In traditional Chinese Buddhism, Buddha is the most powerful. Of course, the one who has cultivated the best is Tathagata Buddha. Buddhism believes that the Buddha can live forever, but this goes against the laws of nature, so even the highest Buddha in Taoism will die. This is w

2024/06/3001:41:32 buddhism 1272

1. Reveal how the founder of Buddhism Sakyamuni died.

In traditional Chinese Buddhism, Buddha is the most powerful. Of course, the one who has cultivated the best is Tathagata Buddha. He possesses immeasurable magic power and has insight into all wisdom. However, we know that Buddhism was introduced to China from India. In Indian Buddhism, the god is called Sakyamuni, which is of course what we call Tathagata . He was a real man who realized the true meaning of life under the bodhi tree and founded Buddhism. So how did Sakyamuni die?

First, we would like to talk about some teachings of Buddhism. Buddhism believes that the Buddha can live forever, but this goes against the laws of nature, so even the highest Buddha in Taoism will die. This is what Buddhism calls silence. Shakyamuni Buddha passed away at the age of eighty. This time, Sakyamuni came to a forest outside Kusinaga. Sakyamuni spread out a table in the woods, then crossed his legs and faced west. He said to him in the middle of the night: "I can't go against the laws of nature. I'm leaving. In this world, as long as you can continue to practice and promote Buddhism, there is nothing you can't do." ?" After receiving his posthumous title, Sakyamuni passed away peacefully.

We were all very sad and cried bitterly. Missionaries from all over the world came from all over to express their condolences. Seven days later, Sakyamuni's great-grandfather Mahakasyapa presided over the funeral and cremated his body. Afterwards, Mahakasyapa took out Sakyamuni's relics, divided them into eight parts, and sent them to eight hospitals for construction. The pagoda for worship.

Of course, according to Buddhism, Sakyamuni did not really die, but became a Buddha. Save all sentient beings in the world in all directions. Including every one of us.

Amitabha! When Sakyamuni passed away.

In traditional Chinese Buddhism, Buddha is the most powerful. Of course, the one who has cultivated the best is Tathagata Buddha. Buddhism believes that the Buddha can live forever, but this goes against the laws of nature, so even the highest Buddha in Taoism will die. This is w - DayDayNews

2. Where did Shakyamuni Buddha pass away?

The day Sakyamuni passed away. Shakyamuni Buddha passed away at the age of 79. Sakyamuni passed away here.

Dharma Siddhartha is Sakyamuni, and Sakyamuni is a saint of the Sakyamuni family. According to Buddhist scriptures, when the Buddha was nineteen years old, he was deeply worried about life, old age, illness, and death, and abandoned his imperial order to become a monk. At the age of 35, he became enlightened under the bodhi tree and began to teach Buddhism for 45 years. At the age of 79, he attained Nirvana in the city of Kusinagar.

Sakyamuni (Śākyamuni) is not his real name, but his title, which means "Sakyamuni". "Sakyamuni" is the name of the tribe he belongs to, which means "energy" and "courage"; "Muni" is the name given to those who became monks and practiced Buddhism at that time, and is translated as "wen", "jing", etc. In German, the Chinese translation of "Sakyamuni" is also "Nengren, Silent". Also commonly known as "Buddha" or "Buddha".

Gautama (Gotama; Gautama) is also translated as "triptan", which means "pure" and "the most successful". Traditionally, it is believed that this was his clan surname; others believe that it was his mother's surname, and that his aunt was the daughter of Cory's surname Triptan. In addition, Shari, Mancizi, Kazanyanzi, etc. all take their mother's surname. There was a custom at that time to include the mother's name in the name. Devadatta, the cousin of the Buddha, once claimed that he and the Buddha were both "achievements of the mother's family"; Ji Xianlin believed that "Gotama" was not a surname, but was borrowed from the Brahman clan by the ancient Indian nobles according to custom. After Sakyamuni passed away.

Is Siddhāttha (Siddhārtha) dead? Also known as "Siddha", "Siddhartha", "Siddhartha", etc., the translation means "wealth", "achievement of interests", "all righteousness", etc. ...It is generally believed that this was the real name of Sakyamuni when he was alive; some people think that this is an illusion created by later generations. "Praise to the Buddha's Conduct" says that his father, King Junmi, wished that "everything will come true and the country will be prosperous and strong", so he was named after him. Where did Shakyamuni Buddha go after his death?

In traditional Chinese Buddhism, Buddha is the most powerful. Of course, the one who has cultivated the best is Tathagata Buddha. Buddhism believes that the Buddha can live forever, but this goes against the laws of nature, so even the highest Buddha in Taoism will die. This is w - DayDayNews

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