The long-term unsuccessful pregnancy preparation is mostly because of "it". Pay attention to these three signs in the body

2020/12/0720:40:12 baby 2721

has her own little family, many sisters hope to have a child with her husband. However, not all women have fertile physique, and any pregnancy can be successful. Many sisters have not been able to get pregnant for a long time. Why can't they get pregnant?

In fact, under the influence of the general environment, there are many reasons for not being able to get pregnant, and one of them is very common, that is, insufficient progesterone.

This is a very important hormone in the body and is closely related to our fertility. When you have these three symptoms, it is likely to be insufficient progesterone. If you want to successfully prepare for pregnancy, you must pay more attention!

The long-term unsuccessful pregnancy preparation is mostly because of

Irregular menstruation

Our normal menstrual cycle is 21-35 days, but if you want to get pregnant, the best cycle can be 28-30 days. This cycle is more conducive to the development and maturity of the follicles and ensures the quality of the follicles.

If you find that your menstrual cycle is not stable, the menstrual cycle is advanced or delayed, it is likely to be related to imperfect corpus luteum function, and luteal function and progesterone are also closely related.

Therefore, we can indirectly judge the level of progesterone in our body through the menstrual cycle. As an important hormone for maintaining pregnancy, the lack of progesterone content is very important for pregnancy, so we must pay attention.

The long-term unsuccessful pregnancy preparation is mostly because of

Insomnia and dreaminess

There are many factors for insomnia and dreaminess. After excluding mental stress, staying up late, and surrounding noise, there are still symptoms of insomnia and dreaminess. It is necessary to consider whether it is because of insufficient progesterone.

If you are preparing for pregnancy, it is best to go to the hospital to check the six hormones and look at the corpus luteum function.

The long-term unsuccessful pregnancy preparation is mostly because of

Breast hyperplasia

This point should also be noted. Breast hyperplasia is a typical symptom of insufficient progesterone. If the corpus luteum function in the body is unstable, the hormone levels in the body will also be disordered, which may affect the breast, causing breast hyperplasia, breast obstruction, etc symptom.

If you feel breast tenderness or feel nodules, you must go to the hospital for examination in time to avoid affecting pregnancy.

The long-term unsuccessful pregnancy preparation is mostly because of

Methods of supplementing progesterone

Insufficient progesterone will affect the preparation for pregnancy. If you are sure that you are indeed deficient in progesterone, you can try the following three methods.

1 Eat more beans, spinach, kudzu, especially black beans, which can help the secretion of progesterone.

2 Oral drug supplement, take progesterone tablets as prescribed by your doctor, and supplement progesterone. Intramuscular injection of

3, injecting progesterone according to the doctor's advice, can solve the problem of progesterone deficiency very quickly.

The long-term unsuccessful pregnancy preparation is mostly because of

Lack of progesterone greatly affects pregnancy preparation. If you are late in preparing for pregnancy, you must consider whether it is progesterone deficiency. If progesterone deficiency is determined, it is best to supplement with food supplements. If there is no improvement after a period of time, it is best to consult a doctor. Don't delay getting pregnant.

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