Thank you for clicking on my article. Meeting is fate. Please click "Follow" in the upper right corner and let's savor the taste of life together. Introduction: A 48-year-old aunt remarried a 40-year-old man for half a year. The aunt said: I am getting too old and can't run anymo

2024/06/2802:10:33 emotion 1864

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A 48-year-old aunt remarried a 40-year-old man for half a year. Aunt: I'm getting too old and can't run anymore. What happened? Let’s take a look!

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Aunt Kong, 48 years old

When I was young, I was very picky about my partner because of my good looks. When I was in my twenties, there were many suitors around me, but at that time I felt that I could find someone better. , so I stayed single until I was 32 years old. At that time, I saw that my sisters who were not as good looking as me were getting married and having children, and my parents were urging me to find a partner.

I was also a little anxious, so I went on a blind date, and in the process I met Wang Wu, who was three years older than me. Wang Wu was in good condition, with a house and a car in the city, and a stable job. Although I didn't have any feelings for Wang Wu, I saw that he was very nice to me and I thought that I was not young anymore, so I decided to marry him.

After getting married, life was very normal. Wang Wu often traveled across the country to make money. As his wife, I was at home waiting for him to come back. Although I felt lonely sometimes, I never thought about being unfaithful to the marriage. Things go by very quickly. When I was 45 years old, Wang Wu said that he no longer had to travel on business and could stay with me for a long time.

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I felt quite happy at that time, thinking that I would no longer have to be separated from my husband. However, it wasn’t long before I discovered that my husband was often in contact with a woman, and he deliberately avoided me every time, which aroused my suspicion even more. One day I pretended to be asleep, but my husband didn’t respond to my calls, so he got up and went to the balcony to make a phone call. I gradually got up and followed him to see what was going on.

What I didn’t expect was that the content of the phone call made me extremely angry. My husband was talking about love to a young woman. They were referred to as husband and wife, and I heard that there was another child. It was a woman my husband had an affair with before on a business trip. After giving birth to a child, my husband told the woman that he was tired of me and would divorce me after a while and then marry her.

I couldn’t bear it anymore. I rushed over to question my husband and asked him what he had been doing all these years. When my husband saw that I had found out, he confessed truthfully. It turned out that five years ago, my husband could not resist the temptation and betrayed me. Not only did he have sex with women outside, he also had a child with a young woman. I listened. Even more angry.

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I think relationships require absolute loyalty. My husband cannot do this, and he is still thinking about divorcing me. However, if I marry that woman again, now that I have discovered it myself, I don’t want to continue this unfaithful marriage. , I divorced my husband the next day and started my life again.

After the divorce, I felt very confused and didn’t know what to do in the future, so I went for a run in the park. During the run, I met Zhang Zhe, who was 8 years younger than me. Although Zhang Zhe said he was 40 years old, he often exercised , so he looked quite young, looking like he was only in his thirties. Zhang Zhe and I had many endless topics to talk about, and we soon got together.

On Valentine's Day last year, Zhang Zhe proposed to me. Seeing his sincere look, I was very moved. Since I got along with Zhang Zhe, he has always taken good care of me, and I feel his sincerity towards me. Although I am older than Zhang Zhe, we don't mind. Both Zhang Zhe and I believe that love has no age distinction. As long as two people treat each other sincerely, youth is not a problem.

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After we remarried, Zhang Zhe has always been very kind to me. He is devoted to me and never looks at other women for a second time. My sisters said that since I remarried to Zhang Zhe, my energy and blood have become much better than before, and I look younger. Half a year after my remarriage, I went running with my husband Zhang Zhe, because I hadn’t run that far for a while and I felt very tired.

I said coquettishly, "I'm getting too old and can't run anymore." Zhang Zhe asked me thoughtfully if I wanted to rest. He said it wasn't that I was getting old, but that he didn't take me out for a run during this period. It's his responsibility.I was very touched after hearing this. Zhang Zhe not only did not mean to blame at all, but he also considered me very much and spoke to me. I felt that I did not marry the wrong person this time.

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