In the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City", after the male protagonist Wang Duoyu became a millionaire by chance, he spent his thoughts on a woman named Xia Zhu beside him. He furiously spent a lot of money to pursue Xia Zhu crazily, set off fireworks for her, set off hot air

In the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City", after the male protagonist Wang Duoyu became a millionaire by chance, he devoted his attention to a woman named Xia Zhu beside him. He furiously spent a lot of money to pursue Xia Zhu crazily, set off fireworks for her, set off hot air balloons with Xia Zhu's name on them all over the city, and bribed her former boyfriend.

When Wang Duoyu was doing these things, maybe his love for Xia Zhu was not that deep, but at the end of the film, in order to save Xia Zhu, Wang Duoyu reluctantly gave up 30 billion in cash and almost became a pauper. There is no doubt that It shows that he has deep feelings for her.

Love is an elusive and invisible thing. Many times, we cannot perceive its existence at the first time. Especially in the ambiguous period of relationships, people always worry about gains and losses. It is like covering a window with a layer of paper, allowing a man and woman to look at each other through the window. It is impossible to figure out whether the other party loves him or not.

In fact, this love that looks like the moon in the mirror and the flowers in the water can often be seen from some details. Whether your husband or your lover is willing to give you these three things, it means that you already love you to the core.

01 His salary and wallet

There is a saying circulating on the Internet: Whether a man really loves you mainly depends on whether he is willing to let you take charge of his wallet.

Money is something that can give people a sense of security. Most people save money to enrich their own treasury and use money to accumulate their own lives.

Every money saved now is actually an accumulation for the future life. It may become the expenditure for the first mortgage in life, it may become money for milk powder for children, or it may be a pastime for hobbies.

Therefore, if a man feels confident and bold and puts money in your hands, it means that he has a very strong sense of trust and security in you, and he has reason to believe that you will work with him to create a better future. . These unreserved trusts themselves come from a man’s deep love for a woman.

Deep love brings not only a sense of trust and security, but also an eagerness to show off oneself. When a man falls in love with a woman, he can’t help but show himself in front of the woman and show everything that can prove himself. Give a woman, including material things, including salary and wallet, for fear that the woman will not see his value.

This is like peacock opening its tail , showing his best posture to attract his spouse, making his spouse feel that he will have a good life with him, and build a warm little home together, thus creating dependence and dependence on him. Good impression.

It is said that men will become bad when they have money, and there is some truth to it. He took the initiative to hand over his salary and wallet to you, cut off his "ambition" of "going bad", and conscientiously restrained himself. Isn't this a manifestation of his deep love for you?

Women should also be reminded here that the pocket money they should give should still be given to men. After all, men also need some entertainment.

02 His mobile phone and password

Many men have secrets hidden in their mobile phones, either in their WeChat chat history, in their phone address book, or on social platforms.

A man who hides secrets in his mobile phone will pay special attention to his mobile phone. If a woman wants to look at his mobile phone, he will be very guilty and scared, and he will not want to hand his mobile phone into a woman's hand.

However, if a man loves a woman deeply, he will not be ambiguous with other women, nor will he have in-depth interactions with other women. Naturally, there are no secrets in his mobile phone. Since

has no secrets, he will be extremely open and can easily hand over his mobile phone to you and share his life with you.

In addition to handing over your mobile phone to you, a man who loves you deeply will also tell you all your passwords, whether they are various payment passwords or passwords for social platforms. Because of trust, he is magnanimous.

In this way, you can get to know her better, dispel your worries, and let you know that he only has you in his heart, there are no secrets between you, and he is not afraid of you checking.

I would also like to advise women here not to regard men’s respect and trust as their unscrupulous capital. Necessary personal space and privacy should still be left to men.

03 His body and hugs

In many people's minds, sex and love are separate, but in fact, sex and love are inseparable, and the two depend on each other.

When two people fall in love, a high-quality sex life can sublimate their love, allowing them to feel a fiery and sincere love for each other, allowing them to integrate each other into their flesh and blood. , even more inseparable.

It can be said that love is the foundation and premise of sex. Sex is the sublimation and foreshadowing of love. It is also the basis for two people to truly open up all the joints and move towards family life and having children.

However, if a man does not love you, he will not want to give his body and hugs to you, he will resist intimate contact with you, and he will not think of maintaining a long-term relationship with you. In close relationships, his body will become stiff and his embrace will become cold.

If your desire for an intimate relationship can never be satisfied by him, then you should take a good look at this relationship to see if the man is sincere to you. If he really loves you, he will feel sorry for you and take the initiative. Giving you a stretched body and a warm hug will not put you in a position of being manipulated by him in an intimate relationship.

Love can be disguised. Sometimes some opportunistic little things, some little tricks and sweet words may seem like love, but in fact they are not sincere. Therefore, women must learn to identify, stay awake, and not fall into the trap woven by sweet words.

If a man is willing to give you these three things, it is enough to prove that he already loves you to the bone. Because a man who doesn't love you will not risk not being loved, give everything he has to you without reservation, and deliver his important things to you.

At this time, we cannot let down the person who loves us deeply, cannot live up to his sincerity, and must use our tenderness and surprise to repay him.

A good relationship is always positive and mutually fulfilling. When two people rely on each other and love each other, everything will become better.