Time slipped through the fingers, and with a turn, the first half of 2022 has come to an end. How have you been in the past six months? How many of the wish lists you wrote at the beginning of the year have come true? Maybe there are times of joy and times of sadness, but they al

Time slipped through the fingers, and with a turn, the first half of 2022 has come to an end.

How have you been in the past six months?

htmlHow much of the wish list I wrote at the beginning of 1 year has been realized?

Maybe there are times of joy and times of sadness, but they all become scenery and remain in yesterday.

The summer wind is blowing, there is no need to look back frequently. The present is the best, and the future is worth looking forward to.

In the second half of the year, I hope you will read more

American investor Charlie Munger said: "There is no smart person from all walks of life I have met in my life who does not read every day."

Yes, I often read. Every gesture and gesture of a person is full of grace and charm.

Not long ago, the variety show " Praise for Songs " became popular, and the commentator Fang Qi even became a hot search. In the

program, the scholarly atmosphere she exudes is fascinating, and her comments on each singer are also moving. For a girl who has read thousands of books, speaking is an art.

Her language is warm and healing, and every word is beautiful.

Her confidence and luck, her confidence and calmness are all hidden in the books she has read.

From her, I understand why people should read more.

In the new second half of the year, please develop a good habit of reading and enrich your soul.

I hope you can cultivate a normal mind that is not surprised by favors and disgrace while reading, and become wiser in the passing years.

In the second half of the year, I hope you will exercise often

Exercise is a good medicine to heal life.

The pace of life is accelerating, and we are always too busy and tired. When we occasionally have a break, we just want to lie in bed, play with our mobile phones and sleep.

However, the correct way to decompress life is not to rest blindly, but to exercise regularly.

Apple CEO Cook likes to use exercise to decompress.

Cook, who is over 60 years old, manages the multinational enterprise Apple Company . His work pressure and busyness are unimaginable, but he always gives people a feeling of energy.

Cook said in an interview that he gets up at 4 a.m. every day to go to the gym to exercise for an hour, and then goes hiking or cycling when he has free time. He likes to stay in top shape through fitness and exercise.

Exercise can also help you get rid of anxiety, improve your mood, and keep you in good health.

In the second half of the year, please take good care of your body, go to bed early instead of staying up late, and make your work and rest regular. No matter how busy your days are, remember to find time to exercise.

When we are healthy, we can choose the life we ​​yearn for and feel the beauty of life.

In the second half of the year, may you make money

On station B, many people like the humorous "Internet celebrity professor" Dai Jianye.

But did you know? Teacher Dai also suffered from lack of money.

html More than a year ago, Teacher Dai's wife was suffering from advanced lung cancer. There was a drug to treat her, which cost 50,000 yuan a box.

Once, his wife accidentally dropped a medicine and couldn't find it no matter how hard she looked for it. She burst into tears. Dai Jianye felt very distressed when he saw this scene. He tried every means to make money.

Some people accused him of losing his literary integrity in order to make money.

He asked, if he lost his wife, what would he do with his literary character?

We are all human beings. Sometimes an illness can put a family in turmoil.

Living is expensive, working hard to make money is the sobriety that adults should have.

In the second half of the year, we will work hard together and make more money.

likes this sentence very much: “Money is like an iron that can iron out all the wrinkles in life."

Don't be lazy when you are at the age where you should make money. A few taels of broken silver can relieve thousands of panics.

In the second half of the year, I hope you will have money in your pocket and not panic.

In the second half of the year, I hope you know how to cherish it.

This year In the first half of the year, many accidents occurred.

html In March, China Eastern Airlines MU5735 crashed, and 132 people left this world forever...

html In April, an 8-story self-built building collapsed in Changsha, Hunan, killing 53 people...

html In November, In Guangdong, a van suddenly fell into a river, killing 10 people on board...

html In June, a 6.1-magnitude earthquake occurred in Lushan County, Ya'an City, Sichuan, and 4 people died...

html In late June, 400,000 people were affected by floods in Yingde, Guangdong. Affected by the epidemic, 30,000 people were urgently transferred...

In one accident after another, some people lost their relatives, some lost their loved ones, some lost their friends and confidants...

Life is impermanent, and things are unpredictable. Please cherish the present, cherish the people around you, and save the rest of your life. To the most deserving people.

Just like Yan Shu said: "The mountains and rivers in our eyes are far away, and the falling flowers and wind and rain are more damaging to the spring. It is better to take pity on the people in front of you." ”

Life is really hard, and living is very tiring. It is the love and care of your relatives, partners, and friends that support you through mountains and rivers and make you feel that the world is worth it. They are the ones who illuminate your world with their efforts.

So what we can do is Live a good life, cherish the people in front of you, and cherish this ordinary and extraordinary life now.

Goodbye, the first half of the year that cannot be restarted; hello, the second half of the year has already begun.

I wish you good luck in the second half of the year for all your dissatisfaction and regrets. Continuous preparation.

In the new days, please remember to read more, exercise regularly, and adjust your life to the best condition.

Make money silently, stand out quietly, cherish it well, love well, walk lightly, and rush towards beauty.