According to the official website of the National Theater of China, on July 16, the National Theater of China issued the "Instructions on the Recruitment of Fresh Graduates in 2022" to sort out and verify the issues reflected during the public announcement of the candidates for f

2024/07/0212:21:32 education 1739

Source: People's Daily Online original article

People's Daily Online, Beijing, July 16 (Reporter Lu Jing) According to the official website of the China National Theater, on July 16, China National Theater released "About the Recruitment of Fresh Graduates in 2022" "Explanation of the Situation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Explanation"), sort out and verify the issues reflected during the public announcement of candidates for 2022 fresh graduates, and explain the relevant situations. The "Explanation" pointed out that regarding the position setting and examination situation of actors, there is no "setting up positions based on people" and there is no "carrot recruitment" problem.

The "Instructions" pointed out that in response to reports from netizens that some proposed personnel did not meet the qualifications for "non-employed personnel", the National Theater of China reviewed the qualifications of 10 proposed personnel and found that none of the 10 proposed personnel were qualified while in school. Signed a labor contract with any unit and failed to pay social insurance. The 10 proposed personnel were not found to have established a labor relationship stipulated by laws and regulations with any unit, were not found to be employed in any unit, and met the qualification requirements for "non-employed personnel" set by relevant departments. According to

's "Instructions", 10 people are planned to be recruited for this actor position, with majors covering performance, art, drama and film studies, film, etc. A total of 309 people have applied for the job, of which 223 have passed the qualification review and taken the exam, and are expected to be hired after the recruitment process. 7 people.

The content of the "Instructions" is as follows:

According to the official website of the National Theater of China, on July 16, the National Theater of China issued the

Screenshot of the official website of China National Theater

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