There is a saying that in this life, "things don't always go your way, but you can always say the same thing to others." Life is full of ups and downs, and although we are always moving forward, no one knows what the road ahead is and what the days ahead are like.

2024/05/2604:35:32 emotion 1775

There is a saying that in this life, "things don't always go your way, but you can't say the same thing as others."

Life is full of ups and downs. Although we are always moving forward, no one knows what the road ahead is and what the days ahead are like.

In fact, life is not going well, mostly because they fail to do the following three things. Even if they do a little, they can live a good life for the rest of their lives.

1: Keep one's duty and do not violate the rules. "Book of Changes" says: "No delusion, Yuanheng, Li Zhen". It means that good things are good, bad things are bad, and things will happen.

It means: People should keep their duties, do not act recklessly, and do not behave inappropriately, so as to reduce disasters.

In the Tang Dynasty Chinese classic "The Long and Short Classics", there is an incident recorded:

At that time, a local official asked the people to build a canal within a limited time. Confucius 's disciple Lu was in charge of this project.

In order to meet the construction deadline, Zilu led the workers to work overtime. Seeing that the labor wages were insufficient, Zilu took out his own money to buy food and vegetables for the workers.

There is a saying that in this life,

When Confucius heard about it, he immediately stopped him. Zilu was dissatisfied and asked the teacher: "You teach us to be benevolent and righteous every day. I am practicing benevolence and righteousness now. Why do you want to stop me?"

Confucius said: The emperor cares about the world because the world belongs to him; officials are responsible for the people because this place is the responsibility of the officials, and what they do is what they do; if you are just an ordinary person, take care of your family. That's it.

Confucius means: Benevolence and righteousness are good things, but they cannot exceed the rules and cannot do things beyond their own duties.

If you think about it carefully, isn't it like this?

We are ordinary employees, but we are always rushing to do the things of supervisors and managers. That will definitely arouse dissatisfaction from others, even cause jealousy and exclusion, and the work will definitely not be done well.

Even at home, children always make decisions on behalf of adults, so shouldn’t they be beaten all the time?

is as the saying goes, " is in its position and seeks its policies; when it is not in its position, it does not seek its policies" . No matter where you are, you must know what you should and should not do.

Don’t break the rules and don’t make people hate you. Of course, life will become smoother and better as time goes by.

2: Go with the trend and don’t go against the trend

"Book of Changes" says: The revolution of heaven and earth takes place in four seasons. The revolution of Tang and Wu follows the heaven and responds to people. The revolution is great!

The general idea is that Xia Jie and Shang Zhou were tyrannical and excessive, and they were replaced only if they did not comply with the will of heaven; while Shang Tang and Zhou Wu were obedient to nature and people, so they could achieve things.

This sentence means that no matter what you do, you must conform to the general trend and the development laws of things. Don't always want to "find another way" and move forward "against the wind".

Sima Guang commented on Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition in " Zi Zhi Tong Jian ": Conceited about talent, went against the will of nature, and brought about his own defeat.

There is a saying that in this life,

Someone analyzed: At that time, it was clear that the Han Dynasty was exhausted, and the people of Shu were exhausted from years of war, and they were eager to end the war; at that time, Cao Cao was in the north, which had vast land, abundant resources, and a large population; in addition, Cao's camp had many counselors and generals, giving him an advantage no matter where he looked.

Zhuge Liang couldn't understand it. He insisted on "supporting the Han Dynasty" and insisted on the Northern Expedition. He went against the will of nature and the result was of course hard work and no success.

At that time, Zhuge Liang's friend Sima Hui also said: Although Wolong had his master, it was not at the right time. You see, even smart people like Zhuge Liang can't go against the trend, let alone ordinary people like you and me?

Some people say: When is on the trend, all pigs will fly. Isn't that what

is? If the short video is popular, then try it. If the online live broadcast sales are good, don’t stick to the real thing. If the company’s development direction is east, don’t go west. If your family members want to go out today, don’t insist on staying at home.

It will be easier to do things the right way. Success will come quickly, money will be earned quickly, and of course wealth will come quickly.

3: Keep your moral integrity and do not speak nonsense

"Book of Changes" says: A good person's words are few, and a rash person's words are many. means: People should guard their mouths, say less useless words and less hurtful words.

In this world, there are always some people who like to talk. People and things that were originally ordinary had to be described as "flowers", but unexpectedly they would end up harming themselves.

There is a saying that in this life,

In the Ming Dynasty's joke collection "Ai Zi Houyu", there is a joke:

There was a magician in the State of Zhao who loved to talk big words. Someone asked him how old he was. He replied, "I can't remember" and said:

Recalling his childhood , and a group of children went to see the Eight Diagrams painted by Fu Xi, and saw it with a snake body and a human head... In the time of Nuwa, the sky tilted to the northwest and the earth sank to the southeast.

From Fuxi to Nuwa , then to Shennong and Chi You , then to Cangjie and Emperor Yao , until talking about Jiang Ziya , Queen Mother of the West... It seems that he really experienced Lived these things and lived for thousands of years.

Because what he said was so amazing, many people believed it at the time.

Soon, King Zhao broke his ribs. The doctor said that it would be better to apply Qianxuexue compress. At this time, everyone thought of the man who "lived for a thousand years." Caught him immediately and planned to kill him to obtain blood for treatment.

How can I imagine that the alchemist immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that what he said before was all made up. The people present didn't believe it and killed him anyway.

"Zhuangzi: Human World" says : Those who speak are also troubles.

As the saying goes, " diseases enter from the mouth, and disasters come from the mouth." Many troubles in life are actually caused by careless speech.

If you talk nonsense at work, you may lose your job soon; if you talk without any scruples in the circle of friends and talk nonsense, your friends will break up soon; if you talk empty words, harsh words, and nonsense at home, it will soon become a family relationship. Everything is lost, and the house is restless.

There is a saying that in this life,

Therefore, if you want to live a peaceful life for the rest of your life, you should pay attention to:

Don't talk nonsense when you are closed, don't talk big words in front of others, don't say angry words when you are angry, don't say arrogant words when you are happy, and don't say depressing words when you are frustrated.

Speak less, do more, and keep your moral integrity. Even if you are not rich yet, you can still live a peaceful, peaceful and happy life.

The third brother said:

It is normal for a person to experience some twists and turns in his life. The first half of life has passed, and good things and bad things are all passing by.

If you want to live a better half of your life, you can try to do this: Keep your duty and do not violate the rules; follow the trend and do not go against the trend; keep your word and do not lie.

If you live an upright and open life, you will naturally be safe, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and achieve good fortune.

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