School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden

2024/06/2206:44:32 education 1947

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden Sail Art Troupe, and Yitong Public Welfare Development Center , aims to help primary and secondary schools improve students’ musical literacy and better improve the school’s education system of “one school, one product” and “one school, multiple products”. Under the personal promotion and coordination of Principal Kong Qinggen, Hangzhou Liuli Primary School quickly invited the school's aesthetic education project to come to the school in March 2022. Principal Kong personally took charge of the formation of Liuli Primary School's "Philharmonic Golden Sail" wind band art troupe. Music teacher Li Ying serves as the executive leader. As soon as the

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

orchestra was established, a meeting and sharing meeting was held between the core team of the symphonic wind music charity project and the parents of the wind orchestra. At the meeting, everyone expressed great expectations and good expectations for the wind orchestra. This move announced that Hangzhou has left the primary school "love" "Le Jinfan" Wind Band Art Troupe was officially established.

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

The first members of the wind band are composed of 46 members from second and third grade students, including flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, alto horn, tuba, trombone, French horn and percussion. From the beginning of March 2022, professional teachers sent by the School of Arts of Zhejiang International Studies University will officially provide teaching guidance to the small group members. Over the past semester, the teachers have worked diligently and conscientiously in accordance with the training courses and management systems of the School of Arts of Zhejiang International Studies University and the Beijing Philharmonic Golden Sail Art Troupe. The members of the small group achieved gratifying results from basic exercises such as understanding the structure of the instrument, single note playing, fingering, pronunciation , legato, rhythm and other basic exercises to the development of small ensembles. In less than four months, they were able to turn each note into a beautiful melody, which makes people admire the perseverance and artistic plasticity of the small band members.

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

The semester is coming to an end soon. Don’t underestimate the simplicity of the training works for the wind band. woodwind and brass instrument are very important to be able to produce good timbre, long notes and intonation in the daily basic skills practice. The students were all confident. While completing the training essentials, they also learned communication, understanding and team spirit in the special family of the wind band. They also improved their aesthetic abilities and released their emotions in the ocean of music. .

During the semester report and performance, Teacher Wan Xin, the leader of the charity project team for bringing symphonic wind music to campus, Deputy Director of the Music Department of the School of Arts, Zhejiang International Studies University, made professional comments on the students’ report and performance, and was delighted with the outstanding performance and efforts of the small group members. I was also moved by its wonderful performance.

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

During the semester report performance, the school's aesthetic education project symphonic wind music into campus charity action project team also specially invited teacher Ding Xinyi from Shanghai Conservatory of Music . She interacted with the students and demonstrated the performance skills of bassoon , shared the importance of laying a solid foundation in learning wind music . She said: "Practice long notes well and lay a solid foundation, so that you can achieve yourself in the future."

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

Hangzhou Liuli Primary School actively builds a "Five Education" education system for the comprehensive development of morality, , intelligence, physical education, and labor. The school wind band is created from scratch to further deepen the construction of aesthetic education in the school and let more students Students sow the seeds of music from an early age, allowing music to convey our beautiful voices.

School Aesthetic Education Project - Symphonic Wind Music Entering Campus Charity Action is a public welfare project jointly initiated by Zhejiang Sunshine Education Foundation Qinglan Project Fund, Zhejiang International Studies University Art School, Beijing Philharmonic Golden - DayDayNews

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