Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn "I ask you to act as an elder and propose marriage to Mrs. Cheng Si." "Brilliant Star" has been updated two-thirds, and the best plot is still reserved for next week: Cheng Shaoshang and his first wife Fiancé Lou Yao's engagement encounters changes, a

2024/06/3018:14:32 entertainment 1510

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

"I ask you to act as an elder and propose marriage to Mrs. Cheng Si."

" Xinghan Brilliant " has been updated two-thirds, and the best plot is still reserved for next week: Mr. Cheng Shang's engagement with his first fiancé Lou Yao encountered changes, and his relationship with Ling Buyi finally made new progress. On

Weibo, topics such as "Additional updates" and "One household per person" have also boosted the popularity of this drama again. In fact, this drama has been a hot topic since its launch. Official data shows that it has received 956 hot searches on the Internet on the 9th day since its launch. The number of reads of the main topic of the same name on Weibo has exceeded 3.5 billion, surpassing Zhao Liying 's " Happy to Ten Thousands" "Home" ranks among the top 1 in the hot TV series list. On Maoyan , Beacon and other data platforms, its popularity value is also firmly at the forefront.

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

inherits the popularity of ancient puppets from "梦华鹿" and is the only S+ ancient puppet drama currently airing on the market. "Brilliant Star" seems to have fulfilled the market's expectations. However, like most ancient puppet dramas, has not yet been divided on Douban, but the trend of polarization is obvious:

Some netizens prefer Jia Zhai Shuang Dou, and they can't stop in the CP battle between Cheng Shaoshang and his three "fiancés". Of course, some people feel that there is still room for improvement in the acting skills and lines of Zhao Lusi and Wu Lei , and there are also obvious gaps and flaws in the narrative structure. In addition, the show only featured advertising sponsorship by Honor in the first 6 episodes, and no other brands appeared in it after that, which also attracted public attention.

"Xinghan Brilliant" obviously leaves the market with many questions worthy of discussion.

are both "combatants" and don't want to be "Known"?

"Brilliant Star" will inevitably be compared with Zhao Liying's "Know or Not". It is also adapted from the novel Caring for Chaos, which also focuses on female growth and also has the gene of house fighting. In the past two years, "Knowledge" has continued to rejuvenate and become popular, which also makes the market have high expectations for "The Star".

But now it seems that "Brilliant Star" obviously has its own ideas in terms of film and television treatment.

First of all, the extremely amplified comedy elements, the ancient version of "A Family of Drama Spirits", are obviously even better. If the eldest lady played by Liu Lin in "Do You Know" was unexpectedly out of the circle, then here more "natural comedians" have gathered, Mrs. Cheng, played by Xu Di, is a worldly drama queen. Cheng Shi, who seems honest and honest, and Cheng Shaoshang, who looks like a pretty girl, are also capable of fighting.

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

As the plot progresses, more "comedians" appear on the stage: the extremely double-standard emperor is devoted to CP, and his relationship with Ling Buyi is warm and interesting; the third uncle of the koi bodyguard, Yuan Shanjian, who took the script of The Lonely Widow, and their Fuzi and Ling Buyi, two personal guards with distinctive personalities, as well as Wan Qiqi, who is said to be a sister who is more powerful than the other, have also added a lot of comedy treatment.

Secondly, Ling Buyi’s story line was enlarged from the beginning. The play does not focus on the growth of Minglan like "Knowledge", but chooses the parallel approach of male and female protagonists. The grand opening of the film with the grand canonization award makes people seem to have mistakenly entered the set of a historical drama. The male protagonist also has a sense of career in pursuing the ordnance case.

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

This is not difficult to understand. The original work emphasizes the main line of female growth at the beginning, but Ling Buyi also has a "limited role", and the film and television adaptation must make him appear early, and also need to fill in and enrich his side stories. This is not only a problem for Wu Lei starring, it is also quite common in current drama adaptations.

The story lines surrounding the two protagonists are completely different in temperament. The crossover between Machiavellian revenge and funny drama also makes the main line of this drama gradually blurred and the story is weak. The problem of "both, and also, and also" is particularly prominent here. “The types are seriously collaged, and the elements are dissolving each other,” a netizen on Douban pointed out.

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

The house fight gradually turned into a farce. The daily life of the Cheng family, especially the daily life of Mrs. Cheng, is a bit noisy and even steals the show; the grudge between the children also becomes "pediatric" in the routine. The emotional line between mother and daughter in the play, and the collision between two equally tough-talking people, although it triggered a lot of realistic discussions, was also reduced to a character issue because it was too stereotyped. This is also one of the most popular topics at the moment.

At the same time, the mix of types also brings about the problem of being too slow . Although the Cheng family's daily life, Hua County's distress and other scenes were handled neatly, the most typical thing is that the male and female protagonists really met for the first time in the sixth episode. It was not until the 18th episode was updated that Cheng Shaoshang and his first fiancé Lou Yao's story has not yet been told. Ling Buyi and Yuan Shanjian still hold the script of the infatuated man and queue up. What's more, there are a lot of useless scenes in the show.

The sense of CP is paramount, and the controversy is the same as

contemporary ancient puppet dramas. If there is traffic, there will be controversy. The traffic here refers to traffic actors. With the support of Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi, the show has attracted attention, and of course also brought controversy.

Objectively speaking, the group portraits created by "The Stars Are Brilliant" are more brilliant. Whether it is Mrs. Cheng’s drama queen, the tiger mother and cat father Cheng Shi and his wife, the loving third uncle and his wife, or the Wan Qiqi family, Yuan Shanjian and his son, the emperor and the empress, etc., they all have distinctive character characteristics and are extremely popular. Easily remembered by the audience.

