Text/Xia Mo 01. The opening line of the volume, Sakyamuni said: "No matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your life. It is no accident." There are thousands of loves in this world. Only love at first sight is the most heroic. Falling in love at first sight is

Text/Xia Mo

01, Preface

Sakyamuni said: "No matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your life, and it is no accident."

There are thousands of loves in this world. Only love at first sight is the most heroic. Falling in love at first sight is like two people who have known each other in a previous life, and meeting in this life is just a reunion.

At first glance, when I saw her, I felt that she was different. It was like two magnets, one positive and one negative, and he was deeply attracted to her in an instant.

When you fall in love with someone at first sight, it is like drinking a glass of strong wine and being intoxicated in her world.

At first glance, love takes root in my heart. The moment they met, he seemed to know that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

However, love is very confusing, and it often makes women doubt it, be unsure of it, and question it. Especially, love that blooms too quickly.

So, what does it feel like for a man to fall in love with a woman at first sight?

02. Heart pounding, very nervous.

When a man falls in love with a woman at first sight, he will become very nervous. At that moment, she occupied his eyes and his heart.

When the man saw her, his heart beat faster inexplicably. It seems that she is the best in the world.

When a man was moved, he could clearly hear his heartbeat speeding up, and he could feel that his palms were already sweating.

When a woman approaches him, he may be so nervous that he doesn't know how to express himself and becomes incoherent.

became particularly nervous because his mind was distracted. And, in order to leave a better impression on women, I want to express myself to the best of my ability.

However, the more I want to express myself, the more panic I get. When a man falls in love with a woman at first sight, at that moment, a thought arises in his heart: In this life, she is the one.

The figure of the woman became the entire scenery in his eyes. At that moment, it seemed that everyone and everything around her had faded, except for her who was the most glorious and eye-catching.

03. Take the initiative to strike up a conversation and want to connect with her

A man falls in love with a woman at first sight and after falling in love with her, he will take the initiative to strike up a conversation with her because he is afraid that he will miss her when he turns around and wants to have an intersection with each other.

Because he loves her deeply but is afraid of missing her, men will become very proactive.

Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang had a good impression of each other when they first met.

However, he didn't know how to express his inner emotions. After thinking about it, Qian Zhongshu said: "I am not engaged." And Yang Jiang said jokingly: "I don't have a boyfriend either."

was worried that Yang Jiang would misunderstand that he was not single, so Qian Zhongshu took the initiative to confess. Unexpectedly, they had a mutual affection for each other, and love blossomed at that moment.

Qian Zhongshu once described the feeling when he met Yang Jiang like this, saying: "When I saw you for the first time, my heart had exploded into fireworks, and it took me a lifetime to clean the ashes."

Love at first sight, It is majestic and passionate, but if you don't grasp it carefully, it will be fleeting like a shooting star in the sky.

After a man falls in love with a woman at first glance, he will take the initiative to approach the woman and ask for her contact information, hoping to create an intersection. Because we don’t want to meet each other just at a glance, but we long for each other to be with each other tenderly for the rest of our lives.

04. Identify her as your lifelong partner

Some love blooms so beautifully that people can identify her as their lifelong partner at a glance.

When a man falls in love with a woman at first sight, he not only falls in love with her beautiful face, but also feels that her temperament and charm are unique and is deeply attracted to her.

Even, at that moment, he believed from the bottom of his heart that she was his soul mate for life.

From the moment two people meet, love burns like a fire. At that moment, not only did he want to get close to the woman he liked quickly, but he also wanted her to have a good impression of him.

At first glance, he made a clear decision in his heart, hoping that she could be his wife. For the rest of my life, I will never consider other people, but I can't help but love her wholeheartedly.

When a man falls in love with someone from the bottom of his heart, he will eagerly give his whole heart to her. What he is willing to give to her is the rest of his life.

It seemed that from now on, I could never leave her again and wanted to walk through the long years with her. If I leave this woman, I will never marry anyone else in my life.

05. Summary

Dong Qing once said: "Everything in the world is an encounter."

It is a very wonderful fate for two people to meet in the vast sea of ​​people. If you fall in love, you must cherish the hard-won fate, love well, and accompany the other person to the end of life.

It is not easy to meet the one you love on the road of life. When you meet someone you truly love, you must grasp it well and manage your love well.

In the process of managing love, we should understand each other and support each other, and don't get lost in the world just because of trivial things. Don't wait until you lose something to regret later.

On the road of life, two people together may experience many separations and reunions, have conflicts, and accept various challenges. However, no matter what kind of problems they encounter, they must stick to their original intentions and maintain their love.

There are many temptations in life, and there are also many forks in the road that require choices. Hold her hand firmly and don't forget that your love is the most important relationship in this life.


Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional mentor, psychology scholar, a popular emotional writer with over 1 billion people on the Internet, and a manager of happy women. He has focused on emotions, gender, and answering questions about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.