"Mother Mencius chose her neighbor. If her son does not learn, he will lose his chance." This is a familiar story, but it has not really entered the hearts of every student and parent today.

2024/06/2121:36:33 education 1101

Talking about Mencius's mother's three moves

"In the past, Meng's mother chose a neighbor. If a son does not learn, he will lose his chance." This is a familiar story, but it has not really entered the hearts of every student and parent today. As for the tablets that always appeared in the middle of the main hall of every house before 1912 - ć€©ćœ°ć›ć°Šćžˆ, they were even broken into pieces and put into the trash can of history.

In the story of " Meng Mu's Three Moves to ", Meng Mu faced various problems with her children. She first realized the importance of the problem and did not show the incorrectness of "waiting for the flowers to bloom" attitude; she did not "draw her sword and look around" and vent her anger on other people she could find (for example, teachers). She looked at herself calmly - How to start from herself, and eliminate all negative influences around her, This made her make the choice of "three moves" - moving her family three times.

After eliminating all objective factors, her child did not study seriously as he wished, and still played truant and was naughty. At this time, her behavior is incomprehensible to ordinary people - she refuses to learn and loses her chance.

What is "disconnection"? In a word, it is almost equivalent to destroying your own luxury car and mansion with your own hands! Why does

say this? If you have read economics, you must have read the story of "horse bundle" . This story is not absurd, but was recorded in the inscription on the bronze, which means: A horse and a bundle of silk can be exchanged for many slaves, and the price of a bundle of silk is equivalent to several large living people.

In that era of low productivity, men farmed and women weaved (there is no record of Meng’s father, only Meng’s mother). From this, we can think that: Mencius Mother’s “machine” supported the operation of the family, including repeated operations. In the reality of "relocation", the weight of this "machine" must be quite important. Ji Zhu is an important means of production that maintains this family; without "Ji Zhu", this family will almost be destroyed immediately.

After Meng's mother "cut off the machine", the naughty Mencius was shocked and asked his mother: "Why did you do this?" The mother replied resolutely: "Everything is thanks to your 'naughty'!" Mencius was greatly shocked and changed his ways.

If you read this story carefully, you will find that it contains very rich meanings. It also emphasizes the importance of both objective and subjective factors. Moreover, never points the finger of blame at the teacher, and there is no scene like "Meng's mother causing trouble in school" .

I always wonder, if puts this story into modern times, what will it be like?

The mythical beasts have "returned to their own homes and looked for their own mothers." However, in just a few days at the beginning of July, no less than six incredible things that were led by the "mythical beasts" and harmed the interests of others have been resolved. In front of us, parents of "mythical beasts" turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear.

kicked away the crutches of the disabled old man, and repeatedly teased the old man.

In the past three days, I coded an article every day to express my feelings about these things. I hope parents of "mythical beasts" will reflect on themselves and stop being arrogant and domineering. This in turn affects your children's outlook on life, worldview, and values. Don't just pamper your children. (

I originally thought that after so many unbearable examples of these "mythical beasts" appearing outside school education, the parents of these "mythical beasts" would no longer have anyone to complain about, and could only find the problem within themselves.

If you do this Yes, such holiday events may have positive meanings, allowing us to change our ways in children's education and embark on the right path.

However, I was wrong. No matter which one of my articles, there are always some people. Wang Yang's unbridled comments made me shudder. (There are not many people. On average, there are about ten such comments among the 500 comments. I have read them all, but I have not deliberately taken screenshots of them all.)

In these comments, they will say: "This is the failure of teacher education and it is the teacher's responsibility." "Children spend most of their time in school, which is equivalent to boarding. They spend a lot of time with teachers. If something goes wrong, it’s the teacher’s fault.”

Their humble and ignorant looks are reminiscent of all the villains in martial arts movies: is arrogant, domineering and arrogant. They always think that they dominate the world, but in fact they are "bears" dominating the world.

What made me most angry was such a comment. I repeatedly criticized the practice of putting the responsibility on teachers. This netizen also left a message righteously: "What is the responsibility of a teacher? What does it mean to teach and educate people?" ? Please tell me! ”

I don’t know what you think of this sentence. If you are a teacher, you will be furious when you see such a comment: The tone of this sentence is completely like standing in the Himalayas. Such a high moral high ground, trampling on teachers in a serious and sanctimonious way!

"The gun went off"

"Did you see who fired the gun?"

"I can't see clearly. He is standing on the moral high ground, he is in the sun."

——Winterberg's " hunting "

As long as the teacher answers this question in a satisfactory manner, the "bear" parents will definitely take advantage of it: educate people, educate people wholeheartedly, who do you educate? !

To put it bluntly, this is how they understand each other. is not ashamed of it, but is proud of it. : "We only have to give birth to the child - you don't need to do this for us. After the birth, we will take care of the food and accommodation; we will take care of all other aspects. It’s your teacher’s business and it has nothing to do with us!”

I always think: if today’s “bear” parents traveled back to the era of Mencius, there is a high probability that the story of “Meng’s mother moving three times” would not happen. Duan - they don't know how to "move three times", nor how to "cut off the opportunity". They will rush to the school and yell: "A man with a gray beard!" The old thief!

They would give Mencius’ teacher a good beating, and maybe even set the school on fire, nailing the teacher to the pillar of shame.

Limited by their own cognitive level, they will point all questions at the teachers who educate their children, constantly changing the target of blame. Before the college entrance examination, their belief is extremely firm: the sea can dry up, the stone can break, I Your child must be number one in the universe!

They secretly changed a concept. Their children are indeed unique in the world. There is no problem with this, but they are definitely not "the best in the world". Any leaf is unique in the world, but you cannot say it is "the best in the world". If this is the case, it is obvious that we have made the mistake of "seeing only the trees but not the forest" and have no overall concept.

