Recently, I have shared with you a lot of books and movies about law. Which one impressed you the most? Today I bring you a Korean movie, "The Defender", which was released in 2013.

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Recently, I have shared with you a lot of books and movies about law. Which one impressed you the most? Today I bring you a Korean movie,

has recently shared with you a lot of books and movies about law. Which one has impressed you the most? What I bring to you today is a Korean movie, the movie " Defender " released in 2013. The plot of the movie "The Defender" is adapted from the real events that happened to former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun. The outbreak and involvement of multiple political incidents have launched a war without gunpowder between the state machinery and the legal system. Many classic characters appear in the film. Among them, the protagonist of the film, a low-level lawyer who was originally timid and tactful, bravely takes up his responsibility as a legal person in the face of power and injustice and upholds the dignity and justice of the Constitution. .

The prototype of this film is former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun. He was born in a poor peasant family in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea. In his youth, Roh Moo-hyun lived an extremely poor life as depicted in the movie "The Defender". After graduating from high school, he did not pursue a higher degree. Therefore, he is also the one with the lowest academic qualifications among the previous presidents of South Korea. After serving in the military, he began to study legal subjects and applied for the Korean Judicial Examination after retiring. After repeated defeats and repeated defeats, Roh Moo-hyun's name finally appeared on the hard-won qualified list after taking the exam for the seventh time in a row. Regarding this plot in the film, the words "never give up" also appear, and every word is what he said from the bottom of his heart. Since then, he has served as a judge, opened a law firm, and became a tax lawyer. He has gained a certain reputation in the local area with a high winning rate.

Recently, I have shared with you a lot of books and movies about law. Which one impressed you the most? Today I bring you a Korean movie,

Until the famous "Gwangju Incident" occurred in South Korea. This is the background when the story of this film takes place.

A small tax lawyer became involved with politics and eventually became the president of South Korea. It started with the "Bulim Incident ", which is the main story told in "The Defender".

The government detained 22 young people in the Busan area on suspicion of violating the National Security Law, the Anti-Communist Law, and the Assembly and Demonstration Law by circulating dangerous books and holding illegal gatherings under martial law. Roh Moo-hyun joined the defense lawyer team by mistake, but achieved his first "defense on current affairs".

Recently, I have shared with you a lot of books and movies about law. Which one impressed you the most? Today I bring you a Korean movie,

During his tenure as the president of South Korea, he always regarded himself as "Mr. Corrupt". Under the mask of incorruptibility, he could not escape the cycle of "corruption" that all previous presidents of South Korea have fallen into. Less than two years after he stepped down as the president of South Korea, he finally chose to end his life due to many different reasons, and he did so in an extreme way by jumping off a cliff. At the same time, his ups and downs and ill-fated life ended. At the intersection of politics and money, power and desire, Roh Moo-hyun chose to commit suicide. The heavy social pressure brought by moral sense and law, the voice of the people and the so-called truth finally became "the last straw that broke the camel's back" after he left the presidency.

Putting aside Roh Moo-hyun’s subsequent political turmoil, we discuss how, as a lawyer, he seemed to have regained the rationality and firmness that a legal person should have when he faced the court trial. His fearlessness is like the innocent heart that has been hidden in darkness all day long and finally sees the light again. The moment he stood in court, his past ideals resurfaced before his eyes. That’s it for

’s sharing today. Regarding “The Defender”, one thousand people will have a thousand Hamlets. Through the movie, we see the legal principles and human feelings behind it, and we also lament the ending of the movie prototype. I hope you can also gain something from the movie.

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