The latest notice of the Cangzhou High-tech Zone Experimental School on the primary school enrollment work in 2022 is to standardize the primary school enrollment order, reduce the gathering of people, and provide high-quality and convenient services for parents. "Notice on the S

2024/06/1920:15:33 education 1987

The latest notice from Cangzhou High-tech Zone Experimental School on the primary school enrollment in 2022

In order to standardize the primary school enrollment order, reduce the gathering of people, and provide parents with high-quality and convenient services, in accordance with the "Cangzhou Municipal Education Bureau's Notice on Further Improving the Compulsory Education Stage in 2022" "Notice on the Schooling of Children of Migrant Workers in the City", "Cangzhou Municipal Education Bureau's Implementation Measures for Compulsory Education Enrollment in 2022" and other document requirements, the relevant supplementary requirements are now notified as follows:

1. Provide materials To refine and standardize

(1) Materials required for school-age children of the permanent household registration population:

1. School-age children’s family household registration book (household home page, school-age children’s parents’ page, school-age children’s own page, the household registration deadline is August 11) ;

2. The property certificate of the parents (legal guardians) within the jurisdiction (residential residences only, excluding business buildings and commercial properties);

If the parents (legal guardians) within the jurisdiction are unable to provide the property certificate, in addition to providing the above relevant information, Distinguish between the following situations and provide relevant materials within the jurisdiction respectively:

① If the real estate certificate is mortgaged in a bank: a copy of the real estate certificate signed by the mortgage unit manager and person in charge, the contact number of the manager, the seal of the mortgage unit, and the mortgage loan agreement Book;

② Those who have moved in but the real estate certificate has not been processed: house purchase contract of real estate development company , official house purchase invoice from the housing and construction department (private contracts and agreements are not used as the basis for real estate);

③ Enjoy the government affordable housing and For public rental housing: a copy of the relevant approval procedures provided by the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department, the original certificate of occupancy issued by the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, and the original invoice and copy of the rent payment. (6 months as of August 11)

④ For policy-based demolition and resettlement: demolition and resettlement agreement, house rental contract , original and copy of the property certificate of the owner of the rental house.

3. Medical birth certificate for children of school age;

4. Children’s vaccination certificate (Note: The vaccination certificate is not a prerequisite for enrollment, and the school can ask students to provide it in time after the school starts)

(2) Migrant immigrants to the city for work and business Materials required for children who move with them to enroll in school:

1. Original household registration book;

2. Legal labor contract of one parent : For those who work for an employer in the jurisdiction, provide the "Labor Contract" signed by the migrant worker and the employer in accordance with the law; for those who do business in the jurisdiction , provide a business license.

3. Proof of social pension insurance paid by one parent to the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the Hi-tech Zone (6 months as of August 13);

4. Official residence certificates of parents and children (excluding residence registration certificates);

5. Property within the jurisdiction Certificate or house rental contract, the original property certificate of the original landlord;

6. Medical birth certificate;

7. Child vaccination certificate (Note: The vaccination certificate is not a prerequisite for enrollment, and the school can require students to provide it in time after the start of school)

2. Pre-examination of degree registration materials

In order to standardize the order of primary school admissions and provide parents with high-quality and convenient services, it is planned to pre-examine the enrollment registration materials in mid-July. This pre-examination only provides information review services. The admissions work will be based on the original The formal registration required by the notice shall prevail. The specific arrangements are as follows:

All day long on July 14th, 15th and 18th (8:30-11:30am, 2:30-5:30pm every day) for high-tech zone registered school-age children and
children of migrant workers in the city. check-in time.

(Note: On July 16 and July 17, the pre-review procedures will be suspended due to the school's responsibility for the Cangzhou City special post teacher examination)

Review location: Cangzhou High-tech Zone Experimental School

Admissions consultation phone number: 6981601, 13831781801

Source : High-tech experiment 2021

The latest notice of the Cangzhou High-tech Zone Experimental School on the primary school enrollment work in 2022 is to standardize the primary school enrollment order, reduce the gathering of people, and provide high-quality and convenient services for parents.

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The latest notice of the Cangzhou High-tech Zone Experimental School on the primary school enrollment work in 2022 is to standardize the primary school enrollment order, reduce the gathering of people, and provide high-quality and convenient services for parents.

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The latest notice of the Cangzhou High-tech Zone Experimental School on the primary school enrollment work in 2022 is to standardize the primary school enrollment order, reduce the gathering of people, and provide high-quality and convenient services for parents. The latest notice of the Cangzhou High-tech Zone Experimental School on the primary school enrollment work in 2022 is to standardize the primary school enrollment order, reduce the gathering of people, and provide high-quality and convenient services for parents.

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