Many parents of today’s students just lack an overall concept. After nine years of compulsory education, they have been living in peace for a long time. They paranoidly believe that they are the opinion leaders of the world. They do not care about the feelings of others and like to step on others. At the bottom, the spirit of self-examination is seriously lacking.

How do parents become "bears"?

Behind every "bear" child there are always several, or even a dozen "bear" parents - everyone should have no objection to this sentence, right? With their endorsement, the "bear" is magnified infinitely, and the "bear" is repeated over and over again. It is not uncommon for all kinds of things to tear us apart.

So, how did these "bear" parents become so successful?

First, time.

I am a teacher who has been teaching for 24 years. I have claimed countless times that I "neither kneel down to lick students' parents, nor do I please fellow teachers." I wrote this sentence in the introduction of my homepage. If you are interested, you can take a look.

I have never denied this: people have always complained about teachers, and today's "bear" parents actually magnify the problems of some teachers and fail to "discuss the matter as it is." They couldn't distinguish specific teachers, so they simply targeted all teachers, and their actions gradually became erratic.

I personally admit this: for a long time, some of my fellow teachers have used clever words and flattery, and everything has been based on interests, which has damaged the image of the teacher group.

For example, the “problem of teachers running classes outside schools” has existed for a long time, and the “problem of taking some unjust gains from students’ parents” has existed for a long time.

Before the word "double reduction" became less loud, many of my colleagues tried their best to defend themselves. They said: "We are doing it for the good of the children, we are considering the future of the children, and these incomes are our normal and reasonable remuneration. ".

As for these ridiculous claims, I could write thousands of words or nearly ten thousand words to refute them one by one, so I won’t go into them here.

Anyway, as far as I know, some fellow teachers set up such tutoring classes in back streets and alleys near "massage parlors" during the holidays. They can often provide them with this kind of tutoring classes in a month or two. Bringing in cash income of a quarter of the total price of a home.

These behaviors have a strong smell of money - how can this kind of sneaky and unwilling money operation not damage the reputation of teachers and breed "bear" parents?

On this basis, because of the penetration of money, the teacher's normal discipline is always magnified infinitely, and gradually becomes the teacher's original sin, which cannot be defended.

Second, the location is convenient.

Parents of today’s children have generally received nine-year compulsory education and are enjoying the prosperous times.

On a war-torn earth, we have enjoyed long-lasting peace here. After being baptized by the "Houhei Xue", MLM and success studies at the beginning of the century, these people gradually feel that they are intellectuals and opinion leaders.

They have no idea that they have actually been at the bottom of the pyramid, but economic development has made them feel that they have enough food and clothing, surpassing their parents' generation.

The halo of the times has faded, and standing at the top of the group pyramid, in fact, there is no essential difference between the parents of this generation of students and their own parents, grandparents.

However, they have received nine years of compulsory education. As they embrace the Internet era, they will not cooperate with teachers because they are "illiterate" like their parents. They pointed out the country and were full of pride, completely forgetting that they were also learning difficulties back then, and their diplomas were equivalent to nothingness.

Yes, they don’t think so. They think that their diplomas are as golden as Harvard and Yale diplomas.

does not rule out that some of them think that they are higher up in the pyramid, but these people are actually taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules of the times. They are not followers of "gentleness, humility and humility" in the first place. They hope that their children will imitate them and copy them. The success of your own "drill camp". How do "bear" parents like

appear? When a child makes a mistake, they will continue to add all kinds of weird opinions to "he is still a child", completely occupying the commanding heights of " humanism ", leaving you speechless. As long as you speak, you are hurting the child and failing to protect the child.

Third, harmony.

The emergence of "bear" parents is not like "a spring breeze comes suddenly overnight and thousands of pear trees bloom", but a step-by-step process. When "bear" parents first appeared in

, some experts in "bear" education always chose to stand on the opposite side of ordinary teachers in order to realize their benefits in time and for the sake of their own image.

They will stand in front of a beam of holy light, speak many tear-jerking words, weave illusory dreams only found in fairy tales, and tell the parents of those budding "bears": You are immortals with boundless power! Be brave and do it, the truth is in your hands!

In the repeated conflicts between home and school, all groups except ordinary teachers, all groups that are condescending to ordinary teachers, stand on the side of students' parents.They will pound the table and accuse the teacher: No matter what the reason is, your actions have damaged our image. It is your problem, not the problem of the students' parents!

After testing again and again, these "bear" parents slowly got their trump card and began to act unscrupulously until everything was out of control.

You must know that destruction and destruction are emotions deeply rooted in people's genes. Once there is someone to vent to, and the act of venting is allowed, they will show amazing destructive power.

Anyway, in their view, all their "bear" practices are to make their children become domineering, and their children have received real benefits.

what? Short-sighted? In this world, the short-sighted behavior of enjoying timely pleasure seems to be everywhere.


naughty boy, when this word was first invented, it was completely a term of endearment, with more of a complimentary meaning. Who would have thought that the strong wind started at the end of Qingping, and it should not have been more than six months ago. In the face of the naughty child's performance, this word has now become a curse word, which is extremely derogatory.

In your opinion, is the term "bear parent" a compliment or a derogatory term?

I think: The breeding ground for bear parents is very large. The problem of bear parents cannot be solved overnight. It requires the clarification of the entire ethos and requires everyone's face to face and hard work.

I am even a little pessimistic. Perhaps, only time can change the status quo, and only more tragic results will make people wake up.

As the sun shines down on the city, the imprint of people's recognition will decay layer by layer behind them.

What do you think?

P.S.: I have no literary talent, I just coded some words with the first ray of sunshine in the morning, and I am willing to discuss it with you.

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