What would happen if the baby was unexpectedly born at home after just over six months of pregnancy?

2024/07/0308:59:33 baby 1354

The pregnancy was only more than six months

The child was unexpectedly born at home

What happened?

Recently, Ms. Wang, who was more than six months pregnant in Xinxiang, Henan,

suddenly felt some discomfort in her stomach.

As a result, an accident occurred when she went to the toilet...

What would happen if the baby was unexpectedly born at home after just over six months of pregnancy? - DayDayNews

When Ms. Wang's sister saw it,

the baby had already been born.

The family quickly called 120

and sent the mother and baby to the hospital in time.

What would happen if the baby was unexpectedly born at home after just over six months of pregnancy? - DayDayNews

Because they were premature babies

weighing just over two kilograms

and were found to have sepsis pulmonary bleeding

Currently, the baby is still in the intensive care unit

The arms are extremely small

Only the thumbs of an adult So rough

What would happen if the baby was unexpectedly born at home after just over six months of pregnancy? - DayDayNews

According to the doctor's introduction

the baby's vital signs are not yet stable

Now the child is still undergoing invasive ventilation

and needs various life and respiratory support

What would happen if the baby was unexpectedly born at home after just over six months of pregnancy? - DayDayNews

The doctor said

The mother had gestational hypertension during pregnancy

and had meningitis as a child

It may be Some sequelae

At the same time, the mother did not take care of the maternity maintenance period as scheduled.

This may eventually lead to premature birth

What would happen if the baby was unexpectedly born at home after just over six months of pregnancy? - DayDayNews

Ms. Wang had two sons before.

This time it is a daughter.

The original name was already given.

As a result, this situation has occurred now.

Because in Intensive care unit

The cost of a day is more than 4,000 yuan

What would happen if the baby was unexpectedly born at home after just over six months of pregnancy? - DayDayNews

Ms. Wang’s husband said

No matter how much money is spent

We must take good care of the child

We cannot give up this little life

What would happen if the baby was unexpectedly born at home after just over six months of pregnancy? - DayDayNews

I learned that Ms. Wang’s family is relatively difficult

Xinxiang city center The hospital also said

that it has established a green channel for Ms. Wang's family

There is no need to pay during hospitalization

At the same time, the national medical insurance can reimburse most of the expenses

The hospital will also do its best to help the child's treatment

What would happen if the baby was unexpectedly born at home after just over six months of pregnancy? - DayDayNews

I believe that the baby will bring the love of


The warmth with uncles and aunts

Getting better little by little

Reprinted from: Xiaoli helps

Reporter: Wang Xiaoli and Wu Peng

Source: Henan Radio and Television Station

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