At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears

2020/07/2414:48:08 baby 893

Guide: 6 months of pregnancy is the "high incidence" period when the fetal umbilical cord wraps around the neck. Pregnant women know early prevention.

all say that the first trimester is the peak period of threatened fetal abortion. As long as it is safe to pass, pregnant women can rest assured. But in fact, every pregnancy has different risks, and pregnant women need to be cautious and follow the doctor's requirements for regular check-ups.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

such as 6 months of pregnancy. According to the feeling of the pregnant woman and the size of the belly, 6 months of pregnancy should be a relatively comfortable period of pregnancy. The pregnant woman is already pregnant, but the belly is not very large. It will neither squeeze the stomach and cause discomfort nor press the bladder to cause frequent urination. , The action is also more convenient; the fetal movement is obvious, although it is not regular and there is no rhythm, but the active fetus will interact with the pregnant woman every day, so that the pregnant woman can experience the magic of the fetal movement...

But in fact, even the relatively easy pregnancy 6 There are also many risks to the fetus at the age of 30 months.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

6 months of pregnancy, do you know the development of the fetus?

In medicine, 4 gestational weeks are 1 month of pregnancy, so 6 months of pregnancy include: 21 weeks of pregnancy, 22 weeks of pregnancy, 23 weeks of pregnancy, and 24 weeks of pregnancy.

22 weeks of pregnancy: The fetus has a head and hip length of 16 cm and weighs about 300 grams. Although

has gained weight, since subcutaneous fat has not yet been produced, the fetal skin is still red and wrinkled, just like an old man. At this stage, the intrauterine space is relatively spacious, the amniotic fluid is also very abundant, and the fetus has a variety of postures. It may be punched and kicked, overturned, or wrapped around the umbilical cord in circles. Pregnant women can feel various fetal movements.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

23 weeks of gestation: The fetus has a head and hip length of 19 cm and weighs about 350 grams. The retina of

fetus has been formed and has weak eyesight; sweat glands have appeared, blood vessels are clearly visible, but the skin is not as transparent as before. The fetus’s nails are growing, and brain cells are beginning to develop rapidly, especially the germinal matrix that produces brain cells in the center of the brain, which develops very fast.

23 weeks of pregnancy: The fetus has a head and hip length of 20 cm and weighs about 455 grams. The body of the

fetus is becoming more and more symmetrical, looking like a full-term fetus, but still very thin. And since subcutaneous fat has not yet begun to accumulate, the skin is relatively transparent, and the bones and organs under the skin can be clearly seen.

However, the bones of the fetus’s inner ear have been completely hardened at this time, so his hearing is becoming more and more acute. Not only can he hear outside sounds and the pregnant woman’s heartbeat, but he can also distinguish the source of the sound.

24 weeks of pregnancy: The fetus has a head buttock length of 21 cm and weighs about 540 grams. The

fetus is trying to grow. Although it is still very thin, the lungs are developing, and it has developed to the extent that even if it is born prematurely, there is a chance to help him survive.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

This stage is also the peak period of fetal brain development. If pregnant women can increase nutrition, eat more foods that promote brain development, such as foods rich in DHA and high-quality protein, and with scientific prenatal education and appropriate exercise, the fetus’s intellectual development Will be higher.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

6 months of pregnancy, what are the risks to the fetus?

Although 6 months of pregnancy is a relatively safe month, if pregnant women cannot be careful and protect themselves, they will still encounter many dangers, such as the umbilical cord around the neck, intrauterine hypoxia, and premature delivery of the fetus.

6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is prone to encounter three kinds of dangers. Even if a pregnant woman appears, be careful:

1. Umbilical cord around the neck

Umbilical cord around the neck is very common in obstetric clinics, and about 20-25% of women have encountered it during pregnancy. The chance of appearing is higher.

The umbilical cord around the neck is mainly related to the fetus being too active, the umbilical cord is too long, too much amniotic fluid, and the fetus is too small. Most of them are wound 1-2 laps. Because the umbilical cord has a compensatory stretch, as long as the wound is not particularly tight and the number of laps is not particularly large, it will generally not cause too much harm to the fetus, so there is no need to worry too much.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

However, there are special circumstances. Some fetal umbilical cords wrap more than three times around the neck, and some are tightly wound, which may endanger the health of the fetus.