But in another dimension, With the support of veteran actors and powerful actors, the leading actor can easily feel like being "beaten". Among the slightly negative comments on Douban, Zhao Lusi and Wu Lei accounted for a high proportion of problems with their acting skills and lines. How did the two perform?

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

Cheng Shaoshang, played by Zhao Lusi, is the ancient version of a "left-behind child". She was deliberately raised by her second aunt and is uneducated and notorious. But in fact, she is quirky, has a clear distinction between likes and dislikes, and has her own way of life. philosophy. Reporting on her uncle, pretending to be dizzy and committing suicide to win the heart of her parents, squeezing the opponent's waist during a fight, and taking revenge on a bridge. But on the other hand, she always has expectations for her mother, calmly commanding and treating the wounded when in danger. A character like

is not considered a routine in ancient puppet dramas, and it "fits" Zhao Lusi relatively well. She did complete the interpretation of the characters, but her shortcomings in details and eye expressions were also magnified and discussed. And she has been controversial before for issues such as "Korean-style acting", homogeneity of roles, and homogeneity of performances. However, her many monologues to her mother this time also touched the hearts of many netizens. It's just that the problems with the lines are also completely exposed.

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

Wu Lei plays a cold-faced general. Throughout the drama, his appearance is full of pomp, with a terrifying aura, and without anger or authority. But maybe it's because of his upbringing. When I see the character Ling Buyi he plays, I always feel like I'm wearing an adult's clothes. It's out of place and a bit pretentious. And his performance is too deep, which makes it extremely difficult to integrate his story line with the temperament of the entire drama.

actors still have room to grow. However, as the series aired, more and more viewers felt the sense of CP between the two. This is obviously a very important point in chasing dramas, and it is also a testament to the actors' acting skills. Ling Buyi's unique gentleness, unconsciously slowed down voice and expression when faced with Cheng Shaoshang, and his thoughtfulness for her at all times made a large number of viewers express their disappointment and look forward to the unfolding of the emotional line between the two.

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

In addition, "Brilliant Star" also created many sets of quite eye-catching CPs. The combination of husband and wife Cheng Shi and the tiger mother and cat father makes the interaction between the two quite interesting. One look between the third uncle and his wife can make people feel the deep affection. The foster-father-son relationship between Ling Buyi and the emperor, and the sisterly relationship between Cheng Shaoshang and Wan Qiqi are equally touching. The sense of CP is not only love, but also the most sincere collision between characters.

Can "Brilliant Star" replicate the investment miracle of "Menghualu"?

"Meng Hua Lu" made the ancient puppet show very proud, not only from the word-of-mouth recognition from Douban score, but also from the commercial recognition of and 40+ brands. Especially with the increasing number of implantation methods, it also provides brand owners with the opportunity to accurately track popular products. Just like after the launch of "Menghualu", many new brand sponsorships were quickly added.

But this situation did not last in "Xinghan Brilliant". Recently, many people in the market have been surprised to find that "Brilliant Star", which was originally the most popular show on the Internet, has been neglected in terms of sponsorship: Glory "withdrew" after the first 6 episodes, and has aired 18 episodes so far. , two-thirds of the episode has passed, and the next advertiser has not been seen.

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

The investment market has indeed been cold this year, not only the variety show market, but also the drama market. Yien data shows that in Q1 2022, more than 300 brands will launch soft advertising for drama series, a sharp decline compared with the same period last year. Among them, the total number of TV series cooperation brands dropped from 253 to 166., but a single The average number of online drama partner brands is still on an upward trend.

The head effect is still significant , "Heart in the Heart" has won 49 brand cooperations, "Please Advice for the Rest of My Life" has won 47 brand cooperations, and the rest, such as " Human World " and "The Beginning", have remained at 10 above. Q2 data has not been revealed yet, but "Menghualu" has already entered the 40+ camp. And such as " says who is a hero", " cloister pavilion ", the popular "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses", etc., also have advertising sponsorship.

Why has "Brilliant Star" become a "special case" for brand owners? A big V on Weibo pointed out that this is mainly affected by the user group: The audience focused on the actors and themes of the show are mainly college students between the ages of 10 and 20; while the audience of "Menghualu" is mainly concentrated in the 20s -40 years old, the age group with the strongest purchasing power and consumption desire.

Entertainment Unicorn Baidu Index found that the search proportion of keywords for Wu Lei, Zhao Lusi and "Brilliant Star" in those under 19 years old and 30-39 years old is indeed higher than Liu Yifei and "Meng Hua Lu". The advantage of the latter is even more prominent in the 20-29 age group. This analysis is not without basis, but advertisers naturally have reasons to consider it.

Author | Stir-fried Hawthorn

However, some people also pointed out that Tencent Video has previously revealed that " Jade Bone Remote " starring Xiao Zhan will also be broadcast in the summer. It is not ruled out that brands are still waiting and watching with limited budgets and want to spend their money. Spend on the most impactful and converting content possible. After all, Xiao Zhan’s previous appeal in commercial endorsements and dramas has been proven by various data.

No matter what, "Brilliant Star" is still on the air, and the atmosphere of urging updates also confirms that it is indeed popular online and has captured a group of loyal fans. The Internet has also raised expectations for the next part of "Moonrise", which is also the focus of Ling Buyi's story. Perhaps we can look forward to exciting follow-ups to the stories inside and outside the movie.

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