These famous sayings are the wisdom left by ancient sages and sages, which each of us should remember, carefully understand and strive to practice. After listening to Teacher Kang's lecture today, I understood that we must focus on correcting our mistakes. To correct our mistakes

2024/05/2023:24:32 emotion 1795

"Zengguang Xianwen" said: "But do good deeds and don't ask about the future." People often say "Just ask about hard work, not about harvest." These famous sayings are the wisdom left by ancient sages and sages, which each of us should remember, carefully understand and strive to practice.

It is not really good to desire others to know what is good, and it is a great evil to fear that others will know what is evil. When people do good deeds, it is easy to keep the good deeds in mind, think that they have done a lot of good things, and look forward to rewards. After listening to Teacher Kang's lecture today, I understood that we must focus on correcting our mistakes. To correct our mistakes is to cultivate virtue. If our mistakes are reduced and the evil in our hearts is gone, we are practicing goodness. As the saying goes, "You can correct your mistakes if you know them." To correct one's mistakes is to practice good deeds, and it is to practice great good deeds.

These famous sayings are the wisdom left by ancient sages and sages, which each of us should remember, carefully understand and strive to practice. After listening to Teacher Kang's lecture today, I understood that we must focus on correcting our mistakes. To correct our mistakes - DayDayNews

In addition, we should not just focus on doing good deeds, thinking that we have done a lot of good deeds, and therefore stop moving forward and stop making progress. Mr. Fan once said: "Besides doing good deeds, you must first correct your mistakes." Correction must be placed before self-cultivation. Once the mistakes are corrected, kindness will naturally emerge. If you don't change your mind and just keep doing good deeds, it's like using a bamboo basket to fetch water. In the end, it will be in vain.

I remember a teacher once shared with us, she said: "I used to participate in charity activities and volunteer, because I knew that doing so would be rewarded with good things. It is said that a house that accumulates good deeds will always be blessed, but why do I keep doing it?" I did good deeds, but nothing changed about myself or my family. Later, I realized that it was because I was doing these things for the betterment of myself and my family, and did not really benefit others. At the end of the day, I think that I have done a lot of good deeds, and I often keep the good deeds in my heart. I never reflect on my faults. I do good things in my life, but I still care about others and look at their faults. Losing temper with others and being impatient with parents. "The situation has not changed precisely because our faults have not changed.

These famous sayings are the wisdom left by ancient sages and sages, which each of us should remember, carefully understand and strive to practice. After listening to Teacher Kang's lecture today, I understood that we must focus on correcting our mistakes. To correct our mistakes - DayDayNews

We know that if we want to get good fruits, we need to plant good seeds. How much hard work we put in, how much we will gain. Every thought, every action, whatever you think about, whatever you do, is planting seeds in your heart, and the seeds you plant will bear the fruits.

Zengzi said: "I examine myself three times a day." Why do people need to reflect and change? Because every thought, every action, every word is planting a seed, and every seed will bear fruit, whether it is bitter or sweet. You have to bear the consequences yourself, so mistakes must be corrected.

These famous sayings are the wisdom left by ancient sages and sages, which each of us should remember, carefully understand and strive to practice. After listening to Teacher Kang's lecture today, I understood that we must focus on correcting our mistakes. To correct our mistakes - DayDayNews

Mentioning the importance of reform, let me first tell you the story of Zeng Guofan, a famous official in the Qing Dynasty. Zeng Guofan's success is directly related to his courage to reform. Zeng Guofan's reformation lasted throughout his life. When he was 10 years old, like many of us when we were young, he liked to sleep in and not wake up when the sun was shining on his buttocks. Zeng Guofan thought that this would not work, so he thought of a way. He hung a weight on a string and placed it above the copper basin, then tied an incense stick on the string and lit it. When the incense burned out and the strings were broken, and the weight fell on the copper basin, it was almost dawn every day. Zeng Guofan was awakened by this noise every day, and then got up to read.

Over time, Zeng Guofan developed the habit of getting up early. Zeng Guofan liked smoking in his early years and was a die-hard smoker. After studying under two teachers, Tang Jian and Wo Ren , he determined to get rid of this problem. Finally, after countless duels with 's addiction to smoking, Zeng Guofan gave up his addiction to smoking. Get rid of the two major problems of sleeping in and smoking. Zeng Guofan's most important change was to get rid of his original too rigid character. Because his personality was too rigid and his principles were too strong, Zeng Guofan offended many people and hit many walls in the first two or three years of leading the army. Later, when he returned home, he was taught by others and understood the principle of overcoming strength with gentleness. From then on, he no longer acted recklessly. This change was crucial to Zeng Guofan's life and an important cornerstone of his success.

These famous sayings are the wisdom left by ancient sages and sages, which each of us should remember, carefully understand and strive to practice. After listening to Teacher Kang's lecture today, I understood that we must focus on correcting our mistakes. To correct our mistakes - DayDayNews

Zeng Guofan said: "Knowing one's mistakes, admitting them, and correcting them without mercy is the most difficult thing."

"Liaofan's Four Trainings" said: "We must know our mistakes every day and correct them every day. A day when you don’t know what is wrong means a day when you are content with what is right. A day without mistakes can be corrected, which means a day without progress. "So we must reflect every day and make corrections every day. Only then can we "make progress with each passing day and live with less"!

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