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The 72-year-old man said frankly: Only when he was lying in the hospital bed did he know who was the closest to him. Why is it like this and what happened? Let's take a look.

Ms. Huo, 72 years old

I married my husband when I was 26 years old. At that time, we were both farmers. When we got married, we were very poor. In order to make a living, my husband and I went to work in a factory in the town. My husband and I discussed saving money. When we saved enough capital, we quit our jobs and opened a restaurant together so that we could have more energy in life.

In order to make more money, my husband and I chose to work overtime every day. Although we were tired every day, when we saw the salary income, our husband and I decided that the hard work was worth it. When I was 32 years old, my husband and I quit our jobs and started a catering business. At the beginning, our business was lukewarm due to lack of experience.

My husband and I discussed setting up some preferential packages, which could attract people. Later, through our hard work, the business of the restaurant became better and better, and our efforts paid off. My husband and I became more motivated. At that time, we had A common goal is to save money to buy a house in the city, and we work harder for this goal.

When I was 40 years old, my husband and I finally accomplished this goal and bought a house in the city as we wished. I feel that life is getting better and better, and I am full of hope for the future. But later, due to health reasons, I asked my husband to manage the restaurant alone, and I stayed at home to help my son take care of the children. This life lasted for 5 years.

Because the catering business has become difficult to run, my husband's temper has become worse and worse. During the years when I took care of the children, my relationship with my husband has become worse and worse. Sometimes I called my husband, but he was indifferent to me. This happened many times, and gradually I felt cold towards my husband. I felt that there was something wrong with our relationship.

Although I tried to communicate with my husband, hoping that our relationship could get back to the old relationship, my husband said that he was busy with work and did not have much time to chat with me. Later, I stopped communicating with him. Our relationship has lasted for many years. I think it may be because we have been married for a long time. My husband and I are an old couple, so there is no need to worry about many things.

But as I grew older, when I was 70 years old, my body developed a variety of diseases, which caused me to need someone to take care of me. The first thing I thought of was my husband. I think he is my most important person. Dear people. However, my husband would rather spend money to hire a caregiver than take care of me personally, which makes me feel very chilled.

I have always been very good to my son. When I was lying in bed, my son often came to see me. Only now do I feel that the person closest to me is my son. My husband rarely visits me now. Last month, I learned from my sisters that my husband danced ballroom dance with a woman who was many years younger than him, and he smiled broadly during the dance. I was very angry after hearing this.

I feel that my husband has no feelings for me anymore. I also want to understand. I still have 500,000 yuan in savings. I have secretly saved all this money. I originally wanted to tell my husband about this. Now that I have seen clearly what he is like, when I am seriously ill, I will give the money to my son, because my son is the person closest to me.