Introduction: According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022. Compared with the number of graduates in 2021, the increase in 2022 will be more than 10%. The employment situation will become more severe.

2023/08/0207:54:32 education 1319

Introduction: According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022. Compared with the number of graduates in 2021, the increase in 2022 will be more than 10%. The employment situation in 2019 will be even more severe.

After entering 2022, the epidemic rebounded in some areas of my country, making the already severe employment environment even worse, many small and medium-sized enterprises are facing layoffs, salary cuts and even bankruptcy due to limited funds., 2022 Level college graduates can choose fewer positions, and the employment opportunities are also narrower.

Introduction: According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022. Compared with the number of graduates in 2021, the increase in 2022 will be more than 10%. The employment situation will become more severe. - DayDayNews

However, in view of the current closure of many small and medium-sized enterprises, college graduates do not seem to care about , because everyone's eyes are focused on civil servants and other establishments. Work is 's first choice , not only the salary is considerable, the benefits are very perfect, and you don't have to worry about unemployment for life.

Under the influence of the pursuit of stable employment concepts, more and more graduates apply for civil servants, and it becomes more and more difficult to go ashore. It's a little more relaxed than civil servants, but overall it's not much better. The report is still very low compared to .

Introduction: According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022. Compared with the number of graduates in 2021, the increase in 2022 will be more than 10%. The employment situation will become more severe. - DayDayNews

2022 more than 20,000 civil servants in the army are recruiting for examinations, and their salary income is not inferior to that of civil servants. See , most establishment jobs can only enjoy career establishment. Compared with career establishment , the establishment of civil servants is more stable, and salary income is also more substantial..

Because of the desire for stable jobs and high salaries, civil servants are the first choice for a large number of college graduates. Some popular positions have reached the level of 3000:1.

Introduction: According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022. Compared with the number of graduates in 2021, the increase in 2022 will be more than 10%. The employment situation will become more severe. - DayDayNews

Compared with civil servants, military civil servants are much less difficult to go ashore. Although they also need to take the national unified exam, the registration ratio is about 10:1. In terms of income , military civilian jobs are not completely lost to civil servants.

in many third- and fourth-tier small cities in our country, the salary of civil servants may only be 4000 to 5000 yuan , and some will be even lower. Salary standard, after becoming a regular, the salary of undergraduates can reach 9,000 yuan, graduate students 9500 yuan , and doctoral students directly earn more than 10,000 yuan a month.

Introduction: According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022. Compared with the number of graduates in 2021, the increase in 2022 will be more than 10%. The employment situation will become more severe. - DayDayNews

In contemporary society, an annual salary of more than 100,000 should be the dream life of many graduates, and in military civilian positions, in addition to the basic salary, there are also various subsidies, depending on the title, the allowance ranges from low to low The highs are: junior subsidy for scientific research positions is 1,000 yuan, senior post allowance is 3,000 yuan , 3,000 yuan is already equivalent to one month's salary for some jobs.

In addition, military civil servants have a relatively low education threshold . In the civil service application, most positions require a bachelor degree or above. The education threshold is junior college and above , which means that junior college graduates also have the opportunity to be hired by some military civilian positions.

Introduction: According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022. Compared with the number of graduates in 2021, the increase in 2022 will be more than 10%. The employment situation will become more severe. - DayDayNews

of course, no job in the world is perfect , military civilians are no exception, although the salary and income are not inferior to civil servants, the five social insurances and one housing fund and allowances are also high, but this job has no establishment, hired personnel They are all "contract workers" . In terms of stability, loses a lot to civil servants. However, compared with ordinary private companies, this job is already very stable. question.

2022 college graduates will be in place soon, everyone should be mentally prepared

In the 2020s, many college graduates will not be able to find ideal jobs Students from prestigious schools such as 211, , it is reasonable to say that students from prestigious schools should not be like this, so what went wrong?

In addition to the severe current employment situation and fierce employment competition, another part of the main reason for is the graduates themselves. Seeing that it is very difficult to find a job now, there are still graduates who only consider jobs with high salary, good benefits and easy .

It is true that there are such " good jobs " in the world, but only is rare, and it is not prepared for all graduates. In most cases, such positions can only be reserved for with high education. College graduates with high ability, background and network resources .

Introduction: According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022. Compared with the number of graduates in 2021, the increase in 2022 will be more than 10%. The employment situation will become more severe. - DayDayNews

The 2022 graduation season is coming, whether you are a fresh graduate or not, you should make all-round preparations. Only by continuously improving your comprehensive ability and establishing a correct employment concept can you be invincible in the workplace. #education original star selection list#

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What do you think of military civilian work?

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