1. When will RTVU’s technical secondary schools officially open online registration in 2022? According to the latest document issued by Central China Telecom on July 12, 2022, the implementation period of the 2022 enrollment plan is: September 1st to December 31st. In other words

2024/06/2506:28:33 education 1329

1. When will TV University Technical Secondary School officially open online registration for students in 2022?

According to the latest document issued by Central E-China on July 12, 2022, the implementation period of the 2022 enrollment plan is: September 1st to December 31st. In other words, online registration for students will be officially opened on September 1st. , the registration deadline is December 31st and then the winter vacation begins.

1. When will RTVU’s technical secondary schools officially open online registration in 2022? According to the latest document issued by Central China Telecom on July 12, 2022, the implementation period of the 2022 enrollment plan is: September 1st to December 31st. In other words - DayDayNews

2. What changes will there be after the TV University and Technical Secondary School opens online in 2022 compared with previous years?

After 9 months of adjustments, the main changes after the opening of the TV University Technical Secondary School are equivalent to those in previous years. The first point is to strictly adopt planned enrollment. Enrollment shall not exceed the planned enrollment, and shall not be transferred or disguised in various ways. Transferring enrollment quotas means that students who register later are no longer guaranteed to be registered. The second is to update the learning platform, mainly to add dynamic face recognition, which requires me to cooperate with the online exam. This is not a big problem because the question bank can be sent in advance (similarity 99%).

3. What is the total cost from registration to graduation and getting the certificate for a TV University technical secondary school in 2022?

The total fee from registration to graduation is 1,500 yuan (there are no other fees during this period). It is paid in two installments. The first payment of the student status registration fee is 750 yuan. After the student status is registered and can be checked on the official website, the remaining tuition fees will be paid. 750 yuan.

4. How will you study after registering for TV University and Technical Secondary School in 2022? Need a test?

After registration, the student status will be registered first. After the student status is registered, a learning account will be generated. After logging in to the learning account, there will be more than 100 hours of video courses and exams. Among them, more than 100 hours of video will be logged in by the academic teacher to help all. After finishing the exam (students who have time can do it by themselves), the online exam will send a question bank in advance (99% similarity). It only takes half a day to complete. It is relatively simple and you don’t have to worry about it overall.

5. Can junior high school graduates or even elementary school graduates register for the 2022 RTVU technical secondary school?

In principle, the one-year program of TV University and Technical Secondary School requires proof of high school/technical secondary school education or above before registration. However, in the actual implementation process, there is no restriction on school review. At present, more than half of the students in the country do not provide graduation certificates, and everything goes smoothly. After graduation and getting a certificate, the only thing to note is that this may have an impact on applying for civil servants or joining the military in the future (because the political review requires three generations of backgrounds to be verified very strictly), but it has no impact on other purposes such as taking exams or applying for junior college.

6. What is the difference between the one-year and two-year programs of TVU and technical secondary schools in 2022?

TV technical secondary schools are divided into one-year and two-year systems. The one-year system requires one year of graduation and certification, and the two-year system requires two years of graduation and certification. In principle, the one-year system requires a high school diploma, and the two-year system requires a junior high school graduation. However, in fact, more than half of the students each year do not provide graduation certificates, and they all directly apply for the one-year system. This only affects future applications for civil servants, soldiers, etc. to participate in the political review, but not for other applications such as certificate examinations or junior college applications. No impact. To put it simply, if you do not plan to participate in the political review, it will not affect you. If you have plans to apply for civil service, serve as a soldier, or participate in the political review, you need to provide a graduation certificate.

7. Can I register across regions for the 2022 TV University and technical secondary schools? Are there any geographical restrictions?

TV technical secondary schools are universal across the country. From registration to graduation, everything is completed online. There is no offline part, so there is no difference in regional household registration. It is the same everywhere. All diplomas and certificates obtained after graduation are They are all the same, with no regional differences.

8. How long will it take after registering for TVU technical secondary school in 2022 to graduate and get a certificate?

The one-year program of the TV University Vocational School means one year to obtain the graduation certificate, which is 12 months, starting from the completion of student registration. After 300 days, log in to the school's official website, complete the online graduate image collection and apply for graduation. After the main school approves the review You can print the electronic academic report on the official website. The specific time is subject to the review time of the main school. Generally, you can successfully graduate and get your diploma in 12 months (the paper version of the diploma will be mailed to your home).

9. What information is needed to register for TVU and secondary schools in 2022?

ID card front and back photo ( Alipay if you have your real name, there will be a "card package" on it), two-inch electronic photo with blue background (search "Two-inch electronic photo with blue background" on Alipay or WeChat and enter the mini program to take it in 1 minute (good), high school or technical secondary school diploma or above (provide if available, not required if not available), mobile phone number, major applied for (one-year or two-year program), and political profile (party member or mass). (In the future, those who need to apply for civil service, serve in the military, etc. and participate in political review must provide a graduation certificate.) The age must be 18 years or above.

10. How to confirm whether the institution you are looking for to register for TVU and technical secondary schools in 2022 is safe and reliable?

Registration information for radio and television colleges and technical secondary schools can only be submitted at the teaching center, and teaching centers are applied by institutions, so just confirm the following points. First: Tuition fees must be paid in the public account of the teaching center. The title of the public account must be consistent with the name of the institution. Second: Can formal receipts, invoices, contracts, etc. be issued after tuition payment, which needs to be stamped with the official seal of the institution. Third: Is it possible to provide a large number of recent student registration records and support real-time official website query and verification (do not trust WeChat screenshots, refer to the official website real-time query). Fourth: Are the admissions teachers in the teaching center professional and responsible?

11. Can the qualifications of the teaching center be verified before registration for TVU and secondary schools in 2022?

Some are OK, some are not. For example, our teaching center needs to check the business license and other information after providing registration materials, and then pay the student registration fee after verifying that the information is consistent. This is also to prevent some "teachers" from pretending to be and slandering our credibility. Since the admission restrictions were relaxed in TVU and technical secondary schools, the number of teaching centers has doubled, which is really helpless.

12. Can the academic qualifications of TVU and technical secondary schools in 2022 be checked on the Xuexin website?

Xuexin.com can currently only search for college degrees and above. Starting from May 1, 2019, it will no longer accept academic certificates from technical secondary schools, secondary vocational schools, and technical schools. The academic qualifications of RTVU's technical secondary schools can be found on the school's official website. They are recognized by the country and can be applied for major certificates and junior colleges. Xuexin.com announcement query point:

https://www.chsi.com.cn/xlrz/201903/20190329/1778416263.html, RTVU technical secondary school status query official website: http://zzx.ouchn.edu.cn/edu/ xueji/login

1. When will RTVU’s technical secondary schools officially open online registration in 2022? According to the latest document issued by Central China Telecom on July 12, 2022, the implementation period of the 2022 enrollment plan is: September 1st to December 31st. In other words - DayDayNews

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