There is a saying in "Beyond Good and Evil": "Fight with the evil dragon for too long, and you will become an evil dragon yourself." Confucius also said: Only argue with wise men, never argue with fools. Arguing with wise men can make you wiser, but arguing with fools can make yo

2024/05/2003:19:33 emotion 1465

There is a saying in "Beyond Good and Evil": "If you fight with the evil dragon for too long, you will become an evil dragon yourself."

Confucius also said: Only argue with wise men and never argue with fools.

Arguing with wise men can increase your intelligence; arguing with fools can make you unhappy.

In life, we often encounter this kind of thing: we can talk with some people, but with some people we can't even talk to each other, and maybe we will quarrel.

There is a saying in

Life is short and time is precious, please cherish it.

Let us learn how eminent monks deal with such problems.

Once upon a time, there was a Zen master with profound Buddhist teachings. When he met an unreasonable person, he started to insult the Zen master without even saying a few words.

Everyone was puzzled and felt very angry, but the Zen master was neither angry nor scolded him back.

The man cursed and felt bored, so he gradually stopped and left.

In life, eminent monks tell us that some people cannot explain the truth clearly.

There is a saying in

Because you will find that even if you try your best, you may not be able to speak clearly, and they may not listen.

Because people’s levels are different, everyone’s level and knowledge are also different.

If we argue and argue with such people, then we will be the ones who get hurt in the end.

Even if you have ten mouths, you can't speak nonsense from one mouth.

On the contrary, we will be pulled into his level, trapped in negative emotions and unable to extricate ourselves.

There is a saying in

Yes, life teaches us that we cannot explain an unreasonable person.

Don't try to change this kind of person. Ignoring and not caring about such a rotten person may be the best solution.

This kind of person only hopes that you can understand him and you respect him, but he will not understand people.

I don't believe in Buddhism, but I believe in fate. Meeting each other is a fate in itself.

When fate is there, cherish it. When fate is gone, don’t force it.

There is a saying in

There are more beautiful things waiting for us in life. If we don’t blame or care about others, we are actually letting ourselves go.

Just think simple and act seriously in everything.

We grow old too quickly and understand too late. By the time they realize this, most of them have reached the twilight years of their lives.

There is a saying in

Becoming a rational and objective person should be the most important pursuit in life.

You must know that it is not the world that chooses you, but you choose the world.

Since there is no pure land, it is better to meditate;

Whether you are right or wrong does not depend on others' approval or objection. The only important thing is whether your analysis and judgment are correct.

There is a saying in

When you can't see the results after your efforts, it's useless to be impatient and panic. What you need at this moment is patience.

There is only one true heroism in the world, which is to recognize the truth of life and still love it.

The beauty of life is that giving roses to others will leave a lingering fragrance in your hands.

We cannot be a person with a hammer in hand and regard all problems we encounter as nails.

There is a saying in

Finally, I would like to give you a sentence from Charlie Munger . If you want to get what you want, make yourself worthy of it.

Trust, success and admiration are all earned through hard work.

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There is a saying in

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