The first item of the conference: Secretary's Party Lesson "The Spirit of the Twelfth Party Congress of Sichuan Province", Secretary He preached the spirit of the meeting and emphasized that as educators, we must implement the responsibility of cultivating people with moral integ

2024/05/2505:50:32 education 1471

The first item of the conference: Secretary's Party Lesson

On the morning of June 30, Xipu Experimental School in Pidu District held a commendation meeting to "learn the spirit of the Party Congress and welcome the 20th National Congress" and celebrate July 1st. All party members of the school and party activists attended the meeting. The conference was chaired by Comrade He Wenbin, Secretary of the Party Branch of the school.

The first item of the conference: Secretary's Party Lesson

The first item of the conference: Secretary's Party Lesson


The first item of the conference

The first item of the conference: Secretary’s Party Lesson “The Spirit of the 12th Party Congress of Sichuan Province”. Secretary He preached on the spirit of the meeting and emphasized that as educators, we must implement moral education and cultivate people. responsibility and work hard to comprehensively build socialist modernization. At the meeting, party members and teachers expressed that they would continue to study and implement the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress through group discussions and other forms, loyally support " and two to establish " and resolutely achieve " and two to maintain ", keeping in mind the instructions and Be grateful and forge ahead, contribute to the high-quality development of education in Pidu District, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.


The second item of the conference

The second item of the conference: Held the "Learning Competition, I am a Strong Country, Welcome to the 20th National Congress" on-campus party member commendation meeting. The conference commended the model leaders in learning to strengthen the country, advanced students in the academic year, outstanding monthly students, and outstanding party members in 2021.

The first item of the conference: Secretary's Party Lesson

The first item of the conference: Secretary's Party Lesson

The first item of the conference: Secretary's Party Lesson


Do not forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

The conference came to an end with warm applause. Secretary He once again emphasized that it coincides with the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party and the upcoming 20th National Congress. As party members and teachers in the new era, we must not forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind. , consciously shoulder the important responsibilities of the new era, and embark on a new journey in stride.

The first item of the conference: Secretary's Party Lesson

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