The clever combination of calcium supplementation and nutrition in winter helps the baby grow taller.

2020/12/1310:51:01 baby 1326

99% of the body's calcium is in bones and teeth. Children and adolescents are an important period for bone growth. The calcium requirement reaches its peak at 11-14 years old. It is necessary to arrange a reasonable diet for the child, provide balanced nutrition, sufficient calcium, provide material protection for growth, and lay a solid foundation for bone health in adulthood.

The data in the figure below comes from the 2013 edition of "Chinese Residents' Dietary Nutrient Reference Intake", which is the recommended calcium intake for children and adolescents of different ages.

The clever combination of calcium supplementation and nutrition in winter helps the baby grow taller. - DayDayNews

In your daily diet, you should pay attention to the reasonable choice of ingredients and matching, and often eat calcium-rich foods. Come with me to check which foods are rich in calcium.

The first category of green leafy vegetables that are common and easily overlooked.

Vegetables are an important part of the diet and an important source of minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. 100 grams of small rapeseed contains 153 mg of calcium, 100 grams of Chinese cabbage contains 90 mg of calcium, and 100 grams of spinach, chrysanthemum, broccoli, lettuce can also reach about 70 mg of calcium.

The clever combination of calcium supplementation and nutrition in winter helps the baby grow taller. - DayDayNews

These high-calcium vegetables have one thing in common- green , the chlorophyll content in the leaves is high, and calcium is also rich.

Every day’s diet should include a portion of green leafy vegetables, preferably half of the total vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are suitable for simple cooking, such as garlic and oil lettuce , mushrooms and rapeseed, but they are often less popular with children. They can also be paired with meat to make bok choy balls, buns or dumplings.

The second category of calcium-rich foods is milk and dairy products.

Milk and dairy products are the best sources of calcium. The reason for this is that the calcium content first wins, and secondly, calcium exists in the form of milk calcium , which is easily absorbed by the body. Each 100 grams of milk can provide about 100 mg of calcium, 100 grams of yogurt provides an average of 118 mg of calcium, and 100 grams of cheese provides about 800 mg of calcium.

The clever combination of calcium supplementation and nutrition in winter helps the baby grow taller. - DayDayNews

According to the general specifications on the market of 200ml/box, two boxes of milk can provide 400mg of calcium per day, and a cup of 100ml of yogurt can provide about 500mg of calcium.

is worth noting: most yogurts on the market will add about 10% sugar in order to improve the taste. From a health point of view, the priority is to choose the yogurt with relatively little added sugar, and it is not advisable to drink too much sugar yogurt every day. It is better not to exceed 200ml, so as not to consume too much sugar, which may cause dental caries, obesity and other problems.

The third calcium-rich food is fish, shrimp and crabs. The calcium content of

fish is generally within 100 milligrams (100 grams of fish). Common fish contain higher calcium in bass, small yellow croaker, and sardines. 100 grams of sea shrimp and contain 146 mg of calcium, and 100 grams of sea oysters. (After shelling) 131 mg of calcium, 100 grams of scallop meat contains 142 mg of calcium. These seafoods contain higher calcium.

The clever combination of calcium supplementation and nutrition in winter helps the baby grow taller. - DayDayNews

fish, shrimp and crabs are arranged to eat 2-3 times a week. They are also a source of high-quality protein.

The fourth category of calcium-rich foods is soybeans and soy products.

Both southern tofu and northern tofu, tofu skin, and dried tofu are large calcium-containing producers. Each 100g of the above soy products can provide more than 100mg of calcium. Soy products are eaten in different ways, which enriches the table and strengthens nutrition. Vegetable tofu soup, tofu crushed eggs, dried tofu and celery, tofu fish stew and are all good choices.

The clever combination of calcium supplementation and nutrition in winter helps the baby grow taller. - DayDayNews

Don't ignore these spices, they are also large calcium-containing consumers.

Shrimp skins and sesame sauce are all high-calcium ingredients. The consumption is relatively small, and can also be regularly arranged in the daily diet. 10 grams of shrimp skins can provide about 100 grams of calcium. Steamed chicken cake with shrimp skin, lettuce with sesame sauce and so on.

The clever combination of calcium supplementation and nutrition in winter helps the baby grow taller. - DayDayNews

average daily 500 grams of milk and dairy products, 200 grams of green leafy vegetables, a slap of soy products (about 150 grams), eat seafood 2-3 times a week, plus other things in the diet to provide a small amount of calcium, on average It can reach 1000 mg of calcium per day.

When it comes to calcium, vitamin D is inseparable. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin.It can fully regulate the absorption and utilization of calcium.

There are not many foods rich in vitamin D. They are mainly found in marine fish, especially fish with high fat content, liver, egg yolk and other foods. Vitamin D can be synthesized by the skin through sunlight to make up for insufficient dietary sources. , Participate in outdoor activities more, proper sunshine is conducive to growth.

The clever combination of calcium supplementation and nutrition in winter helps the baby grow taller. - DayDayNews

The family’s eating habits are very important. A balanced diet, a reasonable match according to the baby’s eating habits and tastes, ensure proper physical activity, and help the baby grow up healthily. Let’s collect and practice together!

Reference materials:

"Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" 2016

"Reference Intakes of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents" 2013

"Chinese Food Composition Table" 2nd Edition

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