The helplessness of a 36-year-old leftover woman: I'm so beautiful, and the man just didn't marry me because of two points.

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Everyone has their own rhythm of life, some people meet true love in their twenties, get married and have children early; some people are still studying until the age of 30, Or work hard for a career; some people have been divorced twice before the age of forty, while some people at the same age have never even talked about a relationship.

So you see, there is no comparability between people, everyone is on their own life trajectory, walking their own way, there is really no need to look around and look back frequently. As long as you take care of yourself, it is already the best situation in life.

is just a simple principle, but it is very difficult to do it. There are many people who have never been able to take responsibility for their own lives, and never know what they want. Standing at the age of 30 is not only economically independent, but also spiritually independent.

is mainly reflected in the lack of a clear and clear cognition of the self, blind pursuit of some unrealistic feelings, so that in the end, you slowly lose yourself.

But they usually don't realize where their problems are, and they always complain about others. It seems that those who have a good life are because they are lucky enough, and those who are not doing well are because they are not lucky enough.

But in fact, even if there is luck, it is not all factors. The harder a person works, the better luck he often has. If you are not good and don’t work hard, even if the opportunity comes, you will not be able to seize it. It seems a bit unreasonable to complain about fate at this time.

In the final analysis, how our life will go in the end, and what kind of life we ​​will live in the end, are all determined by our choices when we were young.If you choose

right, the road ahead may be smooth sailing. If you choose the wrong one, it may become more and more difficult, especially when it comes to marriage and love.

If you choose the right person, your life will become more complete, you will have a deeper understanding of love, and you will gradually become a better person. On the contrary, if the love is wrong, not only will you not feel happiness, but you will lose confidence in the future, and even dare not believe in love anymore.

This requires us to be cautious enough and rational enough in the pursuit of love. If we don't know what we want, but always blindly ask others, in the end, being left is almost doomed.

I have one such example around me, the daughter of a former neighbor of mine, who is 36 and still single. If you don't know what kind of person she is, but just look at her external image, you may think that she has a higher vision, which is reasonable. After all, she is very beautiful and has a good figure.

But it is only limited to the outside. If you have been in contact with her, you will know that the reason why she has not gotten married is not entirely because of her vision, but because she has never had a clear understanding of herself.

She always asks others, but never thinks about herself, which will cause others to stay away.

has reached such an age, and many people consider factors that are more realistic. They are going for marriage, and they will definitely not look good.

But when it comes to various conditions such as work, savings, family background, etc., she has no advantage at all, because she has an ordinary job, basically no savings, and her family conditions are average, plus she is 36 years old, and she is almost picked by others. is doomed.

But she was unaware of her own problems at all. She always felt that she was beautiful and should marry a rich man. Therefore, she refused to lower her standard of mate selection, thinking that the conditions she put forward were very simple. The first point of

is to ask the other party to add his own name to the property certificate.

After all, the material foundation has a crucial impact on the quality of a marriage. If you don't put your name on the real estate certificate, you will feel insecure, and you will even feel that you are under a fence. Such a marriage is unacceptable.

Another point is that the man is required to not mind his past at all.

After all, she is already 36 years old, and it is understandable that she has rich experience in love. Since she was a student, she has had nearly ten relationships in total, and she also said:

"The reason why I became who I am now is mainly because It's because of the people I've met before, they taught me certain things about being a human being, and made me see the truth of certain feelings. So in a sense, they are also part of my life, if one People really love me and they should accept my past."

But she went all the way and searched, she still did not meet such a person, those men either could not accept her name on the real estate deed, or could not accept , she had been in so many relationships that she was still single at 36.

She said: "I don't think I'm asking too much, I'm so beautiful, if I'm rejected just for these two reasons, I feel aggrieved, I don't know what the problem is, maybe those men didn't Eyesight."

In my opinion, her biggest problem is not knowing it.

She has been living in the world of the past, she is indeed beautiful, which is her advantage, but also because of this, she is spoiled and does not realize her advantage in the marriage market as she grows older will gradually decrease.

Marriage is realistic, just looking good is not enough. If a person is completely rushing to get married, then he must consider not only appearance, but also character, character, three views, and each other. whether the family conditions are comparable.

From this point of view, she has no advantage at all. She has a very average job, basically has no savings, and her family conditions are not a plus. Since then, she has nothing to do except for a beautiful skin. place.

In addition, her vision is so high that she refuses to lower her standard of mate selection, which will inevitably give people a feeling of being arrogant and arrogant, so it is reasonable for those men to reject her.

This incident reminds us that at any time, we must have a clear understanding of ourselves, and do not overestimate, so as not to lead to conceit.

Also, be as realistic as possible. After all, marriage and love are two completely different things. A good marriage must be well-matched and evenly matched. If the difference is too great, even deep love can easily cause problems, not to mention a blind date that is more purposeful. Form acquaintance?

When the emotional foundation is very weak, it is undoubtedly irrational to blindly ask the other party.

Good love and marriage have always been in the same boat. If you are not good yourself, trying to meet a really good person in vain is tantamount to having an unrealistic dream.

The so-called things are clustered together, and people are divided into groups. When you are not good enough, you will not be able to enter such an excellent circle, so it is normal that you cannot meet true love and truly suitable people.

Before that, improve yourself well, others will come to you when you shine. If you only ask others and don't think about yourself, you are destined to be picked by others.