I believe that everyone who has read "Journey to the West" has a certain understanding of the prototype of Tang Monk - Master Xuanzang. When the world's scriptures have different descriptions, he resolutely embarked on the westward journey in order to unify the differences in Chi

2024/06/0221:45:33 buddhism 1814

I believe that everyone who has read "Journey to the West" has a certain understanding of the prototype of Tang Monk - Master Xuanzang. When the world's scriptures have different descriptions, in order to unify the differences in Chinese Buddhist thought, he resolutely embarked on the journey On the westward journey, he went to Tianzhu to obtain the true scriptures and re-translate them.

Xuanzang In order to explore the differences in the theories of various schools of Buddhism, starting in the first year of Zhenguan , Xuanzang traveled 50,000 miles westward and went through hardships to reach Nalanda Temple, the center of Indian Buddhism, to collect the true scriptures. In the past seventeen years, he studied all the various theories of Mahayana and Mahayana at that time. He brought back a total of 3150 Buddhist relics, 37 Buddha statues, 3657 sutras and treatises, and he has been engaged in the work of translating Buddhist scriptures for a long time.

I believe that everyone who has read

Xuanzang and his disciples translated a total of 375 Buddhist scriptures, 375 volumes, each with about 10,000 words, totaling 313.35 million words, accounting for more than half of the total number of translated scriptures in the entire Tang Dynasty. It is equivalent to more than double the total number of Bible translations by the other three major translators in Chinese history, and it greatly surpasses their predecessors in quality, becoming an outstanding example in the history of translation. The "Journey to the West" is adapted from its story of learning from scriptures.

In the spring of the first year of Linde (664 ), Xuanzang passed away. "The Taoism and customs in the capital city weep for hundreds of thousands of people every day", and during the funeral, "more than a million people were sent to the capital city and the prefectures within 500 miles".

Compared with the millions of people who saw him off, the court's performance was not high. Regarding the death of the eminent monk, it only reimbursed the funeral expenses, allowed monks and nuns to mourn, and properly protected the scriptures.

However, according to historical records, Xuanzang immediately received preferential treatment and support from Tang TaizongLi Shimin after he returned from Buddhist scriptures.

Not only to house the Buddhist scriptures, relics and Buddha statues brought back by Xuanzang, but also built the Big Wild Goose Pagoda for them. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty even asked Xuanzang twice to return to secular life and help him take care of the government affairs, but he was politely declined by Xuanzang.

Li Zhi who was still the prince at that time also wrote "Shu Sheng Ji" for Xuanzang, and after the completion of Ci'en Temple, Xuanzang was honored.

With such courtesy, why did Li Zhi, who became the emperor, not even give him a posthumous title after Xuanzang's death?

I believe that everyone who has read

It turned out that when Xuanzang returned to China, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin tended to be old and his health was not good. Well, I know that my life is about to end, and Buddhism emphasizes karma.

Therefore, the political faction headed by Changsun Wuji took a fancy to this point. In order to cater to the preferences of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, they often recommended Master Xuanzang. As long as Xuan Zang can make Tang Taizong calm and comfortable, then his position as assistant minister will be stable in the future.

After returning to China ten years ago, the struggle between the imperial power and the prime minister's power has become increasingly fierce. Li Zhi decided to eliminate the Changsun Wuji's faction. And because of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Master Xuanzang had close contacts with Changsun Wuji and others, so he was naturally classified as an old minister. After Li Zhi ascended the throne, he decided to move to the Eastern Capital in the early years of Xianqing's reign, and specifically ordered Xuanzang to go with him and live in the palace. Although in name it was preferential treatment for Master Xuanzang, in reality it was no different from house arrest.

Xuan Zang had no freedom at all, so he had to translate Buddhist scriptures at home. However, there were not enough manpower and efficiency could not be guaranteed.What's even more uncomfortable is that there is no one to treat him when he is sick, so he has to go out of the palace to seek medical treatment privately. Li Zhi was very unhappy after hearing this, so he arranged for the imperial doctor to go to the hospital for treatment.

I believe that everyone who has read

One of the reasons why Li Zhi was so scrupulous about Xuanzang was the extremely high reputation that Xuanzang had among the people.

There is a story that Xuanzang got Li Zhi's permission to return to his hometown to visit relatives. After returning home, he found that his parents' tombs were in a state of disrepair and dilapidated. In order to repay his parents, Xuanzang made a request to Li Zhi to sponsor the reburial for his two elders, and Li Zhi agreed to do so.

However, the news of the reburial spread like wildfire, and tens of thousands of people came here just to catch a glimpse of the master.

Such popularity naturally made Li Zhi feel troublesome. In order to stabilize the people's hearts, even as the emperor, he did not dare to touch him easily.

However, Li Zhi was very cruel to other old ministers, and he was derogatory to the ministers of Changsun Wuji's faction.

Yonghui In the past six years, upper-level political murders have occurred frequently.

Xuanzang In order to avoid disaster, in October of the fourth year of Emperor Xianqing's reign (659), he requested to go to Yuhua Temple in northern Shaanxi to translate the "Mahaprajna Sutra", which was accurately translated by Li Zhi.

Li Zhi approved it because three months ago, Changsun Wuji, who had a close relationship with Xuanzang, had been forced to die. Qianzhou, Chu Suiliang had been killed as early as two years ago. He has died in Aizhou. Yu Zhining, who once helped Xuanzang, was also demoted for remaining neutral when the queen deposed the king and established Wu Meiniang.

I believe that everyone who has read

The Mahaprajna Sutra Sanskrit contains more than 200,000 verses. The heavy work exhausted Xuanzang both physically and mentally, and made him vaguely aware that his time was running out.

One day, he suddenly entrusted me with the funeral arrangements: "Now that this story is over, my life is also over. If there is no permanent future, you should send me to be frugal."

On the first month of the first year of Linde, a disciple hurriedly found Xuanzang and said that he had just had a nightmare: "I saw a pagoda with a tall and stern roof, and it suddenly collapsed." He consoled him: "Don't be afraid, it has nothing to do with you. This is a sign that I am about to perish." The next night, Xuanzang accidentally tripped and fell behind the house. Then his health became worse and worse, and he was bedridden. Five days later, he passed away.

I believe that everyone who has read

Conclusion: The story of Xuanzang’s journey to the west makes people admire him, but his life after returning to China makes people sigh. It is said that several months after Xuanzang passed away, Li Zhi continued to eradicate dissidents and did not stop until the court became quiet. It's just that every time it's time to go to court, the ministers all remain silent, neither admonishing nor recommending talents, which is not what Li Zhi ideally looks like at all.


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