Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece "Journey to the West" that is required for seventh graders. If you can't handle these, you will lose points every time you take the exam! Moreover, the preview of the Chinese language is not only about the key words in the class

2024/05/2008:35:33 education 1502

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece "Journey to the West" that must be taken in seventh grade. If you can't handle these, you will lose points every time you take the exam!

For students who are about to enter seventh grade, there is no summer homework this summer, but there are many tasks, and we need to prepare for the knowledge of each subject.

Many parents focus on math and English pre-study, while neglecting Chinese pre-study. Moreover, the preview of Chinese language is not only about the key words in the class, but also the most important thing is to read the two classics "Journey to the West" and "Morning Blossoms Plucked at Dusk". These two classics are required for self-study in seventh grade. If If you don’t take the time to watch it during the summer, you will definitely not have the time and energy in the new semester.

Here, I will also share with you the test points for the famous book "Journey to the West" that is required for the first semester of seventh grade. I hope everyone can understand it thoroughly during the summer vacation!

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(The full version is available at the bottom, including detailed answers)

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

Sort out the test points for the famous masterpiece

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