valley of the Wicked.

Although there are many evil people in the Valley of the Wicked, those who commit murder, arson, and commit all kinds of evil all hide in the Valley of the Wicked. Xiao Yu'er was trained by Tu Jiaojiao, Haha'er, and Du Sha, who had ulterior motives and deliberately caused harm. It was a miracle that she was not as bad as them.

Although he seems to like to play pranks and cause trouble, he is actually a kind and lovely person in his heart. Even though the villains framed him, he did not retaliate in kind. Although Yaoyue and Jiang Biehe killed his parents, he did not kill them in revenge in the end. Instead, I chose to forgive, I chose to forgive.

is such a person who is willing to let go of hatred and choose to forgive. No wonder he laughs and laughs all day long and is so happy. Compared with Xiao Yu'er's cheerful, lively and funny character, his good brother Hua Wuque is much duller. Back then, Jiang Feng and Yue Nu gave birth to a pair of twins, Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque. After Xiao Yu'er was taken away by Yan Nantian, Yan Nantian went to the Valley of the Wicked alone in order to find Jiang Biehe, but was framed by the wicked. He became a living dead, and Xiao Yu'er stayed in the Valley of the Wicked and grew up in the Valley of the Wicked.

A novel usually has only one protagonist, but there are exceptions. For example,

Hua Wuque was taken away by and . Yao Yue originally wanted to kill Hua Wuque and Xiao Yu'er, and had already left a knife on Xiao Yu'er's face. It was Lianxing who played a trick at the critical moment and persuaded Yao Yue. It turns out that Lianxing asked Yaoyue to keep the lives of Hua Wuque and Xiao Yuer so that they could grow up and practice martial arts separately so that they could kill each other when they grew up. Yaoyue thought this idea was a good one, so she took Hua Wuque away and left Xiao Yuer with Yan Nantian.

Hua Wuque received a good education in Yihua Palace. Yao Yue is determined to train him into a person with both civil and military skills. Of course, this is not his original intention, but to train him into the strongest person and then destroy him with his own hands, so that she can relieve her hatred to the greatest extent. Although Yao Yue had ulterior motives, it objectively contributed to Hua Wuque's civil and military success.

After growing up, Hua Wuque is not only handsome but also has an invincible temperament. I still remember Gu Long's description of his appearance and temperament. It was really amazing:

Under the light, I saw that this boy was only thirteen or fourteen years old at most, but his martial arts and his moves were beyond those of many first-class martial arts masters. You can only dream that he is only wearing an ordinary white linen shirt, but his luxurious temperament is beyond the reach of any young man with rich clothes and jade belt in the world.

He has only said three or five sentences up to this moment, but his gentleness and demeanor make even the "Snowflake Sword" Liu Yuru, who has read countless people, feel intoxicated. "Silver Spear Family" Qiu Qiye was once a handsome and handsome man when he was young, but when he saw this young man, he felt ashamed.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

A novel usually has only one protagonist, but there are exceptions. For example,

Gu Long rarely describes the characters in this way. Another description is about Liancheng Bi. To be honest, Liancheng Bi and Hua Wuque are truly unforgettable in their unparalleled charm. It's a pity that such a perfect Hua Wuque has no appearance and temperament in the novel, but she has very few scenes.

Xiao Yuer's scenes are from the beginning to the end, while Hua Wuque only appears in a few key places. The scenes are far inferior to those of Tie Xinlan, Jiang Biehe, Jiang Yulang and others. It really makes people feel like they are a bit like a supporting role. . Maybe this novel is more hip-hop and funny, but the serious Hua Wuque is not suitable for gags, so there are fewer scenes.

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