Guangzhou III Test Tube Hospital: What are the conditions for applying for a donor egg test tube? Is age restricted?

2020/12/0722:00:34 baby 2088

Patients who are familiar with donor egg test tube babies may know that it is much more difficult to do donor egg test tube babies than ordinary test tube babies, and all aspects are relatively strict. Why is this? What requirements must be met to be able to be a donor egg IVF?

Guangzhou III Test Tube Hospital: What are the conditions for applying for a donor egg test tube? Is age restricted? - DayDayNews

1, Guangzhou Third Generation Test Tube Hospital: What are the conditions for applying for a donor egg test tube?

Donor egg test-tube babies must meet certain clinical indications, such as chromosomal diseases, genetic diseases, non-ovulation, low egg quality, etc. If it meets the clinical indications of the hospital, you can go to the tertiary A hospital to get the number and wait in line. Older age, premature ovarian failure, ovariectomy, congenital immature ovaries, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. are basically the key factors that lead to a woman's egglessness. If you suffer from uterine diseases, such as uterine malformations, uterine fibroids, etc., you must first treat the uterus to the point where you can become pregnant, and then carry out IVF promotion.

Generally speaking, the following kinds of people must donate eggs: women who are over 50 years old or whose premature ovarian failure has shown that they must donate eggs; women who have genetic diseases or chromosomal abnormalities; groups where the IVF technique is unsuccessful for 3 times and male key factors are excluded , It is best to donate eggs.

Guangzhou III Test Tube Hospital: What are the conditions for applying for a donor egg test tube? Is age restricted? - DayDayNews

2, Guangzhou III Test Tube Hospital: Is the age of donor egg IVF restricted?

IVF surgery is common, but the pregnancy rate and success rate will decline with the increase in the age of the treatment. 38 years old is the dividing line for IVF, if you reach this age, the success rate may drop sharply, after 40 years old The pregnancy rate is almost only 20%. Not only does up to half of the egg cells have genetic mutations, the spontaneous abortion rate is also as high as 50%. In Singapore, patients older than forty-five years old are not allowed to undergo IVF, but there is no age limit. If they are not already menopausal, they still have the last chance. However, it must be recommended. , Grasp the age group and limit early conditioning, only hope for pregnancy.

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