6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is small, the umbilical cord is long, and there is more amniotic fluid, which just meets the factors of the umbilical cord around the neck, so the incidence of the fetus around the neck is very high at this time, which can be said to be the "high incidence" of the umbilical cord around the neck. Pregnant women need to know and prevent early and pay close attention to their own conditions. If the fetal movement is abnormal, restlessness, it is likely to be caused by the umbilical cord around the neck.Medical examination.

At the same time, the examination of the umbilical cord around the neck is carried out by B-ultrasound. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women follow the doctor's requirements for regular check-ups and pay close attention to the intrauterine development of the fetus.

2. Intrauterine hypoxia

Intrauterine hypoxia is a very dangerous thing, ranging from small fetal growth and developmental delay, to severe fetal death. As for the cause of hypoxia, it may be that the umbilical cord wraps around the neck, or the maternal blood oxygen level is insufficient, or the placenta dysfunction.

Regardless of the factor, when the fetus is hypoxic, they will call for help through fetal movement, such as restless fetal movement, strong and continuous pushing and twisting fetal movement, or fetal movement that is significantly reduced until it stops, which are ominous. Once it appears, you must seek medical attention!

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

3. Premature fetus

In China, newborns born under 37 weeks of gestational age are called premature babies; but in foreign countries, they refer to newborns born at gestational age of 20 weeks but less than 37 weeks and weighing more than 500g and less than 2500g Children, called premature babies; and newborns with a birth weight of less than 1000g, are also called ultra-low birth weight babies.

Newborns born at 6 months of pregnancy are the so-called "ultra-low birth weight infants."

Although the lungs of the fetus are developing, even if the fetus is born prematurely, as long as the care is waiting, there is a possibility of survival, but the probability is very low, and it will consume a lot of manpower and material resources. Even if it survives, it needs careful care in the later stage. There is a chance to meet the developmental standards of full-term infants, which is extremely dangerous!

Therefore, pregnant women must protect themselves to avoid premature births.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

6 months pregnant, what should pregnant women pay attention to?

Since the fetus is 6 months pregnant, the fetus is prone to encounter the above three dangers, so for the safety and health of the fetus, pregnant women can proceed from these three dangers.

1. Regarding the umbilical cord around the neck

pregnant women should not only have regular check-ups, pay attention to fetal movements, but also avoid frequent fetal movements. Don't touch your belly frequently, don't fluctuate too much, don't get angry, don't stay up late and don't sleep, and don't often eat spicy and irritating foods. These will affect the fetal movement and increase the occurrence of the umbilical cord around the neck.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

2. About intrauterine hypoxia

When fetal hypoxia is intrauterine, in addition to its own performance, pregnant women will also feel it. Some pregnant women always feel flustered, short of breath and lack of oxygen, which may increase the occurrence of fetal hypoxia.

Because the fetus’s oxygen comes from the mother’s body, if the mother’s blood oxygen level is insufficient, the fetus will naturally be affected and hypoxia will also occur.

Therefore, whether it is abnormal fetal movement, poor breathing or insufficient oxygen in pregnant women, it is recommended to seek medical examination.

At the same time, pregnant women also need to pay attention to their own situation, do not go to crowded, narrow space, poor air circulation, and dress not too tight.

3. Regarding premature delivery of the fetus

Premature delivery of the fetus is nothing more than two major reasons, one is its own factors, such as double/multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, uterine tension, or uterine abnormalities, etc.; the other is external factors, such as infections of pregnant women Being hit by external forces, overworked, etc.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is likely to encounter three kinds of dangers, even if a pregnant woman appears - DayDayNews

own factors are difficult to avoid, but through obstetric inspection and supervision, early detection and prevention can be achieved to minimize the risk of premature birth; external factors need to rely on the pregnant woman to protect herself as much as possible, and do not let yourself be injured or let yourself Overwork, don’t eat improperly, stay up late, get angry and get angry.

Normally, if pregnant women can protect themselves, and have a good living habits, a good attitude, coupled with regular check-ups, the fetus will generally not be in great danger.

Parenting Message:

Whether it is the first trimester with a high incidence of fetal abortion, the third trimester with frequent preterm births, or the relatively easy and safe second trimester, pregnant women should be more cautious, not only paying attention to their own health, but also regular checkups , To protect yourself, to "know early and prevent early" for some easily encountered dangers. Only in this way can the fetus grow healthier and safer.

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