We noticed that our favorite "male god" Jin Dong has a new position. As die-hard fans, we are also happy for him. Although he has entered his forties, there is still a "little boy" in our hearts. Every time I see him, I feel warm and natural. What I didn’t expect is that his hard

2024/06/2914:58:33 entertainment 1135

We noticed that our favorite "male god" Jin Dong has a new position. As die-hard fans, we are also happy for him. Although he has entered his forties, there is still a certain feeling in our hearts. I feel like a "little fresh meat". Every time I see him, I feel more friendly and natural. What I didn't expect is that his handwriting "accidentally" became popular and highly praised. It even made the hot list for a time. , the first impression given by his hard-pen calligraphy is that the words are elegant, as gentle as jade, and very textured. Appreciating his hard-pen handwriting is a wonderful enjoyment. For die-hard fans like us, I don’t know. Do you also feel this way? Let's take a look at his handwriting together.

We noticed that our favorite

In recent years, we have also discovered that he has conquered many audiences with his superb acting skills and noble personality charm. The audience is relatively broad, with audiences of all ages and many fans, and they also admire him. It's not something that can be explained clearly in one or two sentences. When you see his hard-pen handwriting, it's like seeing him. There is a natural sense of intimacy. No wonder many friends highly praise his hard-pen handwriting. Many friends He said that although his handwriting is not calligraphy, it makes people excited, exciting, and gives people a natural sense of admiration.

We noticed that our favorite

Judging from his hard-pen handwriting, in fact, he still has a lot of effort in hard-pen writing. At least he is very particular about the use of pens. He does not make mistakes or affectations. It is natural and very calm. He arranges dots. , the layout, including the creation of the space, are all very thoughtful and experienced. They look forward to each other and give in to each other. They are connected to each other and echo from beginning to end. They are handled very well. Moreover, we also found that, In terms of the overall layout of his hard-pen calligraphy, he is good at using excessively large line spacing and tight word spacing to form an obvious contrast relationship, which has a very strong visual impact.

We noticed that our favorite

We noticed that our favorite

No wonder his hard-pen handwriting is so prominent. Indeed, the writing is quite free and easy, and the sense of elegance truly proves that the words are like the person they are. It is eye-catching. It is no wonder that he can capture so many people's hearts. This is also A kind of strength. In fact, his handwriting also attracted him a lot of fans, what do you think? Share your thoughts and insights.

We noticed that our favorite

We noticed that our favorite

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