Starting at around four o'clock, kindergarten children and primary school students were dismissed from school one after another. Countless parents gathered at the school gate, some leaving and some coming. I took my son back home at around five o'clock. Not long after he entered

2024/07/0201:15:33 baby 1548

Starting from around four o'clock, the kindergarten children and primary school students are getting out of school one after another. Countless parents gathered at the school gate, some leaving and some coming. I took my son back home at around five o'clock. Not long after

entered the door, the child's father said! Let’s take the children for a walk in the park later! My mother-in-law and I answered in unison, OK! Go after eating. My son, who was concentrating on watching cartoons, happily ran to the TV and turned off the TV.

It will be dark soon, so let’s go quickly! I urged them to take their time.

The park is two acres away from the community where we live. It took us about ten minutes to drive and wait for the traffic light to reach the familiar park. We often come to this park. It is the nearest and largest park near our home. It is said that the park was established a long time ago. I don’t know the specific year. We parked the car at the north gate of the park. My daughter almost fell asleep in the car and was reluctant to get out of the car and enter the park in a stroller.

Starting at around four o'clock, kindergarten children and primary school students were dismissed from school one after another. Countless parents gathered at the school gate, some leaving and some coming. I took my son back home at around five o'clock. Not long after he entered  - DayDayNews

Full of greenery

This park has two gates, one north gate and one east gate. We often enter the park through the north gate. It is very convenient to go directly from our community to the north gate! The south gate is different. You have to go through a lengthy traffic light and turn a corner to get there.

Entering the east side of the park is a not too big basketball court. Especially in the summer, we often see some nearby students playing basketball together here. There are many different fitness equipments next to the basketball court. The paint of the fitness equipment has been peeled off after years of exposure to wind, sun and rain, and the areas where the paint has peeled off are stained with rust. As I was passing by, I heard a middle-aged man say to another middle-aged man! We have to exercise regularly so as not to cause trouble to the children. There are seven or eight table tennis tables placed on the west side. People who like to play table tennis nearby gather here. I remember one time I came to hang out and saw many people gathered here to play table tennis, including young people, old people, and children as young as seven or eight years old.

This is the first time my daughter has come here to play since she was born. She is very excited and her impatience has completely disappeared. She looked at the unfamiliar environment around her. She was so excited that she straightened her back and stood in the car, looking around. She pointed here and there with her little fingers, and babbling in words that we couldn't understand.

After entering the park, we split into two groups. My husband took his son to climb up the ancient city gate tower! My mother-in-law and I took our daughter for a stroll along the trails in the park. There seemed to be quite a lot of people walking in the park at this time, either alone or in groups, but basically they were walking together, talking and laughing. Most of the people who came to the park for a walk today were middle-aged and older people. My daughter may be tired of standing, so she sits quietly in the car and plays with her fingers. Every time I see my daughter like this, I will jokingly say loudly, the little guy is counting on his fingers again! My mother-in-law walked in front, and I pushed my daughter to follow. I said to myself to my daughter! Daughter, think about when your father will meet a noble person! The mother-in-law said with a smile, "I have met a noble man a long time ago, and you are his noble man." I said, "Mom, how did you become so good at talking? Do you know how annoying it is when you say nasty things?" My mother-in-law looked at me with a smile and continued walking forward.

Suddenly we heard bursts of singing, the singing was nearby and getting closer and closer! After listening carefully, it turned out to be the tall young woman walking from the opposite side singing. My mother-in-law's rap about sounds really good! I said disapprovingly, does it sound good? She seems to be practicing her voice! I didn't even hear what was being sung. The woman singing looks about the same as my mother-in-law, maybe she is a professional! Maybe it’s a personal hobby!

Before we knew it, we had walked around the park three times! My legs felt a little itchy. I didn’t like running when I was in elementary school. I have a problem that I can’t name. If I walk too much or for a long time, my legs will feel itchy. And I also found that my son may have inherited this problem from me. He will walk too much or too fast. I feel my legs are itching unbearably.

Starting at around four o'clock, kindergarten children and primary school students were dismissed from school one after another. Countless parents gathered at the school gate, some leaving and some coming. I took my son back home at around five o'clock. Not long after he entered  - DayDayNews

People walking in the park

At this time we walked to the entrance of the zoo. My daughter stared at the animal pictures on the wall with wide eyes. The zoo had already closed for two hours. Immediately afterwards, the mother-in-law pushed her daughter to the arch bridge opposite the zoo. Under the arch bridge was a small pond. There were many budding lotus flowers in the small pond. The lotus flowers were about to bloom. They were custard-yellow and looked very beautiful from a distance. Got it!

Starting at around four o'clock, kindergarten children and primary school students were dismissed from school one after another. Countless parents gathered at the school gate, some leaving and some coming. I took my son back home at around five o'clock. Not long after he entered  - DayDayNews

Lotus Pond

Mr. and his son have gone somewhere? My mother-in-law and I took turns pushing my daughter.

It was getting dark, and my mother-in-law said, "It's going to get dark soon! Let's go for a walk!" Then my phone rang! I opened it and saw it was a WeChat message from my husband. He sent me a video to watch and asked me where I was! I could see that they were in the small square in the middle of the park. I quickly pushed my daughter to speed up and returned the same way with my mother-in-law. We came to the small square, but there were no traces of him and the father in the square. It took a long time! The husband sent another message saying, "Wait a moment, we will check at the entrance of the zoo and then go to the small square to find you."

After waiting for about five minutes, the two figures appeared under a small tree not far away! Shadowy.

Let's go! The gentleman said it first!

My daughter couldn't hold it any longer, so she stood up from the car and let her be held. The husband lovingly picked up her and walked in front of her. His son also made a fuss and said he was exhausted! He kept pestering me and carried him away. I bent down and used all my strength to pick up the little guy, but after walking about twenty meters I was out of breath from exhaustion. The little guy is so heavy that it hurts to hold it in my arms and carry it on my back! Feeling like I have no control over my legs.

I put down my heavy son, who ran ten meters away in a swish, and my daughter also sat in the stroller obediently. It was getting dark, the street lights in the park were on, and the music playing at the north entrance was booming. When we walked in, we saw dozens of people lining up neatly to dance in the square!

As soon as the car started, my daughter sitting in my arms closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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