Su Dongpo said that Zen Master Foyin is like a pile of dung, and the other party said that he is like a Buddha. What does this contrast show?

2021/07/2720:56:43 buddhism 2531

Song Dynasty great writer Su Dongpo went to Jinshan Temple to meditate with Buddha Yin Zen master . After the two of them sat for a while, Su Dongpo felt that his body and mind were smooth, so he asked the Zen master: "Master! How do you look at me when I meditate?" Zen Master Foyin looked at him, and replied, "It's so solemn, like a Buddha. !" Su Dongpo was very happy to hear this. However, Zen Master Foyin then asked Su Dongpo: "Bachelor! What do you think of my posture in meditation?" Su Dongpo has always made friends with Zen Master Foyin, but never let go of the opportunity to mock Zen Master, and the two have become accustomed to each other. This is fun. After looking at Zen Master Foyin, Su Dongpo immediately replied: "Like a pile of cow dung!" Zen Master Foyin was also very happy after hearing this, and he laughed out loud.

Su Dongpo said that Zen Master Foyin is like a pile of dung, and the other party said that he is like a Buddha. What does this contrast show? - DayDayNews

Su Dongpo likened Master Xiang to cow dung, but Master Xiang did not answer, but laughed. Su Dongpo thought that he had beaten Zen Master Buddha Yin this time and was even more happy. Extremely. After returning home, he took it as a happy event and told his sister Su Xiaomei , saying that he had won Zen Master Buddha Yin. But Su Xiaomei did not have the same good mood as Su Dongpo. She looked serious and asked, "Brother, how did you win the Zen Master?" Su Dongpo danced with joy, and glamorously narrated what had just happened to Su Xiaomei. . After hearing this, Su Xiaomei, who is super talented, talented, and very wise, said with a serious face: "Brother, in fact, you have lost. The Buddhist saying: "Buddha's heart appears by itself." Dung, so you will feel like cow dung by the Zen master!" Su Dongpo suddenly realized.

The so-called "Buddha's mind self-emergence" here is actually a manifestation of a psychological effect-the projection effect.

Su Dongpo said that Zen Master Foyin is like a pile of dung, and the other party said that he is like a Buddha. What does this contrast show? - DayDayNews

In 1974, the psychologist Schiffenbauer did such an experiment: He invited some college students as subjects and divided them into two groups. Show a comedy movie to one group of students to make them feel happy; show a horror movie to another group of students to make them feel scared. Then, he showed the two groups of students the same set of photos and asked them to judge the new expressions of the people in the photos. result,The group of college students who watched the comedy movie in a happy mood judged that the person in the photo was also happy, while the group of college students who watched the horror movie judged that the person in the photo was nervous and scared. This experiment shows that most of the students in the test regard the facial expressions of the characters in the photos as their own emotional experience, and project their own emotions on others. This is the well-known "projection effect", which has an important influence on interpersonal relationships, so we must use this effect correctly when interacting with people.

In the story, Foyin used this to fight back against Su Dongpo. Because he thinks that Su Dongpo is a golden Buddha, it means that what his inner qualities project is a golden Buddha, and Su Dongpo's inner projection is cow dung.

The so-called projection effect is actually to save people. The projection effect is actually a cognitive misunderstanding of seeing others according to one's own preferences and feelings, projecting one's own emotions and feelings on others and imposing them on others.

Su Dongpo said that Zen Master Foyin is like a pile of dung, and the other party said that he is like a Buddha. What does this contrast show? - DayDayNews

The projection effect is mainly divided into three manifestations. The first form of is the same projection , which means that others are the same as themselves, thus assimilating the other party. For example, some people are very innocent, and they feel that everyone in the outside world is kind and harmless. Such perceptions will make them defenseless. Others are too complicated. When interacting with others, they feel that everyone is too deep in the city to become true friends. Both of these views are wrong. Everyone is different. We cannot make generalizations based on our own perceptions of specific situations. The second form of is desire projection . That is to impose one's own subjective wishes on the other party, always believing that other people's feelings are the same as one's own. There is such a short story that can explain this phenomenon: a young father took his son to the market in the morning in the late autumn and early winter. They went by water, the father shook the scull, and the son sat on the bow. After shaking it for a while, my father got sweaty and felt that his clothes were too thick, so he took off his cotton-padded clothes. This father not only took off his cotton coat,He also took off his son's cotton-padded clothes, and said, "It's quite hot today, it shouldn't be so thick." Then, the father started to complain again. After a while, he felt hot again and took off his sweater. After taking off, he wants to take off his son's sweater again. The son cried and said, "Dad, don't take it off, I'm cold!" What this father did was caused by the projection of his wishes. When he felt hot, he felt that his son would be hot too. In our lives and work, we must avoid this cognitive misunderstanding and never impose our own feelings on others. The third type is emotional projection. believes that others have the same likes and dislikes as their own, and then influences others according to their own way of thinking. This kind of misunderstanding is very common. Many people like a certain celebrity or talk to their friends endlessly when they like something, and even force their friends to like it. This is a kind of emotional paranoia.

Su Dongpo said that Zen Master Foyin is like a pile of dung, and the other party said that he is like a Buddha. What does this contrast show? - DayDayNews

Be yourself the best, treat each other well and respect each other is more important. Don't use your own ideas to inculcate others. In this way, you will lose your friends and cause others to resent.


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