Many parents ask: If you don’t have all A’s and all three B’s, is there still hope? Grasping the pace of admission is the first priority. You must understand the enrollment time and arrangements of popular schools in advance to avoid the regret of missing out on your favorite sch

2024/06/2506:29:33 education 1189


Zhou Zhou wrote an article about school selection.

Many parents asked:

If I don’t have all A’s and 3 B’s, is there still hope?

The most frequently asked question is what are the requirements for choosing a school?

Is there any hope for my child to choose a school with this condition?

Many parents ask: If you don’t have all A’s and all three B’s, is there still hope? Grasping the pace of admission is the first priority. You must understand the enrollment time and arrangements of popular schools in advance to avoid the regret of missing out on your favorite sch - DayDayNews

has summarized 3 suggestions that you must pay attention to when choosing a school for this week! Parents who are choosing a school must understand!

Many parents ask: If you don’t have all A’s and all three B’s, is there still hope? Grasping the pace of admission is the first priority. You must understand the enrollment time and arrangements of popular schools in advance to avoid the regret of missing out on your favorite sch - DayDayNews

The rhythm of school selection

Grasping the rhythm of admission is the first priority. It is necessary to understand the enrollment time and arrangements of popular schools in advance to avoid the regret of missing out on your favorite school!

Generally speaking, school selection for public schools is mainly concentrated from February to April, with a few starting as early as January and a few ending in May. (Timeline of school selection for junior high school students in 2023!)

Generally, in the early days when schools open resume submissions, the chances of passing the screening will be higher. In the later stages, the number of submissions will increase, and the screening will be stricter! So the earlier you submit your resume, the better!

Many parents ask: If you don’t have all A’s and all three B’s, is there still hope? Grasping the pace of admission is the first priority. You must understand the enrollment time and arrangements of popular schools in advance to avoid the regret of missing out on your favorite sch - DayDayNews

School selection requirements

The specific requirements of each school are different. Zhou Zhou has summarized the school selection requirements of 46 popular junior high schools in previous years , which can be used as a reference!

Here I would like to emphasize a few more points:

① Main course grades and three good certificates

Importance accounts for 75%

Main course grades and certificates are the embodiment of the gold content of the resume. All-A's mainly refer to all-A's in subjects other than Chinese and Mathematics, excluding secondary subjects such as physical education. Most schools only look at the overall evaluation.

The certificates that appear in the resume are mainly in three categories: Three Good Certificates > Competition Certificates > Level Certificates

In Suzhou , the best certificate for choosing a school for primary school students is definitely Three Goods. All Three Goods refers to certificates for students who have received Three Goods every semester. .

But the requirements of each school are different. Some require grades 1 to 6, while others only require grades 4 to 6. If you have three good grades in the district or three good grades in the city, you can also overcome the three good grades in the school. For schools such as Xin District Experimental, Rieter, Zhenhua, Xinghai, and Xingwan, the basic requirements are all excellent and three good.

For example, Caoqiao, Pingjiang, Jingfan and other schools may still have a chance if they have excellent grades but lack one or two three-good schools, but of course the more three-good schools the better. Schools such as Xujiang Middle School, No. 16 Middle School, Yingchun Middle School , Chengxi Middle School and other schools will have lower requirements. Only a certain number of three good and excellent students in grades 4-6 or 1-6 will be required.

Special attention needs to be paid to Su Zhongyuan Campus . The registration requirements do not clearly stipulate the need for excellence and three good grades. Therefore, parents who are capable and interested can try to submit!

It is not absolute that all three are good. It is better to get as many as possible, but other high-value certificates can make up for the lack of three good certificates to a certain extent. such as: provincial level: Jiangsu Province Good Boy; municipal level: Suzhou City Good Boy, Suzhou City Sunshine Boy.

As long as there is hope, parents can give it a try and don’t miss the opportunity.

②Competition certificate

Importance accounted for 15%

Competition certificate is a proof of a child’s expertise in a certain field, and there is also a sequence of importance:

National competition certificateProvincial certificateMunicipal certificateDistrict certificateSchool certificateSingle subject

Competition certificate Comprehensive Quality Certificate Single Certificate ≥ Specialty Certificate

The "Notice of the Provincial Department of Education on Announcement of Competition Activities for Primary and Secondary School Students in the 2021-2022 School Year" announced 12 recognized formal competition projects, as follows:

Many parents ask: If you don’t have all A’s and all three B’s, is there still hope? Grasping the pace of admission is the first priority. You must understand the enrollment time and arrangements of popular schools in advance to avoid the regret of missing out on your favorite sch - DayDayNews

There are also national middle school competitions Primary school competition items:

Many parents ask: If you don’t have all A’s and all three B’s, is there still hope? Grasping the pace of admission is the first priority. You must understand the enrollment time and arrangements of popular schools in advance to avoid the regret of missing out on your favorite sch - DayDayNews

③ Grade certificate

Importance accounted for 10%

The level requirements of grade certificates are above intermediate and advanced. If the junior certificate is not a high-gold item, it basically does not need to be listed.

Competency certificates: such as English proficiency certificates, such as Cambridge Children's English , KET, PET;

Specialty certificates: such as piano level 8, hard pen level 6, badminton, Go;

talent certificates: such as musical instruments, calligraphy, vocal music, etc. .

Of course, competitions and grades are just bonus points, major subjects are the key, don’t put the cart before the horse!


Other options for primary school students to junior high school

My child only got a few good grades in elementary school. Now that he is in sixth grade, can he only choose a local school?

If there are relatively few certificates of excellence, there are still other options!

1 Special Classes/Special Projects

In addition to school selection in general popular schools, children can also participate in examination-related special projects from primary school to junior high school through current review preparations, such as Weichang, Peidong Class, Xiangcheng Wei Chang, Wujiang Xiaowei Chang, etc.

These special projects all adopt the method of online registration-offline review-examination admission.

Resumes will also be looked at during offline review, which will weaken the impact of award certificates to a certain extent. It mainly depends on the ranking of test scores. Generally speaking, in terms of subject expansion, mathematics accounts for the largest proportion and the most difficult questions, which mainly test the logic of thinking; English and Chinese account for a moderate proportion, requiring more extension and accumulation on the basis of school, and the knowledge is relatively broad; other types of questions such as Questions such as scientific knowledge and emotional intelligence are relatively flexible and mainly depend on daily accumulation and on-the-spot adaptability.

For example, in recent years, among the parents who passed the preliminary review of the materials of the Wei Chang Experimental Class of Suzhou Middle School, some of them were not all excellent and all three excellent.

For children with excellent academic performance, but who have not been rated as the top three students due to various reasons, these special projects can also be regarded as an opportunity.

2 Popular private schools

Suzhou will implement the citizen enrollment policy from 2020. If parents register for private schools online, they can be admitted if the number of applicants in the school is less than the number of students. If the number of applicants in the school exceeds the number of students, a lottery will be required. Admission means random admission by computer.

Such as Jiangxi Foreign Language School, Jiangsu Foreign Language School, Beijing Foreign Language School, etc.

Although some private schools will ask parents to bring certificates of achievement in primary school when reviewing materials on-site after registering online, but generally speaking, private schools do not have strict requirements on whether there are certificates of achievement for three good students from primary school to junior high school.

3 Good classes in other schools

Choosing a school is not as good as choosing a class. When those schools that require all-A's and all three grades have little hope, choosing a good class in other schools is also a good choice.

For example, the Chinese chess class of No. 16 Middle School, the science and innovation class of Xujiang Middle School, etc. Those in Wuzhong District can also consider the aircraft model class of Yingchun Middle School, the Go class of Chengxi Middle School, the foreign language class of Soochow Foreign Language School, etc.

The transition from primary school to junior high school is a battle for children, and it is also a battle for parents. Parents and children work together to enter an ideal junior high school.

However, even if you fail to enter a junior high school with very good conditions in the early stage of primary school education, don’t be discouraged. Every child has a different period of exertion. It is possible for children to transform through hard work after entering junior high school or high school!

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