You are welcome to absorb the positive energy. A good day starts in the morning. I will accompany you every day. If you like it, please follow me.

2024/05/1922:08:33 emotion 1225

welcomes you to absorb positive energy. A good day starts in the morning. I will accompany you every day. If you like it, please follow me.

Monday, June 4, 2022

Lunar Calendar: Renyin Year [Year of the Tiger] Sixth day of June

Solar terms: The 14th day of the summer solstice (3 days away from the next solar term "Small Heat")

1, The injury of tears feeling, After being washed away by tears, the wound will heal slowly; without tears, the wound will be the deepest and will take longer to heal. Giving up is sometimes more difficult than fighting, because giving up is also a choice. The highest state of giving up is not regretting it. You will regret it if you give up when you shouldn't give up, and you will regret it if you don't give up when you should give up. Good morning!

2, Some things seem to be mountains to me, blocking me from entering the palace of success. But since that day, I finally understood that persistence is success. Good morning!

3, The scenery of life is both objects and people. Life is like nothing, everything will pass away, and no one can leave an immortal trace in the sky of time. No matter you are high-spirited or plain and lonely, you will be collected in the dust of history. Flowing clouds over thousands of mountains is a dream. Good morning!

4, All eternal and great love must despair once, disappear once, and die once before it can regain love and know the value of life again. —— Mu Xin " Literary Memoirs "

5, Sometimes, it is clear that the heart is cut by a knife, but you have to show a bright smile, you are obviously very fragile, but you act so strong, tears are rolling in your eyes, but you tell everyone Personally I'm fine, maybe that's just life. Good morning!

You are welcome to absorb the positive energy. A good day starts in the morning. I will accompany you every day. If you like it, please follow me. - DayDayNews

6, Don’t be indecisive when it comes to things you’ve identified; when you’ve chosen a direction, just go on the road and don’t look back. Let go when it's time to let go, so that you can free your hands and seize the joy and happiness that originally belong to you; some things cannot be waited for, and a moment's hesitation will leave eternal regrets. If happiness is not at the corner of the road, it must be at the end of the road. Good morning!

7, Therefore, when Heaven is about to entrust a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind and will, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions, so he is tempted to endure and gain what he cannot do. Good morning!

8, Be a down-to-earth person and do things in a down-to-earth manner. Life is like a stage, and I was assigned to audition for a supporting role. I don’t want to accept the arrangement of fate like this, I don’t want to have that sad ending, I want to wear a strong feather, I want to use that perseverance and that suddenness to tamper with the ending that has been set. Good morning!

9, Except for yourself, no one will understand how much happiness or sadness there is in your story, because after all, it is only your feeling! Good morning!

10, You cannot afford to wait for the years, and the years do not bother to wait for you. Don't wait until the flowers fade to think of the twists and turns, don't wait until the sun sets to think of the sunshine, don't wait until the person is gone to think of nostalgia, don't wait until old age to think of regrets. There is not so much pasting and copying in life, and there is no undoing or resetting. If you make the wrong move, you will miss it. There is no room for sloppiness or slacking off. Good morning!

You are welcome to absorb the positive energy. A good day starts in the morning. I will accompany you every day. If you like it, please follow me. - DayDayNews

11, The more you think about it, the more troubles you will encounter; if you don’t think about anything, you won’t have any trouble at all. The more you are afraid, the more people will bully you; if you are not afraid of anything, no one will dare to bully you. The world is like this, if you have good character, others will take advantage of you. If you be more aggressive, everyone will come to please you. Don't give in blindly. When you are wronged, say No bravely. Good morning!

12, Persistence may not necessarily lead to success; but without persistence, failure is doomed.For success, the shaping of persistence is essential! Good morning!

13, Life is not perfect, only regrets show the true nature of life. There are many things in this world that are not as good or as bad as you think. Learn to look forward and give yourself firmness; learn to look back and brush away your impetuousness. In the wind and rain, raise your head; in the glory, lower your heart and be indifferent to the years. Good morning!

14, No matter how sad or wronged you are, you must hurry up and go home. You may be insignificant outside, but when you get home, you are everything to your parents. Good morning!

15, Before everything gets better, we will always go through some unhappy days. These days may be very long, or they may just wake up, so be patient and give good luck some time. Good morning!

You are welcome to absorb the positive energy. A good day starts in the morning. I will accompany you every day. If you like it, please follow me. - DayDayNews

16, Go your own way, look at your own scenery, think about your own problems, don't always stare at others, always envy the glory of others, jealous of the glory of others, it is your own heart that is dark, and it is your own time that is wasted , what wears away is your own personality. Good morning, friends, may you live the life you want. Good morning!

17, You should develop confidence in yourself and your own strength. This confidence is gained by overcoming obstacles, cultivating your will and exercising your will. ——Gorky

18, When you encounter troubles in your life, you might as well think of three sentences. Say "Forget it" and tell yourself: Work hard in everything but don't be persistent... Say "It doesn't matter" and tell yourself: If you work hard in everything, you will have no complaints. Regret... Say "It will pass" and tell yourself: Bright sunshine always comes after the storm... Good morning!

19, When you hesitate to do something, you actually already have a choice in your heart, but you don’t have enough reasons to convince yourself. Good morning!

20, Your current efforts, hard work, pressure, and everything you endure are all to save enough ability and capital to do what you like more, and to fight for your right to choose. Good morning!